General Discussions => Education => Gender Studies => Topic started by: lilacwoman on September 27, 2010, 03:50:33 AM Return to Full Version

Title: one in 30,000 and 100,000
Post by: lilacwoman on September 27, 2010, 03:50:33 AM
I just surfed for info about TS in Brazil and one of links brought up was a 2008 study from Croatia (please don't ask where that is) that said the ratio of MtF was 1 in 30,000 and FtM 1 in 100,000.

While rural Croatia has been kept so backward by its communist rulers there are some cosmopolitan cities. 

So unless all TSism is kept out of sight by the traditional catholicism and communism both making transition exceedingly hard I have to think that Croatian researchers haven't done a proper job.

Especially so when the neighbouring country with similar communist/catholic traditions - Poland - reports far more FtM than MtF.

Any thoughts or experience of TSism in east Europe?
Something fishy over there?

Title: Re: one in 30,000 and 100,000
Post by: Cindy on September 27, 2010, 04:21:00 AM

One problem with these stats, and sorry I mean most stats on TG/TS or most stats on gender and sexuality issues, is how the survey was set up. Most are leading, or at least very poorly controlled. If they are from clinical data they miss most people who identify but do not seek clinical treatment, or get private treatment (if available). The cues of identification can be terrible to determine. There are many on this site who identify as a particular gender but still have not expressed that to a therapist, EVEN THOUGH they are in therapy (my emphasis). So how can the stats reflect the truth.

The Christian Taliban has jumped at the news/stats that homosexuality has increased since laws against have been repealed. So, they argue, we are encouraging homosexuality.

Interestingly the incident of rape increase in my country when the laws were made 'easier' for woman to report being raped and that they would not be subjected to malicious cross examination.

Not sure if I have contributed or not ::) ::) ::)
