News and Events => Arts & Entertainment News => Topic started by: Shana A on December 09, 2010, 07:47:46 AM Return to Full Version

Title: December 9th, 2010 Three Dollar Bill Write a comment on this article ! Three
Post by: Shana A on December 09, 2010, 07:47:46 AM
December 9th, 2010
Three Dollar Bill
Nina's luftballons
Richard Burnett (

It is pure synchronicity that I am blabbing with Nina Arsenault - the most celebrated transsexual in Canada - on international Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day set aside each Nov. 20 to memorialize those murdered because of anti-transgender hatred or prejudice.

Nina, star of her critically-hailed, autobiographical one-transwoman show, The Silicone Diaries, is very aware of this too.

"The hardest part of my transformation was when I was living as a woman but still looked very masculine and people would make fun of me on the street," Nina says. "They'd yell things out of their car. I realized there is a double standard for transsexuals, because if you're a beautiful transsexual, people will accept you more easily. If you 'pass' you will be more accepted. You may not even be noticed. But if you don't pass... That's what really hurt me - people don't see you as human."