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Title: True Story
Post by: aisha on May 05, 2010, 01:35:02 PM

small ones -

where others have failed, you have risen to the challenge, the townsfolk believe you are the hero whom the prophecies herald. As for me? Well, I'm not so easily convinced, but you certainly do fit the description, handsome, humble, and courageous. Shall we go to the roof now?

We climbed many staircase passages until finally we reached the top of the spire, the old fae spread her arms beholding the rocks that sprang up all around, and faraway where they finally gave way to the waters of the River, which was covered from shore to shore in the petals of tree flowers, I imagined stepping lightly across, and Flynn lit a joint.

This world is thriving, we have news that Olan Dita is lush once more, and no longer riddled by the puzzling leavings, of Men. Though an elder deer has laid to rest there, Myzanto, the dragon lord has blessed her spirit, and all is well. Tonight let us not think of the journey ahead, and what should befall us, instead, mingling with the ancestors upon that old bridge of Awadwan let us come to know the meaning of festivity, as we come full upon this spring, and everything is risen.

And between us the spliff was passed, its glory unfolding within our minds, as we spoke of the weather, and of the coming rain.

shh, shh, shh,

the sounds of giants approached, of eyes bursting open, of daylight all aglow, it was true! Right then a spirit was freed, must have been, from the Yam-Yam and all things were good.

large ones -

I approached in my life, where Flo still hung about, our magic is strong here, and how do you remain so perched upon the nebulous clouds, berry-like
because I am a great warrior, though infinity, is this battles way, and so gentle we've become, wearied by pointlessness. Let me expound upon my pursuits, having lived and died forever alongside my Love, sustaining the blessed ignorance, or so I have heard it called,

small ones -

The bush, is our home, and there we dwell, and I heard a flitting then, a handstand, a handstand! it demanded, and I vowed to appease its cry when I next recieved the opportunity, hours later, I stood upon my hands and lifted up my body. It was a good idea, having spent most of this waking life in prayer for some semblance of divine favor to drop into my life, haha at once an inkling of love, and all is washed away. how many times have the approached, though night falls now, with lights of electric might?

They looked down from up high and began their cheerful ritual, a few faeries come to join them, good cheer, and true and dew, perhaps we shall not leave after all, ever, for to venture is to be destroyed, where no problem is so great, the plants are life... here nature is good. Things are in their proper order, and oh they are all around, in every woodland and growing, indeed Flynn, there is no reason for departure, we have been drunk on the past, friend!

Flynn just smiled and said, "Child, we thought you'd never figure it out!"

That was when I realized it was all just a cult, no one around me knew anything, they were just mindlessly feeding into the energy that I was unintentionally disturbing, and it had something to do with Isis... I had to go, I knew it could be dangerous if I stayed longer, packing up a few necessities, my staff, several pints of mead, some medicinal mushrooms, and a bowl, I cast an invisibility spell, and slipped away, heading out over the rocks, through the little Mugwort that  grew up between the cracks, treasuring the feel of the leaves on my skin and finally I stepped upon the petals, and they were buoyant and steady, hoistening my pack upon my shoulder and using the staff as an oar, attached to another petal, I glided gracefully downstream, the full moon high above me, and I thought about time, and what the deal was and why I was called upon there, I remembered, at last that I am a traveller a gypsy, I am Lizoren Applebear, and this is my story.

Down, and down, down stream went I, and as it all grew darker I watched the leaves, and as they swayed.

large ones -

it was a good pointless ritual for the general purposes of getting the world off our collective backs as people who don't go with the program, as I laid in the mud and Flo frolicked without mercy, something finally seemed to click, we needed to go somewhere, somewhere they would understand us, and yet, where we could be alone and abandon our duties, and our socially acceptable sides, come at each others throats, headed for death, and then presumably back down, but possibly go all the way. So thats what we did, without warning. I started running, and It was a large field we were in and I go to a tree and I climbed, and I kept on climbing.

There the cloud beings met me, and the pulled me up and Flo took on her dragon form and we rode the clouds, all of it seems to be meaningless, I just reveled in the feeling, because its true that it was all I had.

A lot of silence everywhere, the quietness of it all was daunting.

I took a moment up there, but it felt like a few hours.

Then we were back, and we had to answer up for our lies, the soup kitchen was full of course, and people were getting sick from our homemade invisible cookies. For so long, something has been off in my life, ever since that ritual by the old faerie spire. I decided to go back and investigate, leaving Flo to handle the new meal plan, when she looked inquisitively at me, I said, if all else fails, go Ramen, then I left, proud of my own audacity, and feeling high.

I had come upon the shore of the River and coming from the soup kitchen all manner of christianity was upon me and I shouted rather impolitely,


little ones -

the lunatic came back and she was screaming something about a godless age and we had to tell her to leave because we keep it chaste, we don't talk about those kind of things, not here, not in this sid.

She obviously did not want to go to with the program and we told her to look for Rinode, because they were obviously of the same stars.

and we set off, sending prayer and praise to Aine, in hopes that the story would continue on...

and also to the Pomo, who is here with us. By the water, I walked, somehow the river called to me more than anything. In the night the plants were so thick, and the water so near... Rinode, was there, peacefully strumming a tune,
love shining, inside, like rocks, organs, feelings,  an aura, life... wow, the geese and something jumps into the water. the river comes down and I sit upon the rocks, and look out, it was quiet and finally, there was so much though, everything alive, nature, all the plants, it all meant something. I'll protect you, she said, circling around spacey like.

cha! oradowee!

wow, the world, weed, I was the ganja priest, or something, there were pictures and commercials, purity? Well, at one time like a faraway cow would cry in the setting sun, where was always seen, oh. The river was Flo, she couldn't be there, ironic, how all of our ways come together, saying nothing, the elven ape, understanding a primal language points on to indecision as enlightenment.

and there were three of us, and I could be five,
and there we took it all in, and we never forgot, all out everywhere, yet so near is adventure. Rinode, looked up and I called out everlasting but without noise, and furtive were the leaves which veiled the sky among the clouds and somewhere beyond a comet round join us here we all complete eachother, the way long hair branches down. I cryed when I was locked out, I was tripping so hard.

large ones -

There were lots of mushrooms along the hills, and to sit among them was so peaceful because they seemed to jump around and there we all had camped when we decided to travel together, for the world between us was like the dharma of Gawain, and all that was once there. Fair millions, infinity, infinity upon grass, where these ways lay thick in soil. We sat round then and began to reminisce.

Rinode talked about ketchup and the way floorboards squeaked, and how it felt to just be a ghost under there, I wondered what it meant at first, then it was all clear. Look we have no weed, look, we have no beer, the pathway was entranced with the pattern of our trails, leeway in the stillness of our pass, sometimes there would appear things and sometimes what seemed like nothing at all, but I felt like the plants would guide and and we came to those hills.

Flo calmed down, people calmed down, it was whatever the way it is the everchanging, springing forth from this, others left in orderlies, moving to and fro, tree tops and places, all of everything, seen is some ways, beautiful, daisies, drifting would have thunk it unless, there was no need to go on.

Anya lives on here, invoking the eternal love, and where the grass grows upon the water. Ziggurats and unknowingly theres deep holes and stranger beings, than we know but here, now they only confuse the mind. Meditating for a moment, just out, beyond these programmed conceptions of whatever life is. A water bucket, the desert, travelling along, the mirage. where again do they lead, things that have not been, thoughts dwell there, as I sleep watching them, and sneak up, behind the fire, long gone without anything and realized that the room was in the middle of the street.
that crazy ghost town, and yet bless its ways, everywhere, people are people, its true, spirit lives in all of it.

Everybody -

Just then they rose, they were oysters, and they spoke of the end, with words of swords, we protested in the streets and in our respective places, we came together, and we fell apart, and came together again, we didn't care that murder was happening in the streets, because for that moment, it was okay, it returns back into these simple thoughts, you know, and dang that boat must have floated on and on, but the oyster became a tyrannosaurus, and I hit the drum on the hill, dinosaur religion, we rallied forth, in a distant huge >-bleeped-<ing station and neatly and quietly, living among the rocks, here come on down, traveller, set down your troubles
no malice shall pass here, here an oasis, where love has flowed for centuries and we are unsure, is there any other place, you would say this is impossible, but in being there, it seems others, at least to me. French people, they understood writing, but, here, I would rest here forever, for the battles are great stupidity, and the home, is the safest place, yet to find a story, we all fight our own battles, peaceful battles, but battles none the less.

Aye, a more primal way of living, I pissed all in a circle and I saw it in the sky, in the branches and things all that stray  crafted thought of our mother Earth, in strands she tells, and all hear and all is what all is and whatever. great flatness, must have been a dream of something, again washing up like the tides, this old suit, the garb of days past, living when the lights of the sky were coals, green like the summer time, like the fire flies, all an organ on an organ unto, heaven, where the music, within it, it was everything, thinking maybe I had hitched my cart to the wrong star, yet by virtue of the beauty of just saying it, all manner of men gathered round, and large and boisterous folk, and spoke nothing, because it was the music that made them do it, and we ran around, look you can fly!
Thats where we met John, who introduced us to Chuck, we always had guitars and drums and it was a new fad, that was rolling through all of everywhere, or so thats what it seemed to be. Meanwhile, not quite much made sense and slowly I was peicing  together life as it manifested, as Goddess had been revealing, unto the full potential of my soul, intertwined it was with all souls, and suddenly, I saw that and so I would speak and everyone was there, but maybe it was the emptiness, not having been done, everyone one is a beginner, and so there is all the arrogance, and defiance to succeed.
But consciously? what is there but a few goosey grains. We live in a world, where the vibe fills everything and upon vibes, it seems to flow downward, or upward, or sideways, until mostly you realize, the one ness of all things. All of them were invincible.

I was like the homeless wandering heron, whose home was everywhere, and that was wonderful because it was a realistic portrayal, and relateable. In those days, we grew together like the wax, questing and being healed daily, by the elixir which sprang from the sacred spring in the north east.

Near one morning, we came across the dryads and they spoke of cows, a civilization of cows, twice honored by the sun and moon, birthers of the universe, with them we shared a thousand pleasures, they preached not going with the program.

The King of Cows, the bull Deganga, was with me and I spoke on the virtues of begging, for a king he was very humble and listened intently, and even expressing great interest, later that night we both begged in a distant city, disguised

as humble beggars.

The river is a great place to go if you don't have a meaning or a purpose in life, or a job, the gypsies there are crazy. Aw, aw, the wind, see, where it all falls another day, the rain, seasons run up in the mud, we met Minowek, and indeed he was not so mad, we all nodded and said 'its good' and collected jewelweed, for the seasonal ointment. The water went by and the rain was falling, little by little, it was happening, what exactly I cannot say, but they misquitoes overcame us with theyre lingering and set off, there were no giant spiders, yet...

I crashed the tomatoes out on the kitchen floor once, the tiny red bug looked about the size of an atom, a molecule. For karmic purposes, I did not continue, what lay before me, the music sounding like all the metro maps, there, a pure thought, underground, closer to the source.
The ants were my first teachers, they just were there, and they were moving on, they were carrying food sometimes. They didn't seem like other bugs, there was something different, graceful, with a certain kind of poise. 'It was very distressing, when my parents began fighting off the ants. There was a movement among some of us, how would you feel if the bug squished you? I discovered the flying ants, but no one believed me, gone then, because the bugs simply don't have much to say to one such as I.

I fear I  have grown distant in my ways, for the wandering way makes me senseless, within these walls here, I am removed from the truth, how have I been captured? Maybe the work of ninjas, but really, in what position could I speculate. The philosophy, indacaneo, eco friendly and pure, why is it? All the songs tell, and all the people continue it, the birds see and sing their songs, the sun smiles.

Flo, was an incadescent ball of light for a long time, and eventually she discussed the notion of a mild lad, both in manner and propensity suddenly becoming illumined to witness of the true nature of being. The tree of life, and we figured we'd be about singing down the road again, all the songs we could think of and making some up, and we consumed mead and rallied the favor of Gods.

Yet nothing could be sacrificed, all living on eternally, musically. Rinode light the fire, this yonato, this travelling house, all the rotation of everything, spinning around, just a reason not to do anything,
non-doing is where all rest, could this be the tao? obscure yet known by all. concepts like infinity were intensely humbling, we hadn't even really began to begin.

It was just that the music was so good. Across the sea, to Allaby, to siberia, where hearts roam, breaking honey comb, some jagged field, the trail of rice plants, all the dreams in the sky, you looked off where they appeared the emptiness of this place, its dead here, no one does anything, and those shamanizers are always out there, causing mischief

No one fell, but we were within the hills then, and beyond such a tale, for the moon swings and now it shows where one stands, the winds, another open door, they go falling into nothingness, corridors, breathing with something, some kind of energy, where could that ever be gone, it was just a simple easy kind of quality of being. And I lifted up my skirt and I courtsied to the tree, worshipping its magnificient roots, and, aye... this world, everywhere it is, it seems to be. So what is there to fear?

its all basically the same from this point on. it was just what we'd always done. And thats how you go adventuring. So, you may be a true hero indeed, sagely friend of all ages!

Sagely Friend -

I hail from Roanoke, I'm a pretty average person, I enjoy long walks on the beach, and hot tea.

Aw -

Muse, cat apron into ardous oak weal in veritude, may there come upon them the essence of nature's breath, that this world may be revived hitherforth

I am an amish doctor, and I see deeply, more deeply than any have before, now

Amazing ananzi doctor, do you see deeply? Do you see how my hips and back bend, and how when I walk I am like a rusted cart, all a jumble, and stirring confusion! Can you heal me of my gender dysphoria?

Small Ones -

Yes, of course, first you put you're right foot in, put your right foot out, put you're right foot in, then you shake it all about it.

This is actually very important, as all around the spirits are aligned, wytipodating, for you see, we are on the verge of the openings of a gate of power, the sun is at the midpoint of taurus, Behold the magic is strong then!

Help me, for there are old people everywhere! People in a rage, and people being destructive! I resort to meditation.

Indeed I am haunted by celestial demons, Mother Kundalini, I come to you seeking healing. Perhaps it is that I truly am the last of my kin, having crash landed on this planet somehow, a follower of the crazy healer way of Osan, far from home, fettered by language something deep in my soul shines through, though I am clear of desire.


Perhaps in a past life I was not a good person. I feel this is true, this life, is devoted to clearing karma,, that is the quest, karma-clearing.

We found the light and abstained from intoxicants, I wandered to and from, with the group but unattached and we became kind of like a herd, forever and ever, we found amiable mushrooms, fruit, and many wonderful delights!


Rinode, Flo and I, deeper within, We travelled deep. In Allaby, things were different, I knew it was my true home, finally at long last, this is what we had been searching for, this is what life is, untouched, everyone knows, the wise old deer god, the toadstools pon the logs, higher up, the silent ones, chuckling to themselves. Flo, a non dualist among non dualists, it was right to go forth, there in all directions, for we had found the new land, which there were only rumors of, Wanti, again, it rises, we know not our own rooms, the deer are wise, and in the other world, there reside. Things are not what they seem, the galaxy spiralling out, as meteors, quiet, light rain.

forgetting everything, there together, finally leaving for good, found home, to settle down, everything going round and round, makes sense, like that song.


We appeared in gardens of greater and greater beauty, beyond anything knowable.

the holy grail;

it must hurt my family that they bother me all the time
but should i really be expected to change my feelings? should they change? who should change?
in the end we all change, and theres the eteranl
i have no history, nor do i have a future!

I professed before Flo

Flo said, "Anarchist, thy soul is long and thine heart forever true, bend ye like the trees, or the Goddess who is even within our seyance, Love has been birthed upon the earth, through all of this. Sulos has arrived, in this age of Now, as death is near, you have fallen in love with death, and see what you have wrought, all the rightness in the world, so what say you those of many paths, what say ye animals?"

the rushing of the water, have a dwelling in every instance, fervidae ernwelo mahdi is the name of the rainbow, and chrial might come one day, spouting the thickets singing sweetly sunrays on leaves like old glass, where fires once burnt, all of it deep in her soul, she stood up that was how we came to know Merlin. Meditation in those days came to broaden and broaden, and it wasn't.

we are all caught in the net of this instance, awareness, and awareness is love!

miles and miles of folk laying in the leaves and brush looking through the trees, and all was whole, Pachamama, all around, and Upto, saying the lines and the shapes, they mean nothing at all!
Randorf! Wellness! a dragon in our midst? and walking east...

finally everything was free of itself
rare to say
i had stopped writing, and made many up along the way, on the walls of public bathrooms, scratched into the ground and in ink over my arms and legs...

they asked me why do i do it and I just said because of the wind Aoe"

"Wind Aoe?"

"Yeah, see you still have a lot to learn Asha, you're quest is intertwined with mine, and the Wind Aoe, well

hey, I can like in the rice without them, I can live in the tel avivs of everdie!"

Wind Aoe....        Wind Aoe.....

       Wind Aoe.....                             Wind Aoe......

                          Wind Aoe......                                           Wind Aoe......

    Wind Aoe............

wooly!                                                           Wind Aoe..................
Wind Aoe............     
                                       Wind Aoe...... Jerga........        Wind Aoe....

                    WindAoe.....                   .....wind Aoe                               Wind... AoeeeeeeeeEEEEeee!

Title: Re: True Story
Post by: aisha on May 29, 2010, 05:50:11 AM
i feel like a goose omg i love you ahh butter makes the world into train tracks can you lief like willow bun sandwich for a caterpillar falling eggshells baked in archwells cabbage hand doubter dry neat interwoven caterwaul for a missing tooth on yarmulke hands on toes eyes open
beaming for the walls looking for breaks intertwined, us together
ode ode, internal lantern om your coals fuzzy cadence rub me losing water links so-so
running, fields meet happy barn you remember old hey!
it happens thought about erasing it

silani unade aon vo dangy infers du pikam silas aneu lufira ender dig this...
capping east how wintered are you summers of way back, eyes of coda
naru in weal and fixture
cascade-oney fruit aline elina
pow! touch me in the middle of my nose
says one, touch me in the middle of my head
touch me in my soul
and for sure, i'll know whether im alive or am i dead
maybe baydur, bays you lay for hours crossing the showerings lightning olive tresson,lake learon
shakes me all them over your something big and lane the road no one ever crossed baking confession
rumination for flannel indsa leap through the borrowing alm
delsuna for kindness amorez for luck
the rush through the street before dawn.. gravity ye draw me
a'noe i am a tone
voyzay! in oceans of your lingerings
and you smell musty.. like an old man
i confer to the west, alnan owanee
then look for the daisies, my daisies, my beautiful amazing daisies, i've been growing them in my noggin
they are the sunshine of my old elandershuwl
lankering in parsnip, or on a chamomile conjunction, alnie i've gone old
a'noe i am a falling wagon
disentegrating not, those who conspire, soon the time arises, and now shall enlighten them.. for goodness sake!
the bunnies must hop and true for frogs are langing and they say
hey you're sweet the summers here, for mind now you're bogged to a time of the day...
and sweet wolfie you lift me off me feet with your sweet luas
homemade... i say well spaded iantoe join hands for a moment, the air electric, pure moment to think of Bran
and to zen out.. and be still, and be free.. and be rambling aigy on moonshine
my moonshine is a aging aoeaoin... raining from the belly of mom
wayko shower
the gypsies looked at me and conversed, they were wise and I understood it all, and fled when i reached the hills the spirits had begun to shudder, i thought only of the time body...
and through the time body.. we made love, there, yes it was random.. and yes bizarre
Varnokien indwelling insanity... what a peice of infinity, it was lodged between the hallways, i dared not approach it took many years old magical training to enter.. poems in their own rites, but i digress for my pen lacks the reality
for to draw the many crowds and the many types of people there are, and i write not only to them, but to those spirits, and those faeries, whom are most often unmentioned... writing back, to restore the roundness of the table.. where pizza and stoner logic hath born a noble rock eater...
having eaten the sand.. and filled with many rivers, we roamed forth, and made peace iin the universe, eventually love gave way.. it was only true, the true freedom, it was only always there, had we been bogged, down never again!
elderberry and incandescence, never in line with a statement of yondertude, out of fashion hermit blows his shells
and the eternal love wafts, this clearly, back.. to when i walked the town listening to prince.. my mind of things that must remain mysterious and poetic
my heart fluttering anticipation of our little picnic
hearts in tandem.. i don't even know what that word means, i don't wanna know, i want this to be everything
and spread out, past the barns, and uplift the animals... and our food and all that happens
i praise it sincerely and am myself... there i would appear... quietly leading the hidden omeia
and tessin to joy
the dinosaurs are close at hand, their love was wild free and legendary.. but it was real.. i tell you this... the legends are true!
i am overjoyed that they live among us