News and Events => Political and Legal News => Topic started by: tinkerbell on December 21, 2006, 05:34:03 PM Return to Full Version

Title: A Deeper Look into New Jersey's transgender Nondiscrimination Legislation
Post by: tinkerbell on December 21, 2006, 05:34:03 PM
QuoteIt's an interesting and even startling statistic, depending on how you look at it: One-third of all U.S. citizens now live in communities that prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression.

Article (

The article was interesting to read; however I could have done without the pictures of naked men ....I have always said that the transgender and gay communities do not mix well, for our interests are totally different....but again that is a different topic... :P
It would be nice to have these articles posted and printed in a transgender website or a TG magazine.  Just my thoughts.

tinkerbell :icon_chick:
Title: Re: A Deeper Look into New Jersey's transgender Nondiscrimination Legislation
Post by: Cindi Jones on December 21, 2006, 06:08:00 PM
I know how you feel about being associated with gays all the time Tink... but I have no problem walking hand in hand with them if it helps people gain equality.

I remember that the fight for women's rights was also comingled with rights for blacks.  That battle helped forge the way for both minorities.

I for one am thrilled that the gay news medium and action groups include us in their fight for equality.  While it puts us in the same barrel so to speak as viewed from the outside, it is a tremendous help in so many other ways.  If we can make the world safe and equal for everyone first, we can sort out the sexuality aspects of it all later.
