Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hair removal => Topic started by: Julie Marie on December 18, 2006, 06:48:16 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Post Electrology Sessions - Best Treatments?
Post by: Julie Marie on December 18, 2006, 06:48:16 PM
As I'm getting further into electrolysis and becoming more educated I'm finding methods for minimizing the after effects of electrolysis but I'm still not satisfied.  Because I'm still dealing with the worst of the clearing she has to use a higher current which leads to more swelling.

To start, I'll mention I use Topicaine one hour before the session and Zcaine immediately before she begins the work.  I've found that works better than one or the other alone.  The Zcaine distributor also has an after care lotion that works great but my electrologist is having a hard time getting her shipment.

Once I leave her office I can feel what I'll describe as a burning sensation in the treated areas.  She doesn't do the whole face.  Right now I've asked her to concentrate on the dark hairs, most of which are above and below the lip.  On the way home I turn on the A/C (in the summer) or vent (in the winter) and blow cool or cold air on my face during the drive home (about an hour).  Since the weather has turned cold I've gone to the coldest setting.  Sometimes I'm an icicle when I get home.  Twice my fingers and toes were numb even though I was well dressed & wearing gloves.  I wanted to freeze my face ASAP.

When I get home I take Ibuprofen.  I read on a website this helps reduce swelling and it works pretty well for me.  My electrologist suggested Benadryl but that stuff knocks me out.  For the next few hours I ice the treated areas.  I've found this works better than anything I've tried so far.  But there is still noticeable swelling.  Is this unavoidable?

Does anyone have any methods that have worked well for them?  I sometimes have social events I want to attend the day of electrolysis (don't want to skip or reschedule it) and it would be nice to be able to go without any traces of a duck lip.  Am I asking too much?
