Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Topic started by: Adio on March 07, 2010, 12:35:51 AM Return to Full Version

Title: "Are you doing drugs?" stp=bong? lol
Post by: Adio on March 07, 2010, 12:35:51 AM
So tonight I decided to make my own STP packer.  After figuring out basically what I needed, I went out and picked up some tubing, a medicine spoon, and a dropper.  My mom was out when I got back so I started working on it.

I got out my knife and began cutting up the tubing.  That part was easy.  I was still hacking away at the medicine spoon when my mom got home.  At first she didn't say anything.  She's gotten used to my doing "weird" things.  I guess the curiosity finally got to her though because soon she asked, "Are you on drugs?"

She told me she saw the tubing in my room and wanted to know if I was doing anything illegal.  Obviously tubing+medicine spoon=drugs.  I said no.  She seemed uncomfortable and lingered.  She asked what I was doing with that stuff then.

I laughed and asked if she really wanted to know (she knows by now if I say that, it's about trans stuff--she doesn't like talking about it).  She said yes, so I told her that I was going to make "something to pee out of."  I didn't want to go through the hassle of explaining what an stp was or how it worked.

This just confused her more.  I had to explain the step-by-step process of how to make an stp.  She still didn't get it.  I asked her if she'd forgotten that I was a guy (she's known for six years).  She said, "you don't let me forget."  I told her that guys pee standing up and that's what I'm going to do.  She said, "well, guys have a penis."  "So do I," I told her.  "That's what I'm going to put the tubing through."  She just sighed and told me not to burn the house down.
Title: Re: "Are you doing drugs?" stp=bong? lol
Post by: DavisJ86 on March 07, 2010, 12:49:01 AM
Quote from: Adio on March 07, 2010, 12:35:51 AM
She just sighed and told me not to burn the house down.

That's like a typical mom answer to things they don't either get or don't want to be involved in. Also, the items used to make an STP could be used to make like a 2 liter soda bottle bong or a glass vase bong. Sorry the former pothead in me, sometimes gets the best of me.
Title: Re: "Are you doing drugs?" stp=bong? lol
Post by: Lex on March 08, 2010, 11:23:55 AM
Sometimes I think my mom would prefer me making a bong rather than an STP.
She's trying to understand though, and that's all I can hope for I suppose...
I remember the early talks we'd have about binding (before she realized it would be an every-day sort of thing):

"You have boobs, Lex.. get over it."
"Mom! If you could get rid of yours, wouldn't you?"
"Lex, that's an entirely different situation..."
"Yeah.. only 'cause mine make me cry and stuff!"
"*shaking head in defeat* You win."

My mom tends to hate my dysphoric moments. =P
Title: Re: "Are you doing drugs?" stp=bong? lol
Post by: zombiesarepeaceful on March 08, 2010, 02:41:51 PM
This post made me ROFL. Comical stuff there. I'm sure people wonder sometimes when they see us make stps. I'm off to make one right now :D
Title: Re: "Are you doing drugs?" stp=bong? lol
Post by: Adio on March 08, 2010, 07:02:36 PM
Glad I could make y'all laugh.  I thought it was pretty funny too.

@Davis:  I had no idea.  I thought she was just being paranoid like usual.  Learn something new everyday.  :laugh:

@Lex:  Sometimes I think my mom would rather me do drugs too.  I'm glad yours is trying to be understanding.  I think mine has kinda given up.  lol about the binding.  Parents can be so stubborn sometimes.

@Zombies:  Thankfully she didn't watch me doing the actual piercing of the packer.  I think she would have been traumatized!  LOL