General Discussions => General discussions => Topic started by: confused on April 17, 2010, 01:12:06 PM Return to Full Version

Title: a self destructive pattern
Post by: confused on April 17, 2010, 01:12:06 PM
i had something happened to i've been dwelling ito a self distructing pattern , of using alcohol most of the time and rarely leave home . i don't go to collage anymore , i don't go do work . and i don't wanna care . i just wanna be happy and i use alcohol to do that , i know it's the wrong thing to do but i can't do anything else . and i have no one with me , or no one who understands or knows , i wish i could just kill myself bt i don't know what would happen after death , i just don't know . now i'm happy but i know it's wrong to use alcohol as coping strategie . but i really don't know nay other way . i still wear double naderwear although it's pretty hot where i live . and i wish i had someone with me who knew how i really suffer but i'm a;ll aslone and i'm really helpless and
i'm jus sharing here as i know no one can do anything to help , but i iwsh i weren't that lonely about my problems , i wanna kill myself but i don't know iif there was anything after death
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: juliekins on April 17, 2010, 01:33:06 PM

Do you still maintain contact with friends? Do they see you? Have you got family to turn to?

Does your city or area have a social services agency to help you? It sounds like you are strongly depressed, and self medicating with alcohol.

We here, at Susan's care about you. Please take steps now to help yourself. You deserve to live a joyful life.
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: confused on April 17, 2010, 01:45:10 PM
Quote from: juliekins on April 17, 2010, 01:33:06 PM

Do you still maintain contact with friends? Do they see you? Have you got family to turn to?

Does your city or area have a social services agency to help you? It sounds like you are strongly depressed, and self medicating with alcohol.

We here, at Susan's care about you. Please take steps now to help yourself. You deserve to live a joyful life.
no , i don't have any suppport whatsoever but here , i just was raoed yesterday and i can't really tell anyone , and i feel awful andf i don't care about anything anymore and i know everyone got enouhg problems

anyway i don't know what  i'm typing right nowe , maybe wheni
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: Flan on April 17, 2010, 02:00:00 PM
I said it before and I'll say it again.

the rape isn't your fault

at this point your therapist is the only lifeline around, they gotta know this stuff to help you heal from the trauma.
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: Janet_Girl on April 17, 2010, 02:10:15 PM
Rape is a crime, and must be punished.  I don't know your laws where you live, but you need to report it.

Alcohol is doing nothing for you but putting you into a deeper depression.  Seek out help.  Get to your therapist ASAP.  Throw out the booze, please.

We are here for you, Lia.  And we do understand how depression worsen, and it is worst with alcohol.

Get somewhere or call someone for help.
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: RebeccaFog on April 17, 2010, 02:23:17 PM
Hi Lia,

    There are many reasons to not use alcohol. Besides the depression it causes, it can mess your body up badly over time. Plus, drinking can prevent you from overcoming your real obstacles.

    You are holding in too much emotion and you really need to speak honestly with a therapist. A good therapist might help by suggesting activities to distract yourself when you need it. Sometimes drawing or writing can help, but there are probably other activities too. Knitting or building something.

    As isolated as you are, try to not feel so alone. I know this site isn't the same as having someone to hug, but people here will always give you support.


Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: confused on April 18, 2010, 12:43:20 AM

Do you still maintain contact with friends? Do they see you? Have you got family to turn to?
i try not to be isolated , so i force myself sometimes to pick up the phone and have people around me but the most of me just wants to be alone when i'm sober

QuoteAs isolated as you are, try to not feel so alone. I know this site isn't the same as having someone to hug, but people here will always give you support.

this site actually really helping me , it's my outlet and resort , and here is the only place where i'm really honest and true , i mean everywhere else i always pretend i'm someone that i'm not . and here there are a lot of friends and helpful understanding people so it is pretty much helping me survive
I said it before and I'll say it again.

the rape isn't your fault

at this point your therapist is the only lifeline around, they gotta know this stuff to help you heal from the trauma

i know it's not my fault , although there was a lot of things i could have done . and i can't really tell about it not even my therapist , but i think i will get over it on my own all i need is time

QuoteRape is a crime, and must be punished.  I don't know your laws where you live, but you need to report it.
well it makes no sense if i report it , because first i went there with my consent and have not even a scratch on me except a blistering.. um area . and also i'm identified here as male so it wouldn't make any sense

QuoteWe are here for you, Lia.  And we do understand how depression worsen, and it is worst with alcohol.
thanks , i know my friends here are wonderful and supportive , i guess that's why whenever i'm drunk and/or depressed i get here and just start complaining about things lol

QuoteThere are many reasons to not use alcohol. Besides the depression it causes, it can mess your body up badly over time. Plus, drinking can prevent you from overcoming your real obstacles.
well i'm sober now and planning to stay that way , mostly because whenever i wake up after being passed out i find out that i did a lot of things and i'm like 'what the hell' lol then i have to fix a lot of things haha
and also i know alcohol is never a cure , being positive and having people like you who are supportive is the true answer :)

thanks all :icon_bunch:
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: Cindy on April 18, 2010, 03:11:40 AM
Dear Lia,
You need to get some medical help. You don't know if you have been infected wit an STD from the rape. Go to an ER and tell them (I presume you are in the USA) it doesn't matter if you present as male, female or as a garden gnome, but you must get checked. It's up to you to decide if to report to the police, I would. The circumstance don't matter Rape is a crime in ANY circumstance, and a very disgusting one. All rapists should be castrated, preferably publiclly with a rusty hammer.

You need help with the booze as well. Again drinking to oblivion is no crime, but it will not help a single aspect of your life. I know, I drink as well. There are many treatments for depression, many work very well, again  the ER can help.

There are ways forward for you. We are all here for you, but you have to take some steps. I have enough grief in my life to lose another sister :-*

Take care darling and keep in touch with us all. WE CARE.

Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: confused on April 18, 2010, 10:27:48 AM
thanks cindy  :) . well i actually did check myself for std's today
and i'm really ok now , i mean i know how depression goes and i'm trying to be positive and doing a fairly fine .. i think . and now after a while i think it was not that harsh because in a short while when he saw tears he just stopped . what stopping me from reporting it that i have no proof of anything , so it would be just useless and i really don't want anyone to know , i mean it's over and i'm ok now ;D

as for the alcohol , as i said before, my plan is to stay sober because alcohol only makes things worse , i've been into a similar pattern before and in the end things go way too far and out of control , that's why i'm stopping it now , i mean i still staying home most of the time but i havn't had a drink or anything since yesterday and i'm not planning to make things worse than they already are
thanks  :)
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: tekla on April 18, 2010, 10:43:48 AM
I'm going to try and tell you some stuff straight-up.

I've worked around rock bands for over 40 years now, including extensive work with one whose name is synonymous with massive drug use and abuse.  I've seen everybody around me do about every drug that ever existed.  And, I've done just about every drug their is (except crack, though I did freebase once, so that's close).  I've never seen them do people much good, but the down-side is not near as bad that the critics would have you think except for the white-powder ones (meth, coke, smack).  And in all that drug soaked existence every single person I've ever known who has ruined their life with drugs, or somehow had drugs kill them did it with alcohol.* 

Let me repeat that, because it's real important.
every single person I've ever known who has ruined their life with drugs . . . did it with alcohol

I've both been in and worked with large crowds of people, say 2,000 and up who were all (say 60-80%+) pretty much on the same drugs.  Pot/weed (most Dead shows, Cyprus Hill, any Rasta show), LSD (some of the old, back-in-the-day >-bleeped-< where everyone got dosed walking in), New Wave stuff back in the 80s where everyone in the club had a spoon around their neck and a vile of 'some really dynamite >-bleeped-< that's pure Bolivian Flake man, and even tweekers as I bet 70% of the ICPs crowd was on meth - lots of it.  For weeks, months, perhaps years... - and NO bunch of people are harder to handle than a bunch of drunks.  Singularly, or collectively.  Ask any bartender, cocktail waitress, club worker.

Because, alcohol is the self-indulgent, very lazy drug that opens up all the gateways to your inner >-bleeped-< and let's them all rule the roost.

That why out of all the drugs I bet its harder to quite drinking then just about anything short of heroin addiction or smoking.  It's because the very first thing drinking does (and not that it's always a bad thing but...) is render the advice and help of other people useless.  And, so long as you're drunk you pretty much are never going to give much thought - other than self pity - to the idea that you might even need help.

So, you wind up kinda (and hell, you're what, 24, >-bleeped-< didn't take long did it?) on a nine mile skid on a ten mile ride.

And, going by what you said, I'm thinking your drinking alone, at home and that's the E Ticket on the highway to hell.  >-bleeped-<, if you have/or are:

using alcohol most of the time,
not going to collage anymore,
don't go do work,
don't care,
and wish i could just kill myself
then you are more than a couple of exits along that road as it is.  In the fast lane.  Pedal to the Metal.  Like Thelma and Louise.  And if you drive like lightening, you crash like thunder.

Of course you are alone.  Of almost all the types of various human degeneracy drunks are about the most miserable to put up with.  They smell bad (not helped by a general lack of simple hygiene), but the drug itself makes people smell bad.  They are alternating belligerent and melancholy, about the two worse personal attributes that anyone can choose to model.  Drunks always end and die alone because no one else - and by that point, even other drunks - can stand them anymore.

Your friends can't help you.  Your family can't help you.  What you have is a medical problem - because drugs are all about the mind/body deal - and you should seek medical help - a doctor or a therapist person to help you with those parts of it.  You also need to work out the social issues that both drove the drinking and resulted from it.  For that you pretty much need other drunks.  So AA might help.  A lot. 

Because the one thing that they know - that only a few of us know is that drugs - no matter which one you find - are frickin' great.  Awesome stuff.  Incredibility powerful in very minute doses some of them.  And they work, they work like few other things in life do, and that's as advertised!  Alcohol is a pain killer and for physical pain it's pretty darn good, but for psyche pain, it's awesome.  So your going to have to find out what the source of that pain is and deal with it.  Once you do that alcohol will lose its power over you.

* - I do have one close industry guy who 'died from heroin' but in reality it wasn't the smack so much as it was that 30 years of smack addiction = 30 years of never doing anything more strenuous than playing guitar while eating a steady diet of chili-cheese dogs and Häagen-Dazs and his arteries basically turned to cement and he had a couple of strokes then a massive heart attack.
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: confused on April 18, 2010, 11:37:35 AM
well , i don't care much about dying tekla . but i did stop alcohol now , when i wrote that first post i was too drunk . it's kinda easy for me now to not drink at all as i don't like it's post effects like hangovers and nausea , so i keep focusing and emphasizing those things so it'd be easy to stay away from it
thanks for being straight and yet nice :)
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: tekla on April 18, 2010, 11:50:09 AM
Yeah I hit the wrong button and posted that before I was done.  Now I'm done.  And really, the behaviors you listed are the classic warning signs of drug dependency and losing control over it - like Santa Claus, red and white ribbons, and wreaths are the classic warning signs of Christmas.

Don't mess with it, or think you can get over on it.  You can't.  You need now to find a way to deal with it.
Title: Re: a self destructive pattern
Post by: jesse on April 20, 2010, 07:21:02 AM
ty cindy for your input on that reading her post just froze me in memories lia i hope you get past this soon hugs