News and Events => Religious news => Topic started by: LostInTime on November 30, 2006, 12:53:23 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Media Occupation: Hypochristians
Post by: LostInTime on November 30, 2006, 12:53:23 PM
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Instead, he focused on problems "Jesus would want us to care about," like poverty, hunger, HIV/AIDS and the environment.

That didn't go over well. In a conference call with board members Nov. 21, it quickly became clear that Hunter's priorities were not the priorities of the CC's base--and he offered his resignation. It was accepted unanimously.
So who needs a Christian leader to talk about it? The media knows hunger is a no-sell; nobody's going to watch Sean Hannity debate people about hunger. Christian leaders who appear on TV need to be inflammatory. They need to address issues that divide people. They need to talk about damnation, not salvation. They need to be Christian hypocrites: Hypochristians.
The most telling moment came when Bakker talked about one new member of his congregation, a transgender individual who came up to him after a sermon and said she found the church through the Internet.