Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Topic started by: Sophie on August 12, 2005, 12:18:06 PM Return to Full Version

Title: An interesting test...
Post by: Sophie on August 12, 2005, 12:18:06 PM

I don't know how acurate this is, but it was quite interesting to do anyway. And I was very happy when it said I have a male brain. ;D
Title: Re: An interesting test...
Post by: Svetlana on August 12, 2005, 05:08:41 PM
some things...

a lot of the test are said to indicate how much testosterone or estrogen you were exposed to in the womb.  what this has to do with brain sex is beyond me... i thought it was the very act of being flooded with the wrong chemical in the womb, that might lead to the phsyical apparent gender being different to the brain sex.  so these would seem to suggest physical apparent gender more than they do brain sex.  so... i don't get it?

interesting thing with me on the fingers measurement bit:  my left hand is spot-on the supposed female score, and my right hand is spot-on the supposed male score.  haven't got a clue what that's meant to mean!  again, though... this was one of the "chemical-in-womb" ones...

unless... they define gender as physical apparent gender...

but that's still confusing, because if that were the case, by their reckoning, i'd be physically female like i'm meant to be, and i'm not...

also, the "ultimatum" question is flawed.  it doesn't say whether or not your partner is aware of the fact that if you don't both agree, you both go away with nothing.

i assumed that my partner knew about the "go away with nothing" bit.  since they knew this, whatever i offered them would be more advantageous if they accepted than if they declined (getting £1 and making me £49 is better than getting £0 and denying me £49).  so i figured this out and then voted £49.

the explanation of the test assumed that some kind of a risk was being taken.  by my figuring, there was no risk at all.  therefore, after already having answered, i figured i must've been wrong about the partner being aware of the "go away with nothing" bit.  they should've said whether or not in the first place.
Title: Re: An interesting test...
Post by: Cassandra on August 12, 2005, 10:09:43 PM
I took the test as well. I find it a rather chauvinistic attitude that if your smart your male brained. So what's that supposed to mean if your female brained your automatically stupid?
So which scientists were these, the ones from the National Academy of Male Dominated (get back in the kitchen you stupid female) Science Group.

Oh wait, I know, it was from the Department of International Chromosome Studies.

Right! I got your emoticons right here buddy. :icon_bat: :icon_chainsaw: :icon_censored: :icon_userfriendly:

Title: Re: An interesting test...
Post by: Kimberly on August 12, 2005, 11:35:55 PM
50 on the Female side. *shrug*
One of the forums I visit listed this test a while ago; For a long time I was wondering if it could spit out anything other than 50(F), 0, 50(M). I think we eventually got a 24 or something like that though.