General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: lilacwoman on October 09, 2010, 02:33:56 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Belly shock.
Post by: lilacwoman on October 09, 2010, 02:33:56 PM
If your belly is shocking and you are desperate to lose weight try shocking it back every time it niggles you to eat. 
Give it a large glass of cold water with a trace of juice for taste.

For satisfying but zero calorie meals make a very big bowl of very watery very hot soup as it will take ages to eat and so seem like a proper meal unlike a diet meal calling for a bit of cheese and a dry cracker that are gone in one bite.

After the soup have a large apple cut into tiny pieces and see how long you can make it last.

Best diet trick of all is to not buy fattening food in the first place...only buy fruit and veg and you'll get thin quick.
Title: Re: Belly shock.
Post by: Gia on October 09, 2010, 02:48:11 PM
Try eating a bowl of sticky rice...  one rice at a time... with chopsticks.
Title: Re: Belly shock.
Post by: lilacwoman on October 10, 2010, 02:46:57 AM
I just cannot master chopsticks  and I'm no fan of rice   :D
Title: Re: Belly shock.
Post by: Bagheera on October 10, 2010, 03:23:53 AM
Chopsticks aren't too tricky to get the hang of with proper practice, trust me... You could also practice what the Okinawans call hara hachi bu -- eat till only 80% full. Okay, so it won't shock your stomach, but it's a worthy perspective to adopt.
Title: Re: Belly shock.
Post by: Gia on October 10, 2010, 10:40:05 AM
Ah yet see the rice is sticky... so worst case is you grab a chopstick... stick it in the rice... and some will stick to the chopstick. If you have chopsticks that aren't full of splinters (like the cheap wooden ones), you can then lick the rice off that stuck to the chopstick.

Title: Re: Belly shock.
Post by: JessicaH on November 01, 2010, 01:51:00 PM
The thing that helps me the most is to not have any "bad" food in the house at all and make sure that you plan your next few meals so that you don't end up so hungry that you stop at McDonalds or somewhere.  If I eat fast food, I go by Taco Bell and get something FRESCO style or from their "DRIVE THROUGH DIET" menu.

I also buy bread with about 5 grams of fiber per serving and it is lower in calories as well. I make pasta with "Smart Sense" brand high fiber pasta from WalMart. It looks and taste like regular pasta and not like a cardboard high fiber pasta. I have cooked it for friends, family and coworkers who all raved about how good it was. I didn't tell them that the spaghetti I made was low fat, high fiber and healthy or they may have changed their minds... LOL.

Anything below about 1200 calories a day will slow your metabolism and you will end up fatter than before. It took years to put the fat on so you can't expect to take it all of in a month or two. It will take lifestyle changes or you will just regain everything and more very quickly.