General Discussions => General discussions => Pets and creatures => Topic started by: bellbell on April 24, 2010, 05:50:16 PM Return to Full Version

Title: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on April 24, 2010, 05:50:16 PM
heya all :P  (sorry if this is the wrong section....but plants can be pet too! :P you gota feed them an water them an talk to them so they'll be happy :P)

im growing some plants and though hmm....i should post on Susans! ^.^ so hear i am!

im growing a buncha stuff :P some i dont even know what it is, but hears what i thinks i got!

chives(for sure)
parsly(pretty sure)
tarragon(99% sure)
lemongrass (for sure)
lemonbalm (for sure)
i think theres 2 or 3 other things, but i have no idea, and if so, theyre not sprouting yet :P

i got the chives an parsly and like 2 other things in one pot, their growing good. i keep them on the porch which gets good sun in the early day then shade in the hottest part of our desert day.

i water them when ever the soil gets dry or mostly dry, which hear is about every day/other day

i give them a homemade supplement i made out of crushed garlic supplement pills, green tea w/ ginger tea bags and jasmine pearl teabags. its kinda fermented now but i think it accualy works better :P stinks baaaaad though (this coming from some one who loves the smell of tea, garlic, and jasmine). i spray this on about every 5-8 days, give or take a day or two, only when they need watering though, cuz i spray it on then water them so that 1: the water helps it seep into the soil(its in a spray bottel so i mist it on) and 2: so that it washes off the leaves.

iv got another pot of seeds going, but they havnt sprouted yet, i started them not too long ago. these ones are the lemongrass and lemon balm. i had some of this growing earlyer but it died cuz i had them in a diffrent place that got full sun alot of the day, and they burned an dryed out when i was away, i was pretty upset :/ all good now though!

i talk to them every day :P (not crazy, the CO2 and love helps! better than just breathing on them :P)


Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: V M on April 24, 2010, 06:17:33 PM
There is a garden area at my apt.s

I'm generally the only one who does much of anything with it

Some of the other tenants talk about doing something, but that tends to translate to wanting me to do everything for them while they rob my stuff

Not sure what all I'm planting this year
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: spacial on April 24, 2010, 06:47:07 PM
One of my main joys in life is growing stuff on my allotment.

I rent it from the local council for small beans by the year.

I have about 16 fruit trees and regularly grow a load of different veg.

Since everything tends to be ready about the same time, I usually give it away to neighbours, especially those with children.

My main fertiliser is composted veg with very stale urine poured over. The urine, when stale has a lot of amonia so provides a lot of nitrogen.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on April 25, 2010, 01:31:16 PM
Quote from: Virginia Marie on April 24, 2010, 06:17:33 PM
There is a garden area at my apt.s

I'm generally the only one who does much of anything with it

Some of the other tenants talk about doing something, but that tends to translate to wanting me to do everything for them while they rob my stuff

Not sure what all I'm planting this year

thats what we got hear pretty much. the guy down the street(the only street lol...its a row of houses basicly in the middle of litterly no where :P) has a pretty large (for our community) garden. when the goods come out every ones down to get freebies, but when it comes to working, only me an my mom offer :/ usualy we do the potatoes/onions :P he grows eggplant, LOTSA corn lol, potatoes, onions, lotsa kindsa peppers, hes growing some herbs on my behalf plus some he already had, squash, strawberrys, lemons, artichokes, kale, and each year he grows something new, like turnips or radishes or w/e

its great for me since im a vegitarian(going vegan ^.^) so i always help when i can, water the plants when hes away, and the most important part of all(acording to him) eat the vegis up before they go bad :P yum yum eggplant!

Post Merge: April 25, 2010, 12:37:47 PM

Quote from: spacial on April 24, 2010, 06:47:07 PM
One of my main joys in life is growing stuff on my allotment.

I rent it from the local council for small beans by the year.

I have about 16 fruit trees and regularly grow a load of different veg.

Since everything tends to be ready about the same time, I usually give it away to neighbours, especially those with children.

My main fertiliser is composted veg with very stale urine poured over. The urine, when stale has a lot of amonia so provides a lot of nitrogen.

its definatly a special feeling giving life to something :) i love to garden, i needa learn to get better, but im not doing too badly...

quick question, my dad was telling me im sposed to germinate them(which he said is when you put them in amoist paper towel and let them sprout) before that true? cuz mines are doing pretty ok straight from the ground :p

for the fertilizer...if the nieghbor had a horse id have no probs shoveling out some of the nice ammonia-y dirt an mixing it with some potting soil, but i we dont...and id feel wierd peeing in a bottle to put on the plants  :laugh: 

what do you all think of this stuff i got? i figured garlic for sulfur, tea for...well i dono but it sounded healthy lol

Post Merge: April 25, 2010, 06:20:46 PM

hears those pic! ^.^
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Janet_Girl on April 25, 2010, 08:04:13 PM
Tea and coffee is great for plants.  The only reason to sprout seeds is to give them a head start.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on April 25, 2010, 10:00:35 PM
thankies for the tip janet :) ill add some used grounds to my next batch, im almost out might make it with the remainder of what i got

Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Audrey on April 26, 2010, 04:20:59 AM
I have more plant friends than human friends personally. lol.  I call them my babies. 
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on April 26, 2010, 07:12:42 PM
they are little babies, you gota take care of 'em, love 'em, and give them lotsa attention :)
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Silver on April 26, 2010, 08:24:37 PM
I've got some lucky bamboo and one agave-type plant.

Only needs to be watered once every three weeks, can't get water on the leaves (water burn) and it's white with these huge black spikes.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on April 27, 2010, 12:07:44 AM
sounds coolie :P
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on May 28, 2010, 08:48:55 PM

sorry i havent gotten back to this in a while, but im hear and exiteeeeed ^.^

i tryed to grow a mango tree, mostly just for the heck of it, but omg its growing! :)

also my parsly and chives are growing as well...the others didnt sprout :/

pics coming!
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: V M on May 28, 2010, 09:04:44 PM
Mmmmmm, I love mango'.... That's so cool you got one growing  ;D
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on May 28, 2010, 10:11:18 PM
my mango!


Post Merge: May 28, 2010, 09:19:51 PM

Quote from: Muffin on May 28, 2010, 10:07:19 PM
Plants are the best I'd love to do chives, so many recipes I have call for it but I always omit it :S I'm just coming out of a season of growing chillies ..
..I had tomatoes before that but I doubt I'll do them again, the bugs just attacked too much and I can't afford to spend on stuff to block them.
I'll no doubt grow some stuff indoors, just heaps and heaps of basil as I'm addicted to basil pesto!
I've been filling my room up with plants,...
...but they are not in the budget any more and I've divided/repotting out of the garden enough all ready! So once I'm working again my jungle shall be a reality!!! ^__^

pestoooo :p <3

my neighbor has a huge garden(its a community garden really, but him and my family do pretty much all the work, cuz other peoples is well...lazy :p [21 person community wewt]) and he planted me a buncha basil and other stuff in his garden last year, the stuffs takin over now :P i made some pesto with it, fresh pesto cant be beat!

Post Merge: May 28, 2010, 10:25:18 PM (

those look pretty good, hopefuly can help with those pesky buggies!
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Miniar on May 29, 2010, 11:56:42 AM
I was just outside, in the yard, filling plastic shopping bags with Dandelions I pulled out of the soil with hubby.
We must have filled 15 bags.

Also tended to the strawberries, and tied up the raspberries.
Gotta trim the redcurrant, get fertilizer for the rhubarb and clear out the old flowerbeds cause they're all kinds of overgrown now.

Indoors we got chilies and more strawberries (gonna move my "windowberries" outside soon, so they can... help.. more.. berry.. grow.. something something)...
I'm also trying to get some orange pips going so we can grow a couple orange trees that we'll turn into bonsai trees.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: LordKAT on May 29, 2010, 12:24:04 PM
Hmm, dandelion wine?
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Miniar on May 29, 2010, 01:19:06 PM
Quote from: LordKAT on May 29, 2010, 12:24:04 PM
Hmm, dandelion wine?

No.. just trying to reign 'em in and keep 'em from killing off the lawn and the tulips and the bluebells and the "Mary's foot" and the chives and so on that grows in the yard.

Task of the year with the yard = Get license to fell the five Alaskan aspen trees and use bark-stripping to kill them.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: LordKAT on May 29, 2010, 02:41:56 PM
Good luck, dandelions are notorious.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Miniar on May 29, 2010, 03:06:14 PM
-.- I know.
We'll be at this for weeks.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on May 29, 2010, 09:19:43 PM
wow miniar, your hard at work over there :P

i got some more seeds planted today, lemon balm(other lemon balm didnt make it, iv learned from my mistakes), spearmint, and chamomile ^.^ the tea trio :P

ill have more pics up soon, got a nice bit of parsley...chives im not so sure about, theyre kinda whispy looking, not sure if their just not ready or if their not coming in right...any one out there grow chives?

my mango sprout is all perky now, reaching for the sky all happy :p ima get a bigger pot for it so it can root better :)

an hears some pics....

first 3 are mango baby and the rest are chives+parsley :P

Post Merge: May 30, 2010, 02:57:53 PM

wow, just checked my old pic of the parsley+chives, theyve grown so much....they grow up so fast ~sniffles an wipes a tear away~
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Miniar on May 30, 2010, 03:42:53 PM
Mango sprout...
Where'd you get a mango seed? And how'd you germinate it.

We were off in the yard some more today. Another 10 bags of weeds and grass from the horribly overgrown flowerbeds.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Muffin on May 30, 2010, 10:05:27 PM
I've tried growing mangos but once they were a foot high they died, they are prone to disease apparently areas is nothing but bugs and disease :(
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on May 30, 2010, 10:06:38 PM
ate a mango :P

then got a big plate and a small plate, put some water on the big plate, put the mango seed(after drying for 3 days) on the watered plate and covered with the other place and kept it in a warm area. its not the normal type from the store, it was a very tiny variety(forgot the name though)

after it sprouted fiarly well, i planted it, ima move it into a tree pot in a few days (when i go to town) with some new soil so itll have room to stretch its roots.

Post Merge: May 30, 2010, 10:08:04 PM

Quote from: Muffin on May 30, 2010, 10:05:27 PM
I've tried growing mangos but once they were a foot high they died, they are prone to disease apparently areas is nothing but bugs and disease :(

eeeep, im looking into desiese protection now...thanks for the heads up!

its pretty hot hear so not too many bugs usualy
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Miniar on May 31, 2010, 07:41:48 AM
hum, I should try that...

I really want a mango tree...
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on May 31, 2010, 01:04:28 PM
mango trees all around! :p

gota get some pics of your lil baby sprout if you get it! :)
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Miniar on May 31, 2010, 01:25:47 PM
Oh ofcourse.

I should go around the yard and photograph my things.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on May 31, 2010, 04:08:57 PM
thated be awsome :P

looking foreword to some awsome pics  ^.^

Post Merge: June 02, 2010, 04:34:27 PM

got it moved, in a nice big pot now ^.^ its leaves are lookin better each day, annnnnnd

dono if i mentioned this yet but i got some new seeds(spearmint, lemon balm, and chamomile) and the (mint or chamomile, both in the same pot so could be either or :P) has a little sprout already ^.^

Post Merge: June 04, 2010, 04:25:43 PM

Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: HelenW on June 04, 2010, 04:52:14 PM
These are my crocuses that bloomed a number of weeks ago - the plants behind them are daffodils: (

This picture of of some of my daffodils - I cut them and brought them into the house for mah sweetie! (

This is my Arbor Vitae with a little friend peeking out from behind my shed: (

Here's a pic of the azalea bush next to my front door: (

I have more but we'll leave it at that for now.  :)

hugs & smiles
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: V M on June 04, 2010, 04:55:56 PM
That's great stuff Emelye

We's want MORE!!!  ;D


Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Osiris on June 04, 2010, 04:57:35 PM
I have a few plants I care for. None of the ones I have going right now but this is an old poinsettia I had during christmas which went out of season pretty fast-


I have a red one still growing new leaves, but I have to get a pic of it to upload. :P
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on June 04, 2010, 05:00:18 PM
yeah, what mary said, more pics eme :P very nice ^.^

and you too osi :p pretty plant you got there ^.^

Post Merge: June 05, 2010, 09:05:34 AM


i planted some desert wildflower seeds :P bought them at the kelso depo(little museum kinda thing accross the street) gift shop, package says it contains:

desert bluebells--->(

california poppys--->(



tidy tips--->(


and arroyo lupine--->(

im exited :p
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Osiris on June 12, 2010, 02:39:11 PM
Not a great shot but the place I normally keep my poinsettia is behind stuff so I had to find another window to take pics of it. :P


It's still growing new leaves. It's actually fuller now than it was when I bought it before Thanksgiving last year.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on June 15, 2010, 09:39:19 PM
my baby desert wildflowers and the last ones baby Mango :p
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: V M on June 15, 2010, 09:50:18 PM
I wish I had some plants like this  ;D


Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on June 15, 2010, 11:14:01 PM
i thought you were gona say thats what you were growing lol XD hell for a sec when i checked today, that little star looking plant looked like a pot leaf....was like oh my, i think my seeds got cross-contaminated:p
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: V M on June 15, 2010, 11:41:54 PM
I had some luck with a few green beauties in younger days, but there is no way I could get away with it where I live now... LOL

Yeah, it was that star shaped leaf in your pic. that reminded me  ;D
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on June 20, 2010, 12:39:22 PM
lol :P

they are pretty neat looking plants all other things aside :p
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on August 26, 2010, 03:53:36 PM
my desert wildflower plants came up very nicely ^.^ and theres one i think of my parsly and chives which look like a rockstars hair, kinda tangly and long and just wild lol

no blooms yet though :p
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Shang on August 26, 2010, 04:10:13 PM
Plants!  I love plants.  I inherited two of them from my parents.  One requires weekly watering (that's my ivy, also known as the Jesus plant because it revives in 3 hours after being watered if I forget) and then I have this one that's a small garden-thing.  I have no idea what it is, but requires watering once a month and can go up to 4 months without being watered--it was never watered when my dad was deployed because it was in his work office.

Next I'm going to get a Venus Flytrap because of bugs and because they're so cool!
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on August 26, 2010, 04:15:13 PM
you gota get some pics up if you can, ivys always pretty neat :p

careful witht he flytraps, i hear(and see) that they dont last long, gota find the secret of keeping them alive an tell me cuz they are awsome lol
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Shang on August 26, 2010, 06:11:52 PM
Definitely!  I know, roughly, how to take care of the bug catching plants--at least how to take care of wild ones.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Audrey on September 22, 2010, 12:20:07 AM
fly traps are quite challenging to grow. the key is the soil has to be an acidic ph and made up of a mix of sand and peat.  fertilize with anything and theyll die. feed them too big a bug and the trap will die.  they also must have a dormant winter period to thrive.  Almost more trouble than its worth unless youre a fanatic.  I stick to marijuana, given the right conditions the return is well worth the trouble.  >:-)
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: STRM on September 22, 2010, 02:59:01 PM
Quote from: LukasGabriel on August 26, 2010, 04:10:13 PMI have this one that's a small garden-thing.  I have no idea what it is, but requires watering once a month and can go up to 4 months without being watered--it was never watered when my dad was deployed because it was in his work office.
Are you sure it's not a cunningly-disguised garden gnome?  ;D

Mostly I grow cacti and my dad grows food plants, but I've managed to accumulate some herbs anyway. The last one, bought entirely by accident, was unlabeled and 10p on the clearance rack. I only bought it for the pot and ended up with a veronica plant. I also bought a Cosmos Pink which had some green growth in the pot, but it's some other plant entirely. Maybe the tubers are still alive underneath, so I won't disturb the pot until next year.
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on September 22, 2010, 10:01:37 PM
herbs are great, fresh herbs in cooking is awsome, been using the fresh parsley im growing which is REALLY turned out good, very strong noticable flavor and scent, as well as some fresh herbs from the neighbors garden. i should buy some new seeds get some goodies growing :P
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on March 29, 2011, 09:08:43 PM
a status update :p

(pics may take time)

in order:

1 and 2: my desert plants. dono what kind they are, they came mixed in a seed pack.

3: tarragon

4: chamomile

5: chives..there was parsley but it died, but the chives were dying when the parsley was they're thriving

6 and 7: tree, and close up of budding leaves

8: heirloom tomato plant

9: mint

10: boo boo :3
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on March 30, 2011, 07:58:52 PM
more of the tree
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: Devlyn on March 30, 2011, 09:33:36 PM
I like Boo Boo!
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: V M on March 30, 2011, 09:51:23 PM
Your plants look very nice Bell Bell and Boo Boo looks like a sweetheart  :)
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on March 31, 2011, 07:48:46 PM
thanks :p

i found out what the wildflowers are: california poppies and desert bluebells. i just started 2 new pots of wildflower seeds, hopefully the other types survive this time. the pack comes with:

bluebells, poppies, firewheels, bladderpods, tidy tips, five spots, and arroyo lupine(i want this one)
Title: Re: PLANTS ^.^
Post by: bellbell on April 02, 2011, 03:43:52 PM
exciting update :)

the California poppies(the feathery ones that share the pot with the green leafy guys) now have flower buds....blooms on the way ;)