General Discussions => Spirituality => Other => Topic started by: aisha on August 17, 2010, 03:07:34 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Wantism and How Hippies Restored Virtue To Confucism
Post by: aisha on August 17, 2010, 03:07:34 AM
It was the hippies who returned the true understandings of Confuscist ideals to the world, who had let it fall into a mess of segregation and false distinctions, the hippies in the sixties through their soul searching brought to light many of the ancient ways, ancestral traditions, and created a new found respect for the nature, and the indigenous peoples of the world. In the 60s, instead of blind adherence to parents and the institutions, we were able to lapse out, and find something even more true, a mystical time, where anything seemed possible, indeed this must have been how our ancestors viewed the world in ancient times. Instead of sexism, there was a return to oneness, and love for all, the only problem was, those who survived the longest had obscured the way, apparently so by only mentioning taoism, of course its true this way neccesary, because a period of rest was needed, in the world of today, such a huge revolution is not needed, because its understood its opposite would also occur as was also the case in the 60s, after world war two and during the vietnam war, and civil rights movements much brutality and sadness was in the world. Now, however, things are a bit more calm, and our living elders now have a recognition and understanding of hippie ways, they have more empathy for the free spirit and more ways to bridge and make use of such abstract and spontaneous spiritual revelations within the mainframe of the established culture than those of their own heyday. I believe it is taoism which has cultivated this slowly within, because not many believe. I think with the rise of the new religions, among them Wantism, which speaks of a world on the peripheral of this universe, and a world tree, Adawapayo, which all spirits and all plants branch from, much similar to the ancient shamanic religions of the past we are on the right track. Wantism is a philosophy of wholeness, and excludes nothing, but strives for good and views the universe as a basically good place, it springs from the desperation and the shining beam of hope that meditation, yoga, the words of the sages and one powerful mystical experience had together combined to make clear to me, which is that anything is possible. I had been trying to completely abandon society, but this is not necessary, as the free spirit rises in people everywhere collectively and government takes on more and more informal manifestations, fewer and fewer will be alienated, and more and more, we will begin to resemble once more the very nature from which we arise and which we still and always have been. Through striving for happiness, automatically the whole world benefits, all beings. So for this I thank the hippies, in no way is it over, no it is just beginning, I think what is happening is not a return to the past, though the Goddess is in revival now, I believe what is happening is a algamation and a thrust into a future to a world, and way of being that is timeless and more akin to that of what we would call paradise today.

What I'm saying is that its just becoming the way in which life is and people are becoming understanding educated and interested in the myriad interpretations of truth, no longer is fear the religion, people and understanding really there is no neccesary imposed difference between the male and female, it is simply as it is, and there are many places in between and all is always changing.

Just as Christianity, is in many ways the same and a combination of, maybe even a school of western and eastern religions that came before it, the only thing is the strive, it is nature that has done this, no one being or group, it is nature hirself.

The faeries, elves, gnomes, and manitou are returning to mankind and mankind and understanding their roots and reuniting with their brothers and sisters of all shapes and sizes, a universal language is springing up and a simple knowing in all which precedes the word, this energetic flux is powerful and true

whatever you want to call it, this is kind of informal because its not really comprehensive, but its a flash that came to me I wanted to share

The philosophy of Wantism is if you are true, and you offer a sincere effort, towards that which you think is the best thing to do, then by virtue of that, you are completing the great work, no matter what your original circumstance, what matters is ness, and this is honesty

it is an observation over time, that all and no things exist, and that one is captain of one's own soul, which is infinite and totally free by innate nature, wantism is the worship and meditation of time, wantism is also the laughter that breaks out purely and lifts everything up... wantism is an ancient way, that has just been written, innocent as a breath or the growing grass, its been written, and that is just what has seemed to happen

the symbol of wantism fob n br me is a tree, any tree, any plant, anything of nature, and wanti is that cow which is afloat in the air, here and there, everywhere and nowhere... no one can answer questions of wanti, and everyone can, all around, but what is a question but to hold hands with the universe?

"every mouth and thought is the mouth and thought of the Lady, verily, and every heart is her's, and she is no one" whatever that means, for me wantism is about ecopersonism... and unexpected enlightenment but for someone else who knows, honestly, I know very little, and I may be the smartest among them!

Its not really a religion, but a spiritual movement, there are no real leaders, though some may pretend to pass the time and hopefully they are kind and inspired, God is the unification of all that is, no action is indepedent, with the tiniest motion, the whole existence and non existence ripple.

Live, grow and love.

im trying to bridge a new interspecies spirituality, called Wantism, well that is i run into problems wording it, so im trying to explain, and coax the stones of wisdom's river that the knowledge may flow freely back from the ancients, most notable the Pomo, who you may be familiar with from those times.. but i have no idea, i never talked about it/her thats for sure... she is the Grandma of Light, and the Great Mother. mostly it stems from the zen-like realization that there is no existence nor nonexistence, and when a soul breaks free from the inherent logical and survival ridden stone-faced mesh into the realm of heart-mind, or even heart-mind-lung-spirit, where it all begins to meld seemlessly, one can be said to have reached the state of Vogodie, wherein the faery kind begin to appear again, and the world reveals its origins... really its based in traditional tree shamanism, focused on the world tree, Adawapayo, that was once fairly widespread... I've been on a shamanic journey myself, through a bunch of random >-bleeped-<, I almost died and many mushrooms were consumed with respect and in solitude, Love came over me, a great love for all, and lacking means to express it without ostracization for such unrulies ecstasies among a glum and taciturn world, one day the realization that is Wanti came over me, I had taken to >-bleeped-<ing the system, I knew that love begets love, and it is worth it to die if only you go out doing what you love, and death came to me, and its gun shot mystical flowers with smiles on them, I changed my name to Gently in the East and came to terms with my latent transexuality, it all became too much and I was forced into the hospital, I felt my family had abandoned me, later I realized that I had fallen somehow from Wanti by way of Adawapayo, as had Flo, both of us are fae, sent to heal the world, or so we believed, things have changed, seemingly, upon the horizon of the mind, we have somehow ascended that staircase, to that place, which is the other place, suddenly I realize the significance of a certain dream, now we inhabit a
strange kind of place indeed, I fear my talk has gotten the better of me, either that or all the taoist literature, I thought for one period I am Irish, and perhaps this is so, yet even nationalities all seem to be one in the same (one thing is certain though, that I am descendent of weavers and I suspect by magickal means I have come to know this body and this realm, probably some strange joke), ultimately, just one great wandering and resting, looking back throughout my life, it seems in fact to be many lifetimes, woven together.. yet the spirit remains the same, that of joyous nonsense, ad common sense, blessed be the sacred Ness, cannabis, Tree of Life for she with metta has healed my spirit, and restored in my heart that innate knowing, where no word has ever uncovered.
I was questing for enlightenment, and I continue, though I do not understand, if this is the very notion which has created such a world, but I pause now because my view is widened even momentarily, such a world ripe with so much unknown and mysterious wonder, friend, indeed great things both wonderful and terrible have conspired, or so I am led to believe, really its quite true perhaps I have no idea, I have returned home in spirit at least, and now the fall is coming and even this place is changing, but this breakthrough is quite astounding

the legs on my body are legs like other legs, music plays in the sounds that are natural and not having melody. Beats in the song going for so long you are an old wall and its laudable your stance on everything, which is constructed. There is nothing to write about, there is a world that is the sheer image of a childs forehead and growing, growing, becoming a nice thing, and so the wind blows through the leaves and somewhere in Somalia a cry goes out in the air, a joyful cry, a cry for peace, and not the peace any of us know because the mountain rose there and I found myself cutting grass in a shamanic ritual. Why was I doing this I asked? There was no answer, only the gentle tap tap of the birds slowly rebuilding their nest around my straw hut, the sweet lady who went by Flo stepped in once more, her head appearing like a disembodied visage.
She said "Hao", something about her voice, like she had been eating grass for a few months too, I picked it up in the amazon, when I was rerouting a few slides on the drawings for the flux capacitor, the one that no one needed apparently because it was sitting out in the middle of the street. I used it as a jumping point for art and thus the hut. My vest continued to remind me of my place in the world, as a member of society, so I took it off, and buried it. The stars above were countless seeming, like the lights of some darkened modern living room. The whir of electric appliance was oddly famliar also, suddenly it became clear in a flash.
I had been shrunken, and this was the living room of a giant.
I was wrong though, obviously. It was only a book, again and again I tried to revive the fire, my hands were hot but my heart was so cold, only Flo said "Hao" and it rung true for a while, I drifted away not because of the word really, or because of her, but something in me had shifted, it was like a waterfall coming down my shoulder and the earth rippled. Well, what was under my feet was actually a cloud, which sprang forth and produced many dictionaries, in every language, words that were not even known by those who created them, words that were useless, words that meant the same thing, called synonyms, all were spread before me and their corresponding subjects appeared as well.
I reached up and brushed the leaves from my hair, on the roof we all took turns hitting So's new bowl. We decided to fill it with pumpkin seed this time, actually it was pot, it was revolutionary in those days to do this, because pot was known as the worst thing, many people didn't like it, they attributed many wrongs to its usage, but we were artists, what could we do? I didn't say it but I thought to myself "Nothing exists but weed is the truth, I'm glad to be among people who understand and allow its healing vibe to flow, goddess hemp, rock on rock on" as the conversation raged on, it was about the water that a certain traveller collects, water from every river in every place in the world, he's known to sprinkle some on your forehead and introduce his friends to a world of moistened solemnity.
Suddenly I got up, the roof was like a tower, we were suspended at least 50 feet above the ground in So's mansion, why I was there, you ask now, but I can not tell you, I barely knew these people, but they recognized my smile they said, and had offered me a ride back home when I was exiting the grocery store, they seemed trustworthy enough, so I took them up on it and watched the clouds take forms in my mind, making small talk mentioning my name and explaining to them some fundamentals about Wanti.
Then they hit me with the talk about Mother Earth, it all made sense, life was a ritual and I was their person who had the smile who needed to get picked up by unknown folk.
"Unknown folk, you have given me much and as such I offer you this wisdom..."
I thought about it for a while and then I thought about the sun rising. I was no philosopher but something about the way the So looked at me made me want to testify. Wind, the force the began to keep things quiet, and her auburn welcome mat, I moved the chocolates on the shelf, not picking them up, they were only food goods, having come from beans.
And so slowly rocking away, to the love songs on the radio I tried my best to get into a state of contentment with my predicament, though the strange and frankly unwelcome qualities in my life had expanded exponentially, so had my general badassness, and this was something I reckon, remember the smoke rings rising from So's Bowl and wanting to go back, back all the way to the beginning, at which point I'd clothe myself in cottages of peasants and wring a towel to say hello every morning to my reverent notebook. Sure, sometimes you pass me by, with your love taken by some other writer, and so what, the birds scatter when I get too near because I'm not a bird. I cringed and stopped thinking..
Flo was driving down the street, I saw her whip her little head of the window of a generic car, she smiled and waved and said Hello...
In an ideal world I would have replied Hello and moved on, and we would have done it again in some different circumstance somewhere down the road, but something about the music I'd been listening to and the temperature was just right, and hey it was a thursday, so I didn't say anything and walked away, knowing I'd be back, but not caring. It was a small gesture, and one that could have been looked at in a lot of ways, I put down the book of love and its flowery bull>-bleeped-<, the same dance done by all those ever so wise cosmic joking fools who can fit inside your mailbox and come out with the fury of ninjas at anytime.
It didn't mean anything to me anymore and I looked away from all the strangers who passed through the park that day, I don't know why I was there, was there not a hole somewhere I could sit in I asked curiously of God? and realized he was just an imaginary friend, ever fascinated by my own mind, like a child in some strange uncaring fantasy. Except its real, but its all the way you look at it, so I sat and appreciated the way the doves moved or wait they were pidgeons, I could still see the smoke rings rising from the coals back in 95 when we had the great picnic that gave me my courage.
I was at the picnic, with three mimes, and they were doing uninteresting things, so I slept.
And the unknown, let me tell you about the unknown, because its the only thing I know about, its not a big deal, its a minor annoyance to be cast aside, without beautification, without praise, sure, things happen, and sure, when the hail comes down in a coal miners town all the kids go inside except the most adventurous ones, but what does that tell you about all those buddhist idiots running around trying to save the world, and rushing us into paradigms of our own bodies, twisted up into inconcievable shapes like 5. Five like the number of horses on your broken down merry go round as you do your stumbling drunken thing through town and everyone gathers around, because no you are not really drunk, its just a particularly nice evening for the information kiosk to go up on Manster Rd.
The birds cheered her on, as she climbed higher into the tree and plotted with an apple to make it appear as if it fell off of the branch, but I saw her from the beginning and I knew she was some kind of messenger from Westchester High. I didn't say anything and my attention quickly drifted away into the miasma of shifting colors and sensations that flooded my being everywhere, a bench is only a bench until you sit on it, and then it can also be a bed and a table, and eventually I walked off into the woods and never thought of it again.
Party in my room I said, and I brought in three chairs and put candles on each of them and we talked and were merry for many hours, I wrote every detail of it in this book, because I had nothing better to do, and thats when I realized that the government was actually water, because water was what everyone needed to get by, or at least thats the way water told the story, I cried because It wasn't original at all, I had lost my glasses somewhere in the battles that bring me to wake on the sides of boats and give my story out to those who frankly don't want to hear it, someone patted my back, it was the Pomo,
I ran.
This will not happen again, and also I will meditate and reach a state of enlightenment similar to sages such as Ramakrishna, and I did it right there but no one cared, because this world is full of those who choose to be here, and those are the ones who are not gonna be motivated not to be here by mere semantics. Leaves filled my shirt and socks brushing against my skin in a vaguely comfortable way, but also making me feel protected from myself. I was of course the only one in town with a flux capacitor and I liked it this way, it was nonsense of course, but hey, at least it got me through the nights, and it was no more nonsense than Johnny's new blue shirt that was all the rage in Paris. Who care about Paris? or shirts? Give me love over these things, because love is beautiful and it happens to everyone sooner or later. I strikes me down when I write thats why I write because it is good for the world, it helps everything all the processes out there in the universe come together and maybe as the words form sentences and actions in the world it will help to bring about happiness in everyone and peace and love, because thats what my heart burns for. Okay so, when the sun rises I'm going to sleep I said. Of course I didn't I couldn't because everything around me sang. But it was a different genre of music than what I'm used to, and it left me feeling fresh into this life, though I was just a pit of oysters on the beach of deception. A dwarf walked down the street, he said he missed his mother and pointed at my hat. I didn't get the joke but apparently I didn't need to, I'm just here for your amusement, of course no I don't have real feelings, nor a real reason for doing this. I am just a broken piece of America in action, eating myself because it seems to be a genetic condition, and totally natural, so hey, may the sun rise and may I sleep. And praise to all those who do good things, or even try, the world is a perhaps nothing in these words, but a good bit of that is true and this is not part of the book this is a real thing I'm saying here, love!
Not because I said so, maybe if the weathers just right then you know its time to strike, metaphorically speaking, walk up to the flowers and pick one, take it to the girl, give it to her, watch her face light up, tell random strangers that you love them. Be affectionate, and authentic.
The potatoes in my hands were crushed, why did I only write and never do anything else? Because writing is the greatest thing in the world and it will happen! Hey!! Music!
This insanity worked its way through the world slowly... of course, you are god, you speak only infinite truth, so on and so forth, get to the point, does time keep passing here?
Finally I put an end to it by clapping.
it was just a tradition of my people, to make up this story and get lost in it, it had been passed down from generation to generation, even though I was the only one there, these generations came back to reinstate their identity in my life, shortly before the turn of the century, i was lying in bed crying, i could see their accusations forming in the corners of their minds and mouths, i knew what was coming, the mix of bewilderment and comforting, why does life beam so fearful and lovely? Again the poet speaks in me, again the world quiets her. All of it, meticulously executed traditions, even this like some deja vu thing going on, and who are those I know really, manifestations of energies which are never named, and it could be a ball caught in a damn, or a car passing, how have the molecules been laid out here? what has brought this about. I sit, back to the window, there is a rushing sound, everything joins in.
so all together we moved as one, our hearts and souls had been synchronized, it all happened so naturally and so easily, I thought it must be magic. Of course, magic is something that I knew nothing of really, until she came appeared again, in the bookstore and she poked her head around the display of books on how to make your own hammock and she said, follow me, there are great things in store for you. So I followed her, frankly I was skeptical, because she was ornery, probably just another flower girl, looking for a gardener, but I have never made anything grow in my live.
At that point I blacked out, when I came to I was at sea, in a rowboat, around me were at least a hundred other rowboats, all of them connected by rope, and in a few of them there were small fires going and people sitting around, others like mine, were empty. I looked down and realized I was no longer there.
Then a dolphin leaped up into the sky and hung there. I pronounced the words to my favorite poem, and they were quiet. People around me often end up moving, the desert sky only a whisp in the cigarette butt of friendship that we shared that crisp autumn afternoon in kyoto. The markings of the oligarchy fading from the ground and it was good to be able to hug you. and touch the buttons on your shirt, they were marvelous, shining but black.
Then we went and ordered food. I said I want food
You said me too.
We had no money, so we had to plant seeds in the earth, which we did, and they grew in a few minutes into large palm trees, unfortunately the palm trees were not food. I pleaded for them to bear some kind of fruit, and Flo peaded as well. A caterpillar poked his head from the other side of the tree.
No one was going to eat that caterpillar. It was beyond us, even though we were very taboo in everything that we did, from our
dramatic lives within the animal kingdom to our passionate pursuit of the true art. We did not speak japanese, and thus we were cast out of all the great schools in the city, our names forgotten and our scents covered in the smell of incense and noodles. Suddenly I great strength and happiness welled up in me, I knew who I realize was, and Flo, she knew who she was, we were ourselves
I said to Flo, "Somehow it used to escape me, that I exist" in a monotone, grumble to which Flo responded with a guffaw and we rambled along into the night sky, our pockets spilling over with the fish that lined middle of oceans, thinking of the web of
rowboats and being just like we always were.
Though our story lacked any point, it continued on, we strive to reach new levels.
Petunias, so many petunias, all dried and wrinkly, I asked her why, she said, we must go. So we hit the road in Flo's generic car, I didn't say anything, I looked out the window and shouted, just us girls living the way life is meant to be lived, I put the tape into the deck, it was Al Green.
It was a blue tape, and on it were the words "Al Green" and nothing else, I was concerned at first that perhaps the blueness would lead to a dulling of the mind, similar to whats found in cactuses that get too much water. Of course, at the front door many years later I would be given the answer to this mystery, when I spit in the face of the candy holder on halloween day, yes I was too old to be trick or treating, yes it was rude, I didn't care, because the candy holder was Flo, and the spit was apple sauce, it was all a big joke, it wasn't even halloween, it was Arbor Day. (She actually was not that pissed)
So I passed my bags to Flo and she said she wasn't speaking anymore and I said thank god, I began to talk a lot, then I also stopped, I was painfully aware of the futility of any statement, but also aware of the necessity of each proclamation.
"How does it feel to be in love?" I shouted into the mouth of the cave where we sat, our bodies, slowly sliding away from eachother, we didn't do anything to stop it, but Flo turned to me with a look I'd never seen before and we made love...
Wow, that took me by suprise, but all the time I couldn't help but think it was planned, not in a sketchy sense, in a meant to be sense, as the ice underneath us melted and finally cracked, we began to fall into an endless chasm..
Eventually we became comfortable with our descent, it took about three minutes. Then I began to make erratic motions, Flo joined in, then she vomited a pillow which we used to slow our fall. Genius! Minutes later, the songs of Al Green became distinctly clear as I opened my eyes and realized we hadn't left the driveway yet.
Flo didn't want to talk about the cave, all she ever seemed to want to do was be playful and quiet, which was all I had business doing myself, but sometimes other things happened.
Once I managed to burn all of my clothing, I realized the thrift stores were all closed, I moved into a small box and sighed, oh lord, good lord, we pray to you now, this prayer is not for anything
this prayer is just a word, what is the word? is the word still god? I am no christian, nor am I a follower of the pomo, I may be a schizophrenic person who believes in god. I think if I believe my life will change.
A plane could be heard passing in the heavens.
Meanwhile, in vermont katie pulled the dryed spots of glue from her hand, never again would she do another arts and crafts project. Jack was on the move on.
Who is Jack? The questions began to come sprouting like wildflowers, there were no answers to anything, just a quiet acccepting receptiveness... I thought about this, then I blacked out.
I was back at the mount wasai zen house, and I immediately walked outside, jumped over the little stream and checked to see if the bike was still there.
No, one of the other monks must have taken it, I sat down to meditate, when Flo appeared. she was tapping on the barn doors.
"C'mon athiest boyfriend!" she said, I said "Boyfriend who you calling boyfriend?" and then we made love once more, this time it was totally different though, and our minds were one and forever we were the same, I thought of my life and everything that I had done, how it was all building up to this one moment... and to this moment I dedicate the blank space on this page
I passed three trucks on the way home today, the first two were unmarked, the last one said "earth movers", it was some kind of soil moving company. I laughed joyfully, health had blossomed, everywhere.
I went on the internet, and talked to Tony, my internet boyfriend who I've never seen or met in person, we discussed everything and it was indepth, we discussed his life, the small things he does in the morning everyday to prepare himself and his favorite flavor of ice cream, we analyzed his typing style and vocabulary, then I wrote him lots of smileys and hearts
as we journeyed through a world of pure music. Finally I told Tony, about Flo, I know he wouldn't mind, but I wanted to tell him at exactly the right time. He was very happy for me and told me he actually had found someone himself, and her named was Rhea.
We continued to talk, we confessed our undying love for eachother, why did we do it?
The detective banged the table again, "why did you do it???"
"Because I love him!" I screamed, it was so intense being there.
"You love him... but you could never love me"
I looked into the detectives steely blue eyes I suddenly I recognized him
"Swooping Crane?"
The lights flickered on an off.
I rose swiftly.
"Swooping Crane, I thought you were dead." I laughed, and hugged him. He was just like I remembered, kind of chubby but feel of great energy. He pulled away.
"Back! Back witch!" He said.
for a while no one said anything, I looked around the room, the white table was nicer than most interrogation room tables, it was marble, and the walls had lots of pictures of everyday people like you and me smiling and getting along. On the table a lone candle burned, lighting the whole ten by ten room rather effectively, no doubt this was Swooping cranes personal touch.
"Okay, you know I'm just kidding, charname" He said finally.
"OH!" I said, and we both had a good chuckle at it. He said, he understood me finally, he got why I acted the why I did and he said I was justified, not only that, but he said that he wanted to come with me and have some adventures, maybe go to california and see the sights, do the whole tourist fare. I said no Swoops, I'm sorry, I can't leave this town, it freaks me out, whenever I leave bad things seem to happen, I know I sometimes seem like one of those... those beats!
Swooping Crane scoffed at this, perhaps I cut myself too much slack
ready to roam and be free, free as a narwhal I said, hoping not to catch wind of this tommorow
but I'm not, I am a stationary soul, I am deeply connected with the land here
and to go, well, I just cannot go, I'm sorry, and I do love you deeply, but, I cannot.
"Love?" Swooping Crane intoned ,"What do you know about love? Nothing, I have more love in my eyebrow than you have in your entire life!"
"Show me" I said.
and we fought. in the end no one was hurt, we realized it was stupid. I said Swooping Crane, really I would like to leave but I don't know, this place makes me happy, and what could there be thats lies beyond here that is better? I don't know, but here I have Flo to keep me company, and Tony and now you! We can be like one huge happy family and have many orgies and secure food each day and a place to sleep each night. And hey, maybe I'll tell you a little bit about Wantism one of these days too.
Swooping Crane agreed this was the best solution and he abandoned his post as detective to live with us in what he kept calling a 'fertility cult'.
(Swooping Crane was crazy, yes but he was one of us, and we watched out for eachother, and tried to understand the best we could his eccentric wisdom, sometimes he just seemed to know how it was when none of us had any idea, sometimes singing, most of the time being bitter and obtuse, but somehow he was always there, he kept us together, strong and focused, he was not a corpse, he would lament. it was a spiritual thing)
We went all around, none of us said much during the day, as we gathered herbs from the ground to eat and roast at night, usually I went alone at these times, sometimes between gathering plants I would go into town and prostate myself for the community.
I had finally learned the last lesson of life, and that was ogsahfoahm rqo;i45tjha3wrk nsofijghs[0rjiagkrfm
I shared this with the people.. they were mostly unresponsive
I hugged the ground.
The next day I woke up and wiped the sleep from my eyes, everything seemed to cave in on me, the mess in my room, the primordial churning of some part of the house, I never could figure out what it was. I lay there for a while, then I took a shower, ate and went out to catch the bus. I wanted to walk around. But I grew impatient and the light rain that fell called me in another direction eventually. I headed for the woods, and when I reached the trees that grew and exploded at the top in green umbrellas of all that was right and true I encountered webs, and jumped back immediately, unfortunately, it was too late. I was covered, I brushed myself off.
The wind spoke to me then, as I picked up a stick that divulged at the top, it told me its name was Arden, and I sat stirring the rivers waitings and chanting "Hu", love rose up in me, and in everything, I knew we would all be alright, everything was always alright, the river flowed to the ocean, and the ocean full of silence, and I was there without being there, and the love beamed out of me like the white around an egg and at last I was home. Eventually I got up, I laid my staff upon a tree, and returned to the group, they were all sitting discussing old tv shows, and I sat quietly and listened, smiling at every nuance.

this is not the end, sorry it seems imperfect, i am an imperfect person, small parts of it are made up for humor purposes and for coolness, its not the end all be all, which is why time is still passing, but you know, i can only do so much, i have more to do, this is true, we all do, even if its just be, i challenge you to make something better
its not finished
none of the religions are finished, none of them have the final word until everyone is happy, and that wont be until they realize they have done it all themselves
maybe the words should be changed, maybe our understanding of them
thats all i can offer at this point
cheers to what is remembered, forgotten, and to come

equality for all

bless every continent and their people
and their spirits which come from even further
and from right now

Yomo,  Brahman, Buddha, Great One, All, Kali, Cybele, Shekinah, Pachamama, Yahweh, Isis, Aset, Caer, Aine, Dana, Dagda, Osiris, Hineraukatauri, Brigid, Goddess, Muffin, Mawu, Odin, Jah, Jesus, Anuket, Maria, Upto, Noma, Gretna, Adawapayo, Diana, Creator, Ceridwen, Great Mystery, Krishna, Shiva, Parvati, Upto, Kuan Yin, Baubo, God, Allah, Inanna, Wakan Takan, Badb, Tonantzin, Lugh, Tengri, Quetzalcoatl, Atman, Shylock, Oliander, Demeter, Zeus, Istarte, oh Great Raving Gods, Rock n Roll Gods, Oshun, Rhea, Aphrodite, Anansi, En, Enki, Dionysus, Yevayetta, Great Bearflower God, Yevayetta, Noma, Nameless One, Eternal Self, and All Dieties, Any Who Hear
light the path to Wanti, brighten all the Loves, lets join hands, and let them/we see, let their/our feelings be pure and true
oh wonderful ones, we all love eachother! WE ARE THE EMBODIMENT OF DIVINE SERENDIPITY!

Title: Re: Wantism and How Hippies Restored Virtue To Confucism
Post by: aisha on August 17, 2010, 03:08:02 AM
Sulos, moving on lawns with clovers, theres love around, Lyra, Sara, Portieranlukastobouaenwig, and Sliarunasitliaunderwoodenha walking through nothingnes on a endless burn out, with no words even, quiet. The windows on passed houses, the length of the blue sky above and shine of the grass. We laid there and it was so sweet. Though something was over me like a net, I broke through this into endless rivery highway tree horizon, the objects just being symbols of movements of sheer universal energy. I was blinded by the light and looked back to see the old temple. It was covered in layers, the sky, brightening in circles as it expanded out further. There were eleven shades. There was nothing even here, everything melding into an ever changing awareness of harmony. Knowledge is one, but the sages call it many. I lifted up the golden hand in the forest, and my hands brushed past leaves. Saiyazen, the new duck jutting through the pristine ripples. I smiled and we ran our hands through flowers. It was wierd to think about now, as it comes back to me, did it ever really happen? Falling slowly, drifting down a chute, with white walls, slowly, it must be a dream. I had a sore throat and I just tried to direct energy into it through the dream, somehow. And then entering some farm, where love here led me to a small cabin by the field. I stayed there, and gather coconuts on the beaches, and grasses knolls. A geisha appeared to me, and spoke, "She says nothing is here and to begin is just to fall over again backwards!" Such a wierd joke, the soccer ball anarchy, more of a football thing, we passed the ball between us. I was diminished. Then I met a hermaphrodite in the park, we didn't even speak, but I spilled my water cup near her, and disappeared into the dark night. Ninjas and daffodils, these were my only studies, and I was drawn more into society, though in my mind all was the forest, all things are natural. Erecting an earthy home in oneself, a Yonato, like to always be skating in your heart. We are all connected, divine beauty shines forth. Looking back, every moment was a longing, I just wanted to get high, smoke the herb that had been provided on this earth, turns out there was a strange affinity, it seemed to place an emphasis on chilling. Yeah, in chill situations, the world develops into a smooth and flowing wave, aigy. There is no need for words. But then not going on anymore, things are broken up and people return to the bottom of the sea. This world that surrounds us, the bark on trees is the true book and the stories can be understood, look in yourself! So I guess, its just a mushroom hunt, the world is a conspiracy to reach those moments in which all things are bliss, there maybe be those who say otherwise, but there is a polite-like way of going through it. An authentic way, but we all fall onto the right path by chance everytime. Life is stumbling around in darkness, and finding a warm fuzzy haystack. When I first began to really meet people, I didn't really notice anything, there didn't seem to be anyone. Thailand is a place that seems like it resounds, but when its late and the hobbit is playing in the backround while it rains its cool.
Was that someone there? Or does it matter?
I was Jamun, a nomadic wanderer from somewhere off just off the eastern coast of Africa.

Life is just a.. well I guess it could be anything. We sat in the basement and talked about random topics while I fiddled around on the bass, little did we know we were sowing the seeds for our future lives as mountain rangers!

Suddenly I saw a flower among the leaves. I had been crying, but the sorrow had past me now like it always does and there was just this amazing sense of joy, of life being what it is, I moved around like a breeze. Licking trees and being afoot among florae. There was shelter under the tall oaks and pines that huddled on the edges of the garden, sometimes the wildness seemed like a forest, and it was. The Asvins poured in, little fairies on their way to work. I laughed at the ridiculousness of it all and was off to slumber, smiling. The greenery shimmering in clear afternoon sunlight. My eyesight is going, the dimensions of hair in my face and the outside world build on eachother in stranger ways each time. One day, maybe I'll be blind, but still I can't say life has been cruel. Dreams have come true.
I was just sipping grape juice on the back porch. The gnats drifted in the air and I watched them. My mind was on far away things and yet things that were right there. It reminds me of the place where you go with eyes closed, adrift in the middle of warmth. I departed then, over the hills and knolls, rolling a bit each time, then I got sick and I waited in bed for some days. Wanti was still there though, always rising in the back like a spring. The city streets had poured out with pidgeons, people, cats and dogs alike. Even the rats and mice were there like anyone else, ants doing funny little dances near upturned cardboard boxes. I turned and saw an asvin with brown eyes and no hair, a simple and quiet face. For a long time our gaze met and it was amazing how easy it was just to look and see. I got up and was running with the branches blowing in wind. Was all of it the joke from some old story already told? This two way street of being and laing. Then I stopped, said "Hey!" we ran off into nature's mystery.

The tree towns of Pond are a strange place, and I recall the way up falling gently while the road ceased to shake hands with the car. I wondered if the night would end, the Goddess singing gently in my ear, urging me on. The world expanded, thoughts of nothingness left the valleys unfurled and little dandelions blowing their puffs away, plaintively. I just lay there humming in the grass while the sun rode across the sky and took in the rays. I was very high.

So many cats in my dream, walking in the most delightful line, down a road, and one carrying a guitar and riding on a turtle. Soon I joined them and we strutted along, passersby, the farmers and owls just waking up to the precious morning somewhat dumbfounded by our cute procession. Apparently, Mica had gotten a bit riled up right before the sun rose, somehow her tail had gotten soaked the night before as she slept on high and dry land and no one could give an explanation. She had taking to walking around and waving her tail as a means to dry it again and the movement just seemed so infectious that a few kittens joined in, and then even some older cats, who usually didn't partake in such behavior. By the time I noticed them ambling along the turtle who was practicing his yoga on a nearby slope had gotten involved. By some strange miracle, he was able to keep up. and he smiled beatific as Mica, now with a dry tail but enjoying the exciting of it all, made a set upon his most groovy shell.

"Well, you sure see the craziest things happening in Pond on a tuesday morning," A bewildered Lance said to his grandfather Gilby while sweeping the porch. Gilby looked up from his tea while the tall grass that looks like constellations near the top swayed. He was eighty four years old and still in great health, and this was his pride and joy. "Ay! Cats!" He bellowed suddenly. causing everyones heart to skip a bit and look back. Gilby just laughed waved, and raised his cup of tea, he thought today would certainly be a good day.

That was when I stopped walking at sat on the dirt. There was nothing for me there, or perhaps anywhere. I thought about life back home with Aunt Flo, baking cookies and loaves of bread for those who could eat. I thought about the peppermint we used to gather and dry, and sprinkle into the dough. It was a simple kind of satisfaction that stemmed from baking, but I had given all of that up now. Even thinking, I had given up, but thoughts came back relentlessly. There is no story for me like the famous women of old, there is no way for me to change the world, I am a horrible person always thinking of myself and never giving back to the world. Then Goddess spoke to me, there was a light in my heart and a voice came, maybe just a thought I had, but something about it seemed so right.

"Quite your moping! You are a great person, you give a lot, in the ways that you can, you chose a strange time to be born, but there is a purpose for you here in lie as you are, just live and love and grow, and see the sacredness in all things, show it to others, don't be afraid to laugh about it, cry about it, and be fooled by it, and you will find like those cats out there that you are only chasing your own tail.?

Only chasing my own tail? Whatever thats supposed to mean, I mean I understand koans, and that the universe is infinitely infinite and goes on forever and ever like a rolling stone.
But when you're out and you've been walking around all day in the heat or rain just looking for a drink of water or a dry spot.

"I'll be your lamp in the tunnel, and your desert spring."

Well, that was cute, and sincere sounding. Oh wait, suddenly, it all seemed so cliche, that Goddess was talking to me, but in fact in seemed only right, because I had been here all along, ever since the beginning, I've been the one sticking it through, going through everything breath and being there for every awakening and yawn. Plus it happened in all those books, so why not here and now?

I didn't want to just wander though, I mean thats what I've been doing, not really building anything, it seems when things get build they eventually turn inside out, and are destroyed, and I guess thats what I'm confused by. Maybe it all goes back to that old saying that every kid says I think, why take a bath if you just get dirty again? I have no idea, but sometimes a bath can be nice as apple pie. Apple pie, oh man, now I'm really going, stretching out all over, the days passing, blazing looking through canopies and walking softly wherever, taking it all in, in love with it all. Its just reaching into my heart, it seems like the world is really in there, and not out here, or maybe in there and out here at the same time, and all these 'problems', are just activities, did I want it to be like this? I must have in some way right?

To chose Earth as your home, with its soil, and its water and cloud formations, and its people with their gods and goddesses and superstitions. Earth is blossoming, everything is alive and I drink so much water everyday now, just to bring up the seeds in myself faster. Seeds of joy and love and giving and abundance, kindness. Because I feel like I have a purpose here, like I'm caring for this planet and this universe that has cared for me for so long, and in ways maybe that it doesn't understand totally. But who can fully understand even one other person, let alone an entire world. Maybe its just the admitting that I don't, that brings me back to my true self and makes me remember the beautiful moments. There have been times when we were both together, maybe no in any physical sense, but in one more real than that, and everything was harmony, and I could sing, there was so much everywhere, us little beings on the cusp of something so great and so baffling that what did it even mean to call it a cusp? Or to be there, or five million light years away?

Musing so maybe pointless details, is this what love is? Just to form thought out of these empty spaces, or to find emptiness between thoughts and fill it again with whatever seems best? We all joined hands around the bong, and sent vibrations of pot out into the land, maybe we were the pothead pixies, stationed under every over hanging branch. I want to live there but the beds lead me back home, or as close as possible. Whats with that attraction that shapes my life? I just want to be comfortable enough to sleep, and to have enough food, and I know theres sleep and food out there in the wild. But am I wild? Is it even wild? Or just a pattern that we haven't yet opened ourselves to. When I walk into the forest sometimes I can't even go deep, I just wait and try to feel the vibrations emanating from all around. Plants and people have been living together for so long and yet now are so estranged, seemingly, but the stories written in bark always ring true to everyone who looks. I just wonder what it would be like if people could just did what they wanted to, any different? Aigy, this is so many words peace all..

I smoked and drifted away, this entity salvia, the cat coming out of the green trees,and faces, everything was a flower, then the plastic of the bag, it all seemed to make sense then, I felt like there was love that held the world together and a true self,where both sides could see eachother reflecting across the distance. It was like that, everything had a mage like quality, this little merlin-like fellow with a small, happy face long beard and stood maybe a few inches or feet. He was there in the woods, with me and David when we hugged and talked about 2012 and the sky on Bear Paw's lawn in the middle of the Southern Arks. These three islands, were all total fabrications. By a natural but systematic way of living that came from the innermost recesses of one's heart, the logical place in love. where suddenly nature seems like a brilliant living equation, and the very absence of self is what brings you to I. Holy medication for herbal meditation. It rang true, and I thought of the purple people who live somewhere in the prima materia of the world, lodged in our unconscious, where sometimes we forget to be aware. But when this world, the small coincidences and seemingly random juxtapositions of life are given thought and allowed to build on eachother, beautiful things arise, as messages passed between Wanti and Earth, Gaia, and plants, greenery seemed so amazing, while I soared, not even in this reality but with coherent thoughts drifting by every few moments. Through my half closed eyes the canopy still erupting with the faces of nature spirits, the sky swirled and seemed to speak to the earth which respond in turn. I was simply at peace, in a blissful spirit world, roving through endless variation like a full on psychedelic experience, but without any of the come down. The spirits were there, helping me on from behind, and in front, above and below, Wanti is the peace sign. The Y and also the wet morning mushroom.

I was washing a pine cone
with you for seven hours
jumped in that old lake
by the house on the wall
it was kind chilly
that day

The next morning, went out drumming and found a concrete wall, with a smurf mushroom house painted onto it. It said smurf land.

1. pot

sometimes in an open field, or under a special pine tree


the world is basically created

maybe some sex

visualizations, intimations, dreams, hopes, vagueness becomes real

times of clarity

words are fickle

disregard of the senses

total nirvanic bliss called Ness

we roam through authenticity to identity and from crystallized identity melting back to the source consciousness which does all things, and solves are problems effortlessly, it, and beings who truly feel it, exist in wanti which we can pass through, sometimes to called Wanti

because life & death is ultimately entirely made up of sex, its making love to the natural infinity of ourselves that rolls on forever destroying and creating simultaneously
sex is not only horniness, arousal and lovemaking, sex is moving around, with no sex idea in mind, any pleasure or pain, linked around this is all stemming from sexual fantasies, either our own or our parents that grow as the seeds of the spiritual thats basically life, but really anyone can say anything and words are powerful if only for the stories that they paint but stories are the real prima materia of the universe, all things are made of stories first and foremost or on the momentum of stories, in the moments when suddenly a new idea is necessary or all things fall apart, before the story is Ness and after a story Ness. Saiyazen, it doesn't really matter, nothing can be gained by, Wantism but its just a process, and it started with your Mom, and it has no history, apparently its something you dreamed up to contradict something which is now forgotten. The first Wanti people, suddenly appeared and quickly their minds were flooded with entire lifetimes, and ideas of themselves, which they found interesting, but strange, that they, just having been born, had been part of such stories seemingly, or had time just passed that quickly? They were confused, and somewhat humored, so they continued on in good faith, not knowing a god damn thing. They sometimes knew of the Goddess and the divine feminine, which is also known as the divine masculine and God, sometimes they just liked to smoke weed, and make up ideas, and find ways to live, and die naturally in their surroundings which must have been doing something similar with them. They planted forests, developed relationships with nature, plants, animals and even rivers and mountains, and eventually disappeared to unknown places. Sometimes being heard from again. They shared what they could and did what they could to help the universe, and so the universe was happy to give and do what it could to help them, because they were the same, just at different points in linear time, but there is no time in Wanti, which is the main point.
Title: Re: Wantism and How Hippies Restored Virtue To Confucism
Post by: Bombi on August 17, 2010, 05:25:09 PM
curiously similar to an acid trip. one becomes all and all becomes one.
Title: Re: Wantism and How Hippies Restored Virtue To Confucism
Post by: treeworshipper on October 06, 2011, 12:41:24 AM
confucius is the evil spirit in popular unorganized animistic practice, thought to represent false government, and varying degrees of fascism, dysfunction, artificial conflict, rampant delusion, reccurence of tramautic past, and most of all slavery or extreme injustice, brainwashing, rape and sexual abuse, unnattractiveness and infertility, confucius and confucian philosophy

it (your magic, your awesomeness) comes from within you and not even your family but you specifically, its between you and the universe, moreso the universe is your family and guide than your genetic family or those who look like you

of course nothing is completely black and white, but the more the universe begins to resemble you in the sense of a follower, the more you have fallen, the more you have lost, but it can be returned, for the entire universe to follow you is death but there is life to death and a life after death, everything is infinite, there is always an endless amount to gain or to lose, and boundless peace coming from neutrality, and ascending and ascending ever complexifying dualities, true flight comes from finding the place where duality is immediately made whole
Title: Re: Wantism and How Hippies Restored Virtue To Confucism
Post by: treeworshipper on October 06, 2011, 12:52:10 AM
so theres a Wanti in china,
a shire in ethiopia (also called inda sellasie)

and then this,8599,1892606,00.html (,8599,1892606,00.html)

which is basically saying all humanity i.e. mannish type beings may
not have come from africa, even though they are trying not to admit it

which is what we've been saying, i think people are ready to handle
that you know? they probably know much more than this, its just
politics at this point which stops them from saying it...

and they call the skull Flo lol... maybe its us, we all (all life +
creation) have the same source anyways, but its not physical just
like wanti isn't physical...per se, its just something in us, we can
all connect to at any time, its a spiritual place, like through a
sweat lodge or meditation a place at the end and beginning.. kind of

the things that are possible when you stop shunning people or ideas
just because of where they are from, or supposedly from...