General Discussions => Spirituality => Wicca => Topic started by: Raven on September 05, 2010, 05:34:29 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on September 05, 2010, 05:34:29 PM
Last night I helped a friend banish a female spirit who was angry. Now a few minutes ago I learned that the spirit hass came back and has burned and scratched my friends husband even pulled off his sock to burn him. This spirit may be bugging their son who is only a few months old. I used holy water and a prayer to banish the spirit last night and even traced protective wards on my friends to protect them. I need advice on how to make sure this spirit is banished permeatly. So far I'm thinking I may burn sage, holy water and burn frankensence. Please if any of you have any advice and or suggestions it will be much appreciated. I fear that this spirit may try to harm their children next. I know I should be able to sense the spirit if she is there so that part shouldn't be a issue. Please help.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Shang on September 05, 2010, 05:41:32 PM
Not saying I believe what I just read, but what I've learned the person who is being bothered has to be the one to banish the spirit and is the one who has to believe in the remedies.

Edit:  Have you sprinkled salt in the corners or made a salt/water mix and sprinkle it around the inside of the house?
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Nicky on September 05, 2010, 06:53:00 PM
I kind of think it is more the intention behind how you use the object than the object itself.

Perhaps it is bothered by something, tried talking to it? It is just trying to tell you something but nobody is listening. Have they done something to the house recently? Have they just moved in? It could be something as simple as rearranging the furniture.

Also I recommend doing a little digging into the history of the location. You might find clues as to the origin of the spirit and that will help you deal with it.

failing that you could try getting a priest to bless the house. I know, wrong religion, but that can be just as effective because faith is a powerful thing.  It is all about the intention.

Otherwise I recomend they move, putting your kids in trouble is just not worth it.

Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on September 05, 2010, 07:13:13 PM
I have sprinkled holy water that I make myself from salt and water and blessing it as well as asking the Lord and Lady to bless it. I know a little history of the trailure, the woman who owned it first died in the trailure and we have reson to beleve that this is her spirit who resides there. They have made the childrens room bigger by knocking down walls and the like. They never had any trouble out of the spirit before until my friends husband who didn't believe in spirits saw the spirit watching him as he tried to sleep and he started insulting and offending the spirit. I warned him that if he keeps doing that it will make the spirit more angry. Last night when the spirit retuned even though I couldn't see her but felt her anger he claims that she was covered in blood. She left after I sprinkled the room with holy water and traced protective wards on them now she's back and more angry. I will try anything that is adviced and or suggested I am just worried for their and mainly the childrens safty.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Janet_Girl on September 05, 2010, 07:19:02 PM
Sea salt on all opening.  Burn sage is each room.  Call for the spirit to leave.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Nicky on September 05, 2010, 07:20:02 PM
Sounds like all she needs is a good apology from the guy. Hopefully that is enough.

If you knew something of what she liked, certain flowers or music or whatever that could be introduced as a gift to butter her up...
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on September 05, 2010, 09:12:49 PM
I am hoping so. My friend and myself has told him he needs to be nice to the spirit he isn't listening. I have never had an issue banishing spirits before, so why now? But yea, I haven't talked to the spirit besides when I respectivly asked her to leave the first time. Then she came back and burned him then today scratched him. I will bring all of this to their attention and if all the spirits needs is his apology and a bit of butterin up I hope he will do this and he will be respectful to her.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Osiris on September 16, 2010, 12:19:14 AM
Sounds like a badass entity you have there and could take more than a normal banishing. Is the spirit connected to the property or possibly to a person (which could be why she came back after being asked to leave the property)?

I'm no expert on banishing spirits but one method I know is to light a white candle and to tell the spirit to go towards the light. Also as Janet suggested, burning sage or incense. I don't know if you work with energies but I find meditation to create a protective space helps a lot, concentrating on good energies and pushing away negative ones...
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on September 16, 2010, 10:20:47 AM
So far the spirit has decided to leave, but for how long we don't know. I intructed them them to inform me if she comes back and from there I will go through the trailure and burn sage and insence and if need be trace protective wards. And I will do the same for the rest of the property. I will also give the white candle and everything an go. The only way I can think that the spirit would be connated to the property is that she had owned the place first and had passed away in the trailure when she had a heart attack I believe. But now I think she is after me while I sleep cause I have woke yesturday with two myterious cuts on my leg and foot. When I sleep I don't know nothing heh and the other night the hall light got turned off by an spirit while I was in the restroom cause I felt a spirit and saw the light go out on its own. I am so used to spirits being around me all the time so that light being turned off didn't bother me.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on September 16, 2010, 01:00:19 PM
I do work with energy a lot. But haven't tried doing that before with it for me when I work with energry it's for other purposes.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Osiris on September 16, 2010, 01:12:11 PM
Perhaps the spirit has picked up on your openness and willingness to help with whatever has kept her around and attacking people. The upside of that is that she's not over there to harm the people in the previous house. The downside is that you have a powerful and easily angered spirit on your hands.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on September 16, 2010, 04:15:18 PM
That is very true. Last time I cleansed their home my friend intructed me that all spirits but her must go because at the time she wasn't an issue for them. And it was an successful clean\banishment of the spirits there. But here at home if she becomes angry or anything I will work with her by talking to her but should she become an issue I have sage, incense, sweetgrass, holy water, white candles pretty much anything I may need that should banish her and go to the light. I am openminded to spirits and everything but the only problem I have is figureing out how to help them as I can pick up on their emotions and their presence. I don't hear them but only on rare occasions nor can I see them but may a glance. But I try nonetheless. Only twice in my life have I had the oppuntinty to see two spirits one shadow person and one I am not sure what he was but he was playful lol and easy to banish. I am going to do what I can.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: rite_of_inversion on November 12, 2010, 09:50:05 PM
This is an old post, y'all may not have had any more trouble?

-Things don't bother me(as in I'm told I'm the spiritual equivalent of a 600 decibel polka), so your mileage may vary...but I was told to run the vaccuum cleaner! no joke!
-My own protective thing I like to do is to enter a light trance and to trace the outline of a building in blue flame-like a gas jet.
-You might try a few camphor cubes-they will evaporate on their own and smell very mediciney.
-Feng-shui: a mirror reflecting out the front door to chase the evil spirit out.

This is all, of course, if just telling her she's not welcome anymore didn't work
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on November 13, 2010, 12:06:51 AM
Yea so far they haven't had anymore problems with her. But I think she has taken an likeing to me, I am still haveing morning where I wake to find a scratch or two on me. The other day I found a place on my stomach that looked like someone had taken their nail and dug in so to speak and it broke the skin and found a simialr place on my knucke. Not worried about it as long as she don't harm my kid or burn me I don't care. And I knpw that spirits can burn someone, I've been burn badly by one before. Anyway, I believe she waits til I'm asleep to do that because that is when I am most vunerable, I don't know nothing when I'm asleep.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: rite_of_inversion on November 13, 2010, 01:46:45 AM
Lesser banishing ritual of pentagram over body before bed? ought to work, no?  If not that, if you're not allergic, cedar essential oil maybe...just a couple of drops mixed with your regular soap...

Salt sprinkled under the bed?

Windchimes plus fan on low?

A cat to sleep with you? Ghosts are scary, but cats are pure evil. ;)
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on November 13, 2010, 09:34:28 AM
I think the lesser banishment over body would be my best bet. Thank you :D
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: cynthialee on November 13, 2010, 09:55:31 AM
I am pretty sure that cats play with spirits like they do a mouse. I am pretty sure that they can eat them also.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on November 13, 2010, 10:17:10 AM
They can eat them?? D:
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Miniar on November 13, 2010, 07:02:12 PM
Psh, Almost anyone with enough will and practice can eat spirits if they are so inclined.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on November 13, 2010, 08:30:15 PM
But why would anyone want to eat a spirit?
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Miniar on November 14, 2010, 06:45:28 AM
Permanent solution.
"Psychic vampyrism"

I sometimes threaten to eat the houseghost or the shadows in the basement, when they're making me uncomfortable, usual by startling me.
Might be easier for me than others, what with the Rakshasa thing and all...

(Oh gods I come off as good and loony making these statements!)
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on November 14, 2010, 10:20:33 AM
Oh I get it now, you in defense feed off the spirits energy. For a while I thought you meant something else >.>  Brain fart.. No I don't think your looney or anything. So what your saying is your an phi vamp? If not, my bad. But I will say this much, I know someone very well on here who is one. Anywho, yea I'm gonna have to do something to rid myself of other spirits besides just her. Because for some reason most of my life spirits are attracted to me, I don't weither it's because I'm sensitive to them or they love my energy. If they just love my energy, then yes they best leave me alone because I need my energy. Which reminds me, I need to balance my chakras, stagance got me.
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Miniar on November 14, 2010, 03:02:12 PM
no, not a psi... Otherkin...

it's complicated
Title: Re: Calling all witches,wiccans,pagans!
Post by: Raven on November 14, 2010, 06:39:14 PM
I understand.