General Discussions => Entertainment => Music => Topic started by: azSam on October 02, 2010, 08:03:42 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Just played my first gig
Post by: azSam on October 02, 2010, 08:03:42 PM
So there was an open mic night tonight. I was at the place earlier, and played with them a little bit. They told me about the open mic night tonight and invited me to come along. I said it sounds kind of cool and that I might come along.

So I showed up with the intention of listening and not actually playing. But the guys there recognized me and was like, "You come to jam?". I said, "Naw, I just came to listen really.", he responded with a, "Come on, get up here and play."... So I did.

I played with these guys for about 90 minutes. We did some jazz and blues, it was great. One of the guys came up to me afterward with a "Thank God you showed up, the other guy on the keyboards were terrible!" and I laughed, I was flattered.

They took some recordings and said they'll email them to me once they get it all mixed. I can't wait, there was one song in particular that I really liked. I've been playing for 13 years, and I never really felt that I was competent enough to keep up with seasoned musicians like these guys, but I think I did really well.
Title: Re: Just played my first gig
Post by: V M on October 02, 2010, 08:43:25 PM
Right on Samantha!!! Glad it went well... Maybe you can post it after it's all mixed down and such  ;D