Community Conversation => Non-binary talk => Topic started by: rite_of_inversion on September 15, 2010, 10:39:58 PM Return to Full Version

Title: legal name change?
Post by: rite_of_inversion on September 15, 2010, 10:39:58 PM
Okay...mostly thinking of myself as androgyne is disturbing/exciting/satisfying...

But my RL name (that I'll keep anonymous, sorry) is pretty indicative of my female biogender. Something I'm not quite-or at least not entirely.  It's...well, such a girly, silly little name, of giggles and bows.

Whatever I am, I am not giggles and bows. I feel a lot deeper, darker, and colder than my name.  It fits neither my gender nor my temperament.

Have any of you changed your real life, legal names to reflect your gender status as neither/both? Have any of you changed it for aesthetic reasons?

And if so, how did your family react?
Title: Re: legal name change?
Post by: Shang on September 15, 2010, 10:41:55 PM
I haven't, but I'm going to.  I think my parents might freak for a little bit, but I can't be certain.
Title: Re: legal name change?
Post by: ilanthefirst on September 16, 2010, 01:13:16 AM
I'm strongly considering it.  I'm really not sure about if I'm trans, but I have never felt female despite my very feminine given name.  When I came out to my mom as masculine-leaning genderqueer, she said she should have given me the name my folks chose for if I'd been born with boy parts, which happens to be quite ambiguous, though my parents didn't know that when they picked it out.  I'll probably keep it as a middle name if I transition to male, but if I decide I'm comfortable with an off-binary gender, I'm pretty likely to change it to my primary name.
Title: Re: legal name change?
Post by: Tree on September 17, 2010, 05:37:45 PM
my given name is wrong, pure and simple. i feel disrespectful, though, and somewhat obligated to keep it, considering my parents and where they're at. i'd like to legally change my name to "tree" and perhaps keep my first initial somewhere, like the way bear bergman presents hir name ("s. bear bergman"). so i would be "c. tree t*****." or, potentially, "tree c. t*****." not sure which. my legal middle name can go altogether.

i don't know. my parents call me by my legal name probably around 65% of the time, but they like my "nickname" so it might not be heartbreaking if/when i choose to change my name. although coupled with all the other things i want to do (i.e. top surgery, the tattoo i have been planning on getting for a year and a half, potentially not finish least maaaaybe not right away) it might be a little much. step by step, i guess.
Title: Re: legal name change?
Post by: rite_of_inversion on September 19, 2010, 02:05:34 AM
I know I'm being very pseudo-parental here...but:
As someone who's 37 and is slowly dinking away at a's really rough to not have a degree. Trying to make it on what you can earn without the magic piece of paper gets miserable fast.  Plus either no insurance or lousy insurance that's worthless if you get seriously ill (BTDT).
Sorry for being annoying, but if it keeps you from making my mistakes, my good deed for the day is done;).
threadswerve close/
Title: Re: legal name change?
Post by: Tree on September 20, 2010, 05:38:30 PM
legit threadswerve. yeah, it makes me sad that in order to get "anywhere," a degree is "necessary." i'm going to take a little while off and then probably come back & finish... i'm about halfway through now and i can accelerate (i don't want to put myself through any more than i need to). thanks for the concern. do appreciate it.
Title: Re: legal name change?
Post by: Kareil on September 22, 2010, 11:11:13 AM
/continues threadswerve

The most depressing point of the degree being necessary is the fact that by its necessity, virtually everyone has one, so they've also became virtually useless if they're not the right kind or advanced enough, but they still cost as much money as they did when they got you somewhere in life.  When everyone has a degree, the requirements to weed things out just get higher, and cost even more, and take longer.  If you don't know what you want to do, you've just wasted a whole load of money and energy and will have little desire to go back to school later after having gotten a first degree, if you can afford it.  Deferring school for a bit while you save money, if you can get a job, and figure out what you want to do, isn't always as bad as they say.  And you can deal with your paperwork in the meantime, if you're undecided on that.  end threadswerve/

If I were to change my name, I would use the androgynous nickname my parents have always used, paired with a likely more masculine (but one that wouldn't be absolutely horrific if used for a girl) one of my own choosing.  When I was hating my name and wanted something more girly years ago (thought it'd magically make me feel like a girl...) I actually did file the papers, but there was an administrative error on their end and my forms and check got returned, for some reason, and I never resubmitted them.  I thought maybe it was a sign that it was a Bad Idea...and looking back, I realize that yeah, I guess it would have been!
Title: Re: legal name change?
Post by: rite_of_inversion on September 22, 2010, 10:39:09 PM
@kareil:there is indeed that, as my wife has found... :-\
threadswerve end/

I absolutely want to change my last name, because I don't want to carry my father's name around(Don't worry, he earned it).

Just a money matter, that, really-no extra for luxuries like a name change right now.  I've had one picked out now for ten years.
But...rather than pay and file the paperwork twice, if I'm going to change the name, I had better do it all at once.
So I have to think about what would be a good chosen first name for who and what I am.  I've got one that suits...right now, but will it next month? Considering I'm in this state of undecidedness right now...