General Discussions => General discussions => Pets and creatures => Topic started by: Crow on May 22, 2010, 05:44:17 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Disgruntled Orphaned Visitors
Post by: Crow on May 22, 2010, 05:44:17 PM
Take a look who me and my mom picked up next to the storage garage this afternoon:



They were wandering around covered in ticks with no mama in sight, so we brought them home and gave them food (applesauce and yogurt-- and they helped themselves to some of my brother's cupcakes), and we're taking them to our wildlife rehabilitator friend Launda tomorrow.

We used to foster orphaned baby 'coons under an extension of Launda's license, but the apartment we're in now won't allow it, so we're just giving them a place to stay for the night until we can take them over to Launda. (In any case, they're just about weaned, which is the age we would ordinarily take them to Launda anyways.)

I'm pretty excited, though, because that means we get to go to Launda's house and see all her critters! We haven't gone in quite a while, and I've missed seeing all the lovely critters she fosters~ Coons are just bursting at the seams with personality, and baby skunks are precious beyond belief. She also takes care of deer, opossums... sometimes the occassional fox or groundhog, and a number of domestic critters, too. She had a rooster with an injured foot last time I was there. The baby skunks are kind of unequivocally my favorites, but we never got the chance to foster those at our own house because A.) Launda is very posessive of them-- they're her favorites, too, and B.) our landlord would have had us drawn and quartered if we brought skunks in the house. XD

In any case, wish these three disgruntled babies luck. They seem fairly healthy, aside from some ticks in their fuzz, so they should be okay I think. I wish I could help get the ticks off them, but they're really freaked out and I don't have any good gloves, so I'd just end up stressing them out more and probably getting chomped on, neither of which is good, so I'll let Launda deal with the tick issue tomorrow. For now, we'll let the babies relax with food and water and blankies and hope they don't fling yogurt and poo out of their cage and all over my room!
Title: Re: Disgruntled Orphaned Visitors
Post by: Janet_Girl on May 22, 2010, 06:06:17 PM
awwwwwww    Cute babies.  :D
Title: Re: Disgruntled Orphaned Visitors
Post by: V M on May 22, 2010, 06:22:01 PM
Cute lil' things... Good on ya for the critter rehab work  ;)
Title: Re: Disgruntled Orphaned Visitors
Post by: Crow on May 23, 2010, 10:17:03 AM
As it turns out, they're staying at our house an extra week. Launda is going on a trip this week, so we can't take them there until next weekend.

Hope the neighbors don't mind? 8D;

They sure are cute, though. As long as we don't get evicted, I have no objections to them staying around, even if they are a little stinky. *air freshens room for the billionth time* I suspect I'll get more photos of them over the course of the week.

At present, one is rolling around and chewing on his siblings ears and feet while the other two attempt to sleep. x3
Title: Re: Disgruntled Orphaned Visitors
Post by: emoboi on June 08, 2010, 08:03:29 PM