Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Topic started by: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 04:35:03 AM Return to Full Version

Title: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 04:35:03 AM
I hate it with a burning passion. I find it rude, derogatory, and just as bad as calling someone a hermaphrodite, faggot or >-bleeped-< or what have you.

I'm transgender, not a transsexual... there's nothing "sexual" about this. It's who I am and it doesn't get me off. So why is this word word used?

Does anyone else feel this way? Or am I the only anal person about this?
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: LordKAT on November 24, 2010, 04:42:49 AM
Well it sounds grosser than transgender but  the fact is,...I'm changing my sex to match my gender. not the other way around.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: lilacwoman on November 24, 2010, 05:23:05 AM
i prefer transsexual and find transgender too vague.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: niamh on November 24, 2010, 05:24:20 AM
I find the term transgender to be too broad that it is often meaningless, transsexual has teeth.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Kev on November 24, 2010, 05:28:38 AM
Well, there's nothing wrong with everybody finding a term he/she is comfortable with.
I don't know if there's an english term for that, but in german there's "transidentity" and I feel it fits me. The word would be "transident", I don't know if that exists in english as well.
I like it because it cover the whole identity.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 06:02:43 AM
Quote from: Kev on November 24, 2010, 05:28:38 AM
I don't know if there's an english term for that, but in german there's "transidentity" and I feel it fits me.
I like it because it cover the whole identity.

Omg. I like this. Alot.

And I dunno. I just guess I hate the word "sexual" in it. Makes it feel like it's some sexual orientation, and while I really love transpeople, I just.. no. I hate it. I guess because so many people in my life have thought it meant I was a lesbian or something?
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Dana Lane on November 24, 2010, 07:08:10 AM
Quote from: lilacwoman on November 24, 2010, 05:23:05 AM
i prefer transsexual and find transgender too vague.

This is how I feel. I am a "transsexual woman". Not a crossdresser, not a (everything else under the T umbrella). Me being 'transsexual' allows me to get treatment for it. Transsexual is (or was) a medical diagnosis.

I actually get a bit pissed when I hear a 'transgender woman' was appointed by Obama. I want to hear 'transsexual woman'.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Aegir on November 24, 2010, 07:19:07 AM
I like to hear transman/transwoman. I feel like those fit the best; but having been initially confused by who they referred to I understand people not wanting to use them.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Darner on November 24, 2010, 07:35:25 AM
Quote from: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 06:02:43 AM
Omg. I like this. Alot.

And I dunno. I just guess I hate the word "sexual" in it. Makes it feel like it's some sexual orientation, and while I really love transpeople, I just.. no. I hate it. I guess because so many people in my life have thought it meant I was a lesbian or something?

I think what bothers you is that the letter T is always connected to the acronym LGB and people tend to mix it with a sexual orientation because this is the only context where they hear about it. Transgenderism/transsexualism doesn't get enough "promotion" for general society to understand that the word "sex" doesn't describe just an act but also a state of being. But sadly, I think it will take a really long time before people realise the difference.

And I agree with Aegir. I also feel transman describes me best but it is also of all three namings (transsexual, transgender, transmale/transfemale) the most confusing one for people who don't have enough experience in the field. It actually happened to me when I came out to a not-completely cis-guy as a transman, that he was shocked and I realized fifteen minutes later that he understood I was born a man and transitioned to a woman and the manliness about me was what was left from my previous sex. He even said they did a good job in my operation.  ??? So no, I use the word transsexual because with this one the most people are familiar with.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Aidan_ on November 24, 2010, 09:09:00 AM
I think I remember the words having two meanings.

Gender = One's identity. We'd be transgendered for saying we're male instead of female, for instance.

Sex = One's biological and genetic makeup. We might be born male and grow up female, but our sex can be changed later.

So a transgender is one who hasn't crossed over to the other sex. A transsexual has had GCS/SRS.

At least that's how I see it.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Dana Lane on November 24, 2010, 09:37:12 AM
Quote from: Sutara on November 24, 2010, 09:09:00 AM
I think I remember the words having two meanings.

Gender = One's identity. We'd be transgendered for saying we're male instead of female, for instance.

Sex = One's biological and genetic makeup. We might be born male and grow up female, but our sex can be changed later.

So a transgender is one who hasn't crossed over to the other sex. A transsexual has had GCS/SRS.

At least that's how I see it.

This isn't true. There are non-op transsexuals. Some people can't afford surgery. The amount of money you have should never be a determining factor on if your are TS or not.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Muffin on November 24, 2010, 10:15:31 AM
To me transsexual is a medical condition, to trans from one sex to another it makes sense (for me at least) and because I don't feel comfortable identifying as a medical condition I just use woman as it's what I identify as.
I don't relate to transgender at all because my gender has been the same since birth it hasn't trans'ed anything. My gender-roles have changed but that's about it, that hardly requires a label in my eyes/situation :P
Each to their own, further proof we are all different :P
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Cruelladeville on November 24, 2010, 10:23:19 AM
The word works on a tech' level if you be betwixt sexes... but hermaphrodite works for that too as well, if you choose to stay in flux...

But once you moved physically completely over all the way.... you're hardly trans anything then are you?

I'm a woman, physically, mentally, brain-sex wise, brain config' wise, and I have a female passport, driving licence, work history,  passport and birth certificate...

I might have had an interesting life's journey...

But so did
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Arch on November 24, 2010, 11:16:25 AM
Quote from: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 06:02:43 AM
Omg. I like this. Alot.

And I dunno. I just guess I hate the word "sexual" in it. Makes it feel like it's some sexual orientation, and while I really love transpeople, I just.. no. I hate it. I guess because so many people in my life have thought it meant I was a lesbian or something?

To each her own! (Or his, as the case may be.)

I still haven't found a good short term to describe...what I am, if you know what I mean. And the preferred terminology varies from person to person. I sometimes identify myself as a transsexual because, well, I haven't found a better term that people will understand. I am male. I am a guy with an atypical male body and an atypical male history. I sometimes think of my body and upbringing as hybrid because, well, they were. Somebody else tried to bring me up as a girl; I resisted by living as a tomboy, identifying with male book and movie characters, and inventing whole male lives in my head. In a lot of ways, I brought myself up. My parents only did part of the job. And later, when I was living as a woman, I was still masculine, I still identified with male characters, and I was still a boy in my head. So I think "hybrid" work in a historical context.

For references to myself only, I really hate terms like "trans-identified" or even "male-identified" now because they only applied to me when I was in a pre-transition or early-transition stage. I identified as trans back then, but I really don't anymore. "Male-identified" seems kind of silly because I'm living as a man now. I suppose I could be a female-identified man, so the term has some use, but I think most people assume that if you look like a guy and are presenting as one, you're male-identified. (Could be a very bad assumption...)

"Trans"-anything is not an identity for me, it's a vague description of my history. But that's my perspective for me.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Aidan_ on November 24, 2010, 11:49:18 AM
Quote from: Dana Lane on November 24, 2010, 09:37:12 AM
This isn't true. There are non-op transsexuals. Some people can't afford surgery. The amount of money you have should never be a determining factor on if your are TS or not.

Such creates the problem with the term "transsexual". I was just playing with the definition of gender and sex.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Shang on November 24, 2010, 11:59:26 AM
I use "transgender" and "transsexual" in the context I was taught in my psychology courses in college.   

Transgender = someone who identifies as male/female when their body is female/male.

Transsexual = someone who has changed their sex to fit their gender identity (male to female, female to male, male to andro., female to andro., etc.).

But that's just how I see it and use it because it's what I was taught.  I have issues marking "f" for "gender" because I see gender as what's between your ears, not between your legs and I see "sex" as what you physically are so I'm ok putting "f" in the "sex" section. 

That being said, even if I do transition, I'm not going to let myself be called "transsexual" until society (for the most part) understands what it is and what it means. 
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Nathan. on November 24, 2010, 01:03:11 PM
I dislike the word but I use it instead of transgender as I am not transgender.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Sly on November 24, 2010, 01:17:42 PM
I don't have a problem with the word, just people who think that because it has 'sex' it in it's just a fetish or something.  Generally when I'm explaining it to people I avoid using the word transsexual because it makes them assume things... I say something like, "I have a girl's body, but I don't really consider myself to be one"
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Sean on November 24, 2010, 02:01:00 PM
The problem is that most people use the words gender and sex interchangeably. They think that transgender and transsexual ARE the same think, except using gender instead of sex or transgender instead of transsexual is "nicer" or "more polite" because they are squicked about things involved the word sex.

As a result, the convention is now to use the word transgender to describe everyone who falls into the T of LGBTQ, even if it is not technically correct about ourselves. It's really a political and rhetoical choice.

I think it's a misleading term, because we are not changing our gender. The semantics may make sense from the context of other people who assumed your gender matched the bio-sex and it doesn't. To them you are switching genders. But so what? People who are in the closet and come out  as gay do not have a trans-sexual orientation. They didn't switch from being straight to gay simply because someone else found out about it.

That said, I pick my terms carefully based on who I'm speaking to as well too. I won't use the word transsexual very much on its own. Sometimes I'll say female-to-male transsexual, sometimes I'll refer to the trangender umbrella, deliberately picking that broader term. Depends if I'm educating as part of the discussion, depends if I need to soften the impact, and so on.

Personally, I don't really think of myself as a transsexual though. I think of myself as a guy who has atypical physiology and hormones.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Alyssa M. on November 24, 2010, 02:29:16 PM
It's just a word. It turns out that words have meaning unto themselves, often only vaguely related to their etymology, and their connotations (and denotations, too) can vary drastically over time and location. The word email used to bother me; I thought it ought to have a hyphen. Language used to describe concepts that are in flux within the culture -- and trans identities surely fit that description -- tends to shift around until the concepts settle down. If being trans wasn't controversial, you just wouldn't care -- you'd be fa'afafine or something, and you wouldn't even think about it. And you'll probably get over it eventually.

I use transsexual to describe myself in certain instances when the clinical aspects are relevant. When the social aspects are what I'm after, I'm more likely to use transgendered. (I don't like transgender because it sounds incorrect to my ears -- the way I see it, I'm a gendered individual, and trans- is an appropriate prefix to specify the way in which I'm gendered. I probably use trans more frequently than either, which is my way of saying "It's really none of your damned business whether I'm transsexual or transgendered, just that I'm gender variant in some way, and that's only relevant in this specific context." If other people use different words to mean the same thing (more or less), it doesn't particularly bother me anymore.

Mostly, I'm female (if you want an adjective to describe my gender) or a woman (if you want a noun). It certainly does bother me if people describe me as anything other than that, or as trans-anything in any context in which they wouldn't describe women who aren't trans as cis-anything.

But I do think alots are pretty awesome. ;)

( (
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: lilacwoman on November 24, 2010, 02:35:25 PM
I think that any non-trans person reading this topic will go away shaking their head and wondering what the dickens are we so nitpicky about.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Alyssa M. on November 24, 2010, 02:41:28 PM
Quote from: lilacwoman on November 24, 2010, 02:35:25 PM
I think that any non-trans person reading this topic will go away shaking their head and wondering what the dickens are we so nitpicky about.

Any? Certainly not. But it's true, members of privileged classes tend to be ignorant and often dismissive about subjects that relate to the corresponding oppressed classes they don't belong to, terminology being one of the most common.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 03:14:17 PM
Quote from: lilacwoman on November 24, 2010, 02:35:25 PM
I think that any non-trans person reading this topic will go away shaking their head and wondering what the dickens are we so nitpicky about.

I'm nitpicky because while I am attracted to transpeople, I'm not transitioning because it gets me off. I'm doing it for my physical, psychological wellbeing.

I guess I get what it means on the changing physical sex. I was always just hung up it said "sexual" in it. Transsexer? Haha... sound a bit silly, but whatever.

I dunno. I still get really angry. And I do actually prefer transmale over everything else.

I hate that words can weigh so heavy, and labels are a bother. But when it comes to getting people to understand or even treating you fairly, the right words have to be made. It's why it's uncouth to call Africans, African-Americans, Jamaicans and other of darker pigment/melatonin levels, black. It's just negative and makes people treat a person or idea worse.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: E on November 24, 2010, 03:55:38 PM
I prefer the term "transsex", myself. My gender has nothing to do with it - this is a physical condition, a hormonal imbalance at some stage of maturation, and gender is a psychological and social term. I am a woman with a physical disease (one for which there exists a cure, inadequate though it may be), and as such prefer the body-oriented term. Actually, I consider my condition to be a variance of intersex, and would call it as such, but then people would assume the wrong thing, so I bow to society in this.

My preferred term would be "female andromorphia", noun: andromorphic. The counterpart would be "male gynemorphia".
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: lilacwoman on November 24, 2010, 04:15:13 PM
legally in UK for me and theoretically for Tpeople in all the countries that subscribe to the HBIGDA/WPATH guidelines once we have had the expert diagnosis and completed the RLE of the HBIGDA/WPATH we are not trans anything but are actually congenitally intersexed and eligible if not actually desiring of corrective surgery.
this is a new interpretation that needs determining in a court of law.
TGs, CDs and TVs while being perfectly acceptable public citizens are not congenitally intersexed as they don't get the expert diagnosis and do RLE.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Shang on November 24, 2010, 04:45:50 PM
Quote from: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 03:14:17 PM

I hate that words can weigh so heavy, and labels are a bother. But when it comes to getting people to understand or even treating you fairly, the right words have to be made. It's why it's uncouth to call Africans, African-Americans, Jamaicans and other of darker pigment/melatonin levels, black. It's just negative and makes people treat a person or idea worse.

<thread derail>

This is something I disagree with.  Unless you are specifically from Africa or another country and then you come to the us and have dual-citizenship, then you're not African-America or whatever-American.  I can't run around saying I'm European-American or Irish-America or German-American, can I?  Generally I can't because it means that I've come from said country or my family has come from said place recently.   I'd get funny looks if I started to call myself that instead of American or white.  I can't see why anyone of any color should get some "special" name when they  might never have even visited the country that you're putting in their description.  I say "black" or "white" or "yellow" or whatever because of what I've said above and because I can't see why some people get so uppity about people describing the color of their skin.  I won't call anyone "African-American" or "Asian-American" unless I know for a fact that that person has dual-citizenship.  If you don't have dual-citizenship, in my eyes you're either American or Asian or African, etc.

<end thread derail>
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Alyssa M. on November 24, 2010, 05:15:29 PM
Quote from: lilacwoman on November 24, 2010, 04:15:13 PM
legally in UK for me and theoretically for Tpeople in all the countries that subscribe to the HBIGDA/WPATH guidelines once we have had the expert diagnosis and completed the RLE of the HBIGDA/WPATH we are not trans anything but are actually congenitally intersexed and eligible if not actually desiring of corrective surgery.
this is a new interpretation that needs determining in a court of law.
TGs, CDs and TVs while being perfectly acceptable public citizens are not congenitally intersexed as they don't get the expert diagnosis and do RLE.

Anyway, weren't you the one who said people would roll their eyes when they saw how "nitpicky" people in this thread are?


Quote from: LukasGabriel on November 24, 2010, 04:45:50 PMI can't run around saying I'm European-American or Irish-America or German-American, can I?

Don't be foolish; of course you can. Do you have Irish or German ancestors? Then not only can you use those terms, but if you do it will be perfectly clear to most listeners what you mean when you say them.

I don't have a problem describing people as "black" (at least not when their race is relevant), but that's just my judgment. If it offends someone, I can't understand how continuing to use the word could be considered anything but disrespect.

I've never met anyone from Asia or of Asian descent who self-applied the term "yellow"; I'm pretty certain most would find the term rather disrespectful.

By the way, uppity? Are you serious? If you're not aware of the racist connotations of that word, go check it out on the Urban Dictionary.

Regardless, whether or not your choice of words is proper, you really need to check your white privilege.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: jamherst on November 24, 2010, 05:26:25 PM
I personally feel more comfortable with transgender.

Actually...I feel more comfortable with 'a dude'

or just my name...

Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 05:44:53 PM
Quote from: LukasGabriel on November 24, 2010, 04:45:50 PM
Generally I can't because it means that I've come from said country or my family has come from said place recently.   I'd get funny looks if I started to call myself that instead of American or white.

I can't see why anyone of any color should get some "special" name when they  might never have even visited the country that you're putting in their description.  I say "black" or "white" or "yellow" or whatever because of what I've said above and because I can't see why some people get so uppity about people describing the color of their skin. 

Topics flow into other topics, each good as the other. So I don't mind quickly being on the other track:

And totally not an attack, or even to belittle or anything dude. I like you and think you're just as valid in thought as anyone else, but I'm just going to help let you see from other viewpoints. :3 <3

I guess since I live in such a diverse place- it's the correct term. I mean, sure I agree we should probably just drop labels all together and just be... well people.  Unfortunately, the human mind doesn't work like that, and even if one isn't such, the chemical and thought pattern from being brought up as such still remains.

The color of the skin is because of how in the past white people, or even in the present now, use it as a degrading type of term. They use it to poke out that they are different and should be lesser. It's also a cultural thing. People grow up knowing these terms are bad and inappropriate. Think about how using the word ">-bleeped-<" ">-bleeped-<" "damn" all that can get you into SO much trouble, but they are just words right? It's all the feeling behind the words. Think about how "bloody" isn't that bad of a word here in America, but sure enough if you say it in Britain and England, it's almost as bad as saying the f-bomb.

(And uppity is a bad word to have used. I think you don't know that it means "to put someone in their social place; put someone back into their inferior state" but probably used it meaning to get all riled up and angry. )

And I'm Italian/Sicilian-American. It's got cultural values in the name. My parents DID come from Italy/Sicily, and I was raised with a very Italian view on gender... with some taste of New York Ghetto Italian as well. I hate being called white, because, well I'm not. I always was treated different and wasn't given the same as a "white" person even though now I do because my skin paled from not being in the sun. I don't understand alot of the "norms" with gender and how British dominant American thought is. In Italy, there's alot more metrosexuality in males, and women are very strong, at least during my parents' time and their parents' time as well.

American also in large, when someone says it, they think a European white person. It's why they ran those campaigns a while back with all these different Americans saying they were American. America is such a melting pot of PLENTY of cultures. Remember, the true "Americans" are Native American people... so even European-Americans still are entitled to the hyphen because there IS still different cultural values that are learned.

Plenty of people around here say European, Irish, British, German , etc  - American, and NOONE gets a funny look. It's probably just the culture norms that are around you and how everything thinks that makes it different. I'm in a place where their is mostly Asian and Middleeastern descents so white people are in the minority here.

I guess I'm just super sensitive about it and understand everything due to taking Gender, Intercultural and Interpersonal classes. Words are a troublesome thing, and always will be.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Shana A on November 24, 2010, 05:46:09 PM
Although I was diagnosed transsexual, I'm not crazy about identifying as such. I prefer transgender, trans, androgyne, gender blessed, etc. For me personally, transsexual sounds too clinical, I don't like being considered simply a medical condition. Trans-whatever people have existed throughout history, and across cultures, long before any of these terms were coined by doctors.

Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: gilligan on November 24, 2010, 10:35:47 PM
I don't like the term 'transexual' because there seems to be a negative connotation to it. I prefer the word 'transgender' because there isn't sucha negativity attached to it, even though I know transexual fits better.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: NightWing on November 24, 2010, 10:48:03 PM
To me, transsexual just means a person has gone through SRS.  But, I'm not too picky with the terms.  Neither phrase has a solid meaning so it does get confusing.  Everybody just uses what they feel comfortable with. To describe myself (if I have to), I just say transgender.  It's easier, and when you say "transsexual" most people picture somebody who has gone through the surgery anyway.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: BunnyBee on November 25, 2010, 12:02:06 AM
Does anybody actually like the word transsexual?  I know some that don't care, but actually like it?  I don't know of many, if any.  So why do we keep using the term to describe ourselves again?  ???

The two problems I have with the word is A) the word "sex" is contained within it, three little letters which carry a lot of baggage with them (most of which is neither positive nor relevant to the condition of being transsexual) and B) "transsexual" has too many darn syllables.

I'm okay with just using "trans," though I agree with others that once transition has been completed, "trans" no longer very well applies, which is fine, just stop using it afterward, imo.  Well.. or keep using it if you wish, I don't care lol.

I don't use any term besides woman, female, girl, etc. to describe myself unless it is completely necessary within the context of a conversation, which honestly rarely is the case.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Jamie-o on November 25, 2010, 02:00:20 AM
Quote from: Alyssa M. on November 24, 2010, 02:29:16 PM

I use transsexual to describe myself in certain instances when the clinical aspects are relevant. When the social aspects are what I'm after, I'm more likely to use transgendered. (I don't like transgender because it sounds incorrect to my ears -- the way I see it, I'm a gendered individual, and trans- is an appropriate prefix to specify the way in which I'm gendered. I probably use trans more frequently than either, which is my way of saying "It's really none of your damned business whether I'm transsexual or transgendered, just that I'm gender variant in some way, and that's only relevant in this specific context." If other people use different words to mean the same thing (more or less), it doesn't particularly bother me anymore.

This, exactly.

I don't like to use the word "transsexual" outside of a clinical situation, just because it has so much baggage attached to it.  You say "Transsexual" and people think of Rocky Horror, or Ed Wood.  They get this completely inaccurate, tabloid-esque picture in their minds, and that is what they are likely to react to, rather than to who I actually am.

If I absolutely have to define myself (and I really try not to, because it's complicated, and really nobody else's business except for my doctor's and my lover's) I will describe myself as Transgendered or as having "transitioned from female to male".
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Teknoir on November 25, 2010, 02:51:04 AM
If I'm talking to someone with a clue what I mean - Transsexual. It's more accurate.

If I'm talking with family - Transgendered. It gets the point across without sounding like a fetish.

I consider my "issue" as me being "Neurologically Intersexed" (ha ha, only serious).

... Just don't call me a transvestite, crossdresser or drag king.

The following is nothing but my opinion, and I'm probably talking out my arse... but...

In regards to language, I don't think there's much that can be done.

Language is a dynamic and constantly evolving thing, often reflecting and in some ways cataloging the cultural changes our society goes through.

We can try and define words, and try to enforce their "correct" usage - but ultimately it's not something in our control.

When society starts using "sex" and "gender" interchangeably, then that becomes the "standard" we have to deal with.

When society at large eventually accepts the concept that these are different things, then we'll likely see a separation of terms again (or more likely - some entirely new terms that are without baggage).

In the mean time - try not to take it personally, and remember that words themselves are not reality - only be a description of reality. No method of communication is without flaws.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: xAndrewx on November 25, 2010, 06:39:32 AM
I guess I just don't put much thought into most words. Though I don't really like transsexual. A gay family member of mine often uses the word transsexual then says homosexual to point out that in his mind it is all the same, I don't agree. Similar struggles yes but a trans person is not always gay and gay people aren't always trans. He pushes that view towards everyone so I began to hate the word.

I go with transguy or transgender or just trans to identify myself. As far as cursewords and derogatory words such as d*ke for a lesbian well, I don't like it but when I identified as a lesbian it didn't bother me because I felt like the word only had as much power as I let it.

I get Gabriel's point of view on the African American/black German American/white thing. If someone is not from or doesn't have ancestors from Africa or Germany then they really aren't African Americans or German Americans. I don't like the term black or white really either because it feels like a dividing word. When possible I just don't mention race. If someone asks me then I use the words African American or Caucasian if I feel like there is no way to avoid it.   
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Brendon on November 25, 2010, 11:48:30 AM
I don't like the word transsexual because I think it sounds too clinical. If I were in a situation where I absolutely had to make it known that I am not cis, then I would probably say transgender. I'm not overly fond of that either, though. I usually just say I'm a trans guy though. I don't know that I'm really the person to answer this though, as I get all sorts of worked up about language. I don't like the word transsexual, I can tolerate the word transgender, and I'll only use trans guy/trans man/ etc. if there is a space between 'trans' and the noun. Lately, I don't even like the term FTM. I should probably stop looking so far into these things  ::)
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: BunnyBee on November 25, 2010, 12:10:07 PM
I've noticed the media has taken to the word "transgender" of late.  I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, since I feel like it is a misnomer, at least in describing my situation.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: MillieB on November 25, 2010, 12:19:52 PM
Quote from: Jen on November 25, 2010, 12:10:07 PM
I've noticed the media has taken to the word "transgender" of late.  I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, since I feel like it is a misnomer, at least in describing my situation.

I haven't met many Transsexual people who think that the term transgender applies to them. I would have no problem with the term transsexual if it wasn't for ignorant people equating it to a sexual disorder, and it's over use by the adult entertainment industry.

It's a whole lot of whoo-ha over a group of people just trying to be themselves!!
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Alyssa M. on November 26, 2010, 07:53:05 PM
Millie, transgender seems to be gaining a lot of traction among younger transitioners -- roughly 30 and under -- despite its fraught history. (Really, who in the general public has any clue who Virginia Prince was? Or cares?)  I notice the trend among people I know personally, what I observe on Susan's, and from other media sources (news reports or documentaries, blogs, etc.).

Jen, I'm not sure that I'm looking for a term that I "like." But if I was, I certainly haven't found it yet. In my opinion, any term could be used as an oversimplification. I don't agree with those who say that the condition that leads one to pursue transition is merely a "birth defect," as though it's as simple as having a cleft palate. On the other hand, treating it as a psychological condition misses the point.

The problem is that the underlying meaning we wish to evoke just doesn't exist in most people's brains. Whatever word we use, others will find something they already understand (or think they do) to attach, so no word will ever have appropriate connotations until we first explain the commonalities and differences among those of us who undergo gender transition. I'm hopeful, because I see this happening.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: CaitJ on November 26, 2010, 08:28:07 PM
I'm rather partial to 'Gynoid' and 'Changeling' lately - especially since SRS.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: E on November 26, 2010, 08:33:48 PM
Quote from: CaitJ on November 26, 2010, 08:28:07 PM
I'm rather partial to 'Gynoid' and 'Changeling' lately - especially since SRS.
I assume you know "gynoid" means "female android", and "changeling" means "monster left in place of a child kidnapped by the Fair Folk"?
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Rosemary on November 26, 2010, 08:34:36 PM
Transsexual, transsexual, it is a definition, just a word. It is a label and labels are needed.
I do not mind the word when it is used as a definition, when it it sued to describe the condition.
I do hate it when people use it to describe the person.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: MillieB on November 26, 2010, 08:38:07 PM
Quote from: E on November 26, 2010, 08:33:48 PM
and "changeling" means "monster left in place of a child kidnapped by the Fair Folk"?

That's it, I'm going with changeling! :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: V M on November 26, 2010, 08:45:41 PM
Like others have mentioned, the issue I have with the term is the word sex... As soon as the word sex is placed within a term, that is when all the other assumed implications start to que up

Also as others have mentioned, I don't really like using trans terms in general except when necessary
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: CaitJ on November 26, 2010, 09:27:28 PM
Quote from: E on November 26, 2010, 08:33:48 PM
I assume you know "gynoid" means "female android", and "changeling" means "monster left in place of a child kidnapped by the Fair Folk"?

'Gynoid' means 'Having the form or shape of a female' (the reverse of andriod).
And I don't consider changelings to be monsters at all - I'm a massive Changeling: The Dreaming/Lost fan :)
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Sarah B on November 28, 2010, 12:57:26 AM
I absolutely abhor the words transsexual, transitioned, transitioning, transwomen, transman and even transgender to a certain degree and any other labels that are used including cis, trans, gid and their variants.  Why you may ask?

As for for the word transsexual and its variants, to me they are derogatory terms. I did not change my sex. (yes I'm aware of my biological nature) because, I have always been a female.  When one has the knowledge of what is going on one has understanding.  When I found out about this term 35 years ago.  I hated it then and I still do.  My doctors and surgeon at the time used it.  However, I was naive at the time and did not correct them.

The words transitioned or transitioning, do not apply to me because I never transitioned period.  I just had surgery so that I could function as any normal female should.

Take the word transgender. I did not change my gender.  Again I have always been a female.  I have used this term only once in describing myself in over 22 years and that was in relation to my current doctor, so that any medical issues are treated in the context of my medical condition.

As for the other words, they are just labels that others are creating to use instead of the 'trans' what ever variant that seems to be the flavour of the moment.

I will not support anyone in the usage of these words in relation to me or others.  However, I will defend your right to use them.

Kind regards
Sarah B
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: CaitJ on November 28, 2010, 01:03:45 AM
Quote from: Sarah B on November 28, 2010, 12:57:26 AM
I absolutely abhor the words transsexual, transitioned, transitioning, transwomen, transman and even transgender to a certain degree and any other labels that are used including cis, trans, gid and their variants.

I don't particularly like any of the trans terminology - as it was coined by cis people, not trans people.
However, having words like 'cis' helps level the playing field in the terminology department, as is places us on an even linguistic footing.
Of course, in theory, one no longer has GID after hormones, RLT and SRS, as they are the 'cure'. My gender identity fits like a latex glove now, rather than an oven mitt :)
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: kyril on November 28, 2010, 01:54:39 AM
I'm trans male, not trans masculine - it's my sex, not my gender, that's the problem.

That beign said, "transsexual" is an ugly word and I don't tend to use it.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: annette on November 28, 2010, 06:49:55 AM
I don't care about the words, we are different that's a fact and people do have to put a label on it.
when it's got a name you can make plans for care.
So what name it's given is not that important if the treatment is okay.
I agree that the name transsexual is a bit oldfashion but it certainly has something to do with sexuality.
women do have other parts than men and play anothere role in bed, isn't it?
But transsexuality is not a good name for your gender feelings.
I think the name of Tgirl has something nice, at least I call myself that way.

Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Cindy Stephens on November 29, 2010, 09:49:58 AM
I actually have a problem with the fact that we seem to make such a big deal out of trying to be exclusionary with the choice of words.  I am transgender.  Nice and open ended.
I don't need to attempt to boost my ego by excluding anyone else on the gender spectrum through terminology.  Mostly because if you give them 10 years, they may very well be standing right where YOU are.  People, in general, have no concept of the differentiation between the various categories.  Why confuse them while throwing anyone who doesn't meet your standards under a bus? 
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Lacey Lynne on December 01, 2010, 07:02:27 PM
Quote from: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 04:35:03 AM
I hate it with a burning passion. I find it rude, derogatory, and just as bad as calling someone a hermaphrodite, faggot or >-bleeped-< or what have you.

I'm transgender, not a transsexual... there's nothing "sexual" about this. It's who I am and it doesn't get me off. So why is this word word used?

Does anyone else feel this way? Or am I the only anal person about this?

Hey, I'm sorry the term "transsexual" bothers you so much.  Of course, it's perfectly okay that you feel that way.  This is your opinion, and I certainly respect it. 

Actually, the term "transsexual" does not bother me personally.  This is what I consider myself to be.  Renee Richards (Dr. Richard Raskind), one of the most famous pioneering transwomen, also preferred to be called a "transsexual" rather than any type of "gender" person.

I'm not sure, but I believe Dr. Harry Benjamin himself coined the term transsexual.  If one proceeds to GRS/SRS, then I believe the good doctor was right.  One has "crossed the sexes" ... had male genitalia and now has female genitalia.  Makes sense to me.  Interestingly, Renee Richards' gender therapist was ... Dr. Harry Benjamin.

Go by which ever term YOU like and makes YOU feel comfortable.  That is as it should be, and I respect your right to do so.  Being considered a transsexual doesn't bother me personally.  Live and let live.  To each their own.  Variety is the spice of life.  I will call you transgendered if that is what you prefer.  No problem at all.  Glad to do it.

:)   Peace
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Sean on December 01, 2010, 07:14:28 PM
Quote from: Lacey Lynne on December 01, 2010, 07:02:27 PM
Hey, I'm sorry the term "transsexual" bothers you so much.  Of course, it's perfectly okay that you feel that way.  This is your opinion, and I certainly respect it. 

Actually, the term "transsexual" does not bother me personally.  This is what I consider myself to be.  Renee Richards (Dr. Richard Raskind), one of the most famous pioneering transwomen, also preferred to be called a "transsexual" rather than any type of "gender" person.

I'm not sure, but I believe Dr. Harry Benjamin himself coined the term transsexual.  If one proceeds to GRS/SRS, then I believe the good doctor was right.  One has "crossed the sexes" ... had male genitalia and now has female genitalia.  Makes sense to me.  Interestingly, Renee Richards' gender therapist was ... Dr. Harry Benjamin.

Go by what ever term YOU like and makes YOU feel comfortable.  That is as it should be, and I respect your right to do so.  Being considered a transsexual doesn't bother me personally. 

:)   Peace

I know this is a tangent, but Renee Richards isn't the role model I'd look up to. Yes, she was a pioneer and achieved landmark rights and attention. However, she also has flip-flopped publically about whether she regrets transitioning, has de-transitioned in the middle of stuff, and has suggested that young MTFS should live more life as men before medical treatment (particularly any surgery). Some of her life is inspirational and pioneering. Some of what she's said and written is up there with the most transphobic drivel you can find. It's annoying how much she is still trotted out as some sort of expert on medical transitioning, sports & transgender or intersexual athletes or GID in general.

Richards is one person whose willing to fight in court and be visible helped so many of us. But she's also profoundly complex as a trans community "hero" so the fact that she preferred to be called a transsexual doesn't really tell me much about ownership of that label.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Aikotribs on December 02, 2010, 12:08:37 PM
I dislike the word because of my orientation, or actually, lack thereoff ,and I do not get why its not named trans-anatomy or trans-body or something :/ I got remarks like 'but you don't want sex, why would you need a sex change ?'  ugh. Its not just between your legs people D: !

sex reminds people of fetishes and the given act, instead of the fact 'male body /female body'.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Debra on December 02, 2010, 01:10:42 PM
Yeah it has a bad stigma to it too. I try to use transgender woman but sometimes people don't understand that for some reason lol ......yet they know what a transsexual least they think they do
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: JamesRoe73 on December 02, 2010, 04:59:23 PM
I also kind of dislike transexual, but don't really like transgender either :/ it feels to intrusive to me, but I also feel like a person who is just male, I'm not trying to deny that I am "trans" , but I would prefer saying I'm a guy who was born female, but not have a word for it, also many people don't understand what transgender or transexual means or they have a very skewed view of what it is. Saying I was born something, but I am something different is much more straight foreword that using a word that people have different definitions for.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Alyssa M. on December 03, 2010, 12:04:49 AM
Quote from: Jerica on December 02, 2010, 01:10:42 PMI try to use transgender woman but sometimes people don't understand that for some reason lol......yet they know what a transsexual least they think they do

That ambiguity is probably my favorite thing about the word "transgender."
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Eve of chaos on December 03, 2010, 04:40:02 PM
I don't like the word transsexual either, but i think that's just because i didn't really know what it was most of my life. as time goes on i can see myself using it more but right now i usually just hint at it or say transgender,

it works well now since I'm still in the very beginning and haven't made up my mind about a whole lot.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: ValerieNelson on December 03, 2010, 10:13:00 PM
I personally have no problem with the term "Transsexual." When I went to the Pub for the first time I tried using the term "Transgendered," most people there didn't understand the term, however when I said, I'm a Transsexual Woman," then they snapped to it. 

I've also explained to many of the Pub goers that just because I'm open about being Trans, many of us are not. I am willing to answer their questions depending on how such questions are asked, however not all of us are willing to answer such questions period.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Alyssa M. on December 08, 2010, 02:09:38 AM
Quote from: ValerieNelson on December 03, 2010, 10:13:00 PM
I've also explained to many of the Pub goers that just because I'm open about being Trans, many of us are not. I am willing to answer their questions depending on how such questions are asked, however not all of us are willing to answer such questions period.

Thank you for doing that. :)
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Imadique on December 11, 2010, 08:36:51 AM
I hate being called Transgendered. I have no problem with transvestites, gender fluid/genderqueer (I have a lot of respect for/curiosity about people in this category), Drag Queens/Kings etc: I just don't identify with them at all, their experience is not the same as my experience and even if it's not politically correct to say so around these boards I get offended if people equate me to a Transvestite, because I feel that undermines my whole identity. I also get annoyed at the literal meaning of the word - like many others have said my gender is not transitioning, I am Transsexual, not Transgendered.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: CynthiaAnn on May 04, 2019, 06:53:51 PM
Quote from: BloodLeopard on November 24, 2010, 04:35:03 AM
Does anyone else feel this way?

Interesting older post from the TS db, my answer...

No, actually I prefer "transsexual" over "transgender" myself, as I've changed my sex to match my gender.

That's just me...

C -
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Kylo on May 04, 2019, 07:04:25 PM
Considering the term transgender covers so many sub-categories now, there is more brevity in using the word transsexual if that is what you are.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: DebbySoufflage on May 05, 2019, 11:42:44 AM
I prefer the term transsexual. I like calling myself a non-op transsexual female.
The fact that it indicates that my gender dysphoria was a medical condition is reinforced by the term transsexual.
Transgender is more of an umbrella term and I personally can't relate to a lot of groups under that umbrella. So I prefer transsexual to define myself but I don't speak for others. Everyone should be able to define themself.
Title: Re: I hate the term "transsexual"
Post by: Josie_L on May 05, 2019, 05:16:34 PM
Far too many labels today anyway!

Rather just be me, an individual.