General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: Iceprincess on May 25, 2010, 12:13:52 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Feeling like crap...
Post by: Iceprincess on May 25, 2010, 12:13:52 PM
I just don't get it, since I woke up I felt like I wanted to lay in my bed and cry all day long.

My life has been a rollercoaster lately: A very close family member, who means a lot for me has been diagnosed with liver cancer, and it's advancing too fast. According to doctors, she only has a month left, at best. It's really gonna hurt me so much to lose her, because she has helped me and my mom so much during life, and she has suffered and sacrificed so much for us, it's just not fair how she will die.

I've also been under pressure because I'll have my College entrance exam this June 12th, but it doesn't worries me as much as my aunt, obviously lol.

Also, I'm having problems with my calculus class, it seems like I suck at it x.x but I REALLY want to learn, so I guess I'll study during summer to improve my skills at it, as well as with the mandarin language x.x

And, last but not least: maybe something we all struggle/have struggled with, which is our transition. I just BEG to be a girl soon, I just can't stand to live as a guy anymore, and I feel like it's taking so long to start with hormones, but I know that I can't accelerate things because I need to make sure everything is set and planned, and all I'm wishing for with all my heart is that, if I tell my dad, he can support me and that he doesn't lets me down.

On a side note, I've been thinking too much (thank you philosophy teacher! ¬_¬ xD j/k) and, the way I see it, it will either take too much time for humanity to change into something better and more peaceful and intelligent than what we have today, and unfortunately, if we don't do it, we're doomed to our annihilation, I'm just losing my hopes on most of the humans, but I hope that the current and future generations can all work together, not only for their own interests (which are usually shallow things like the desire for power and money and materialistic things like that) but for the good of ALL the people, to make sure we can all live safely and become a stronger world society. I just hope that day comes, and comes soon.

I started my psychological therapy a month ago (I had my 2nd session last Friday, yay!), and I'm really enjoying this opportunity; I really hope I can start the transition soon.


cool story bro in 3... 2... 1...

I wanna cry! T_T