Community Conversation => Transitioning => Gender Correction Surgery => Topic started by: A on November 01, 2010, 06:52:07 AM Return to Full Version

Title: What's So Great About Soy Breast Implants ?
Post by: A on November 01, 2010, 06:52:07 AM
Rest assured, I'm not envisaging undergoing this yet. Heck, I'm not even on hormones xD. Plus, my family is big-boobed (what?) so I probably won't need them.

I'm just curious. I've been reading these new implants, available "in the next years", will be much better in many aspects, but I can't find any really accurate info... Maybe I'm just searching in the wrong place.

Can you link me somewhere ?

EDIT : Oh, wait, I think this is the wrong section. Can you move this please ?
Title: Re: What's So Great About Soy Breast Implants ?
Post by: Michelle. on November 02, 2010, 01:08:32 AM (