Community Conversation => Transitioning => Therapy => Topic started by: Aidan_ on October 15, 2010, 06:23:59 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Standards of Care as they apply to Andros
Post by: Aidan_ on October 15, 2010, 06:23:59 AM
Those silly rules that state transgenders must go through X months of therapy before even starting hormone replacements are pretty non-negotiable, but I wonder if they apply to Androgynes too. Seeing as we're not planning to completely change our gender from one to the other, we could be under similar, but not the same, rules. My first therapist I went to yesterday basically said it wasn't his ballpark but offered very little guidance as to where to go from there. I just wonder how therapists in general handle Androgynes, if anyone's had experience as such.
Title: Re: Standards of Care as they apply to Andros
Post by: girl_ashley on October 15, 2010, 09:23:55 AM
I am currently seeing a therapist for my transgenderism and I identify as Andro.  Basically what it comes down to is that a large portion of the professional community is much more progressive than the trans community is itself when presented with someone identifying as andro and seeking hormones and/or surgical procedures.  I got my hormones letter on the third visit which wasn't even a month, but I didn't really need it as the clinic I am getting treated at was going to hand me scripts anyway (but good to have anyway). 

I have been informed by my therapist, after hearing my story, that I can get the surgical procedures I desire and still be following the WPATH SOC.  This despite the fact that I am not going to be officially changing my gender or my name (though I still have that option should I ever want to).

Go see a therapist who specializes in gender therapy if you can, that is what I am doing.  They are most up on the latest with gender therapy and may be better able to know how to interpret the WPATH SOC to your case.