General Discussions => General discussions => Pets and creatures => Topic started by: BloodLeopard on December 15, 2010, 04:24:43 PM Return to Full Version

Title: My Snake and Gecko's lives are in danger
Post by: BloodLeopard on December 15, 2010, 04:24:43 PM
So things go like this: I'll try to keep this as short and not ranty
as possible. Basically, today, I went to a final, only go come home to
find that my snake and lizard's tanks were off. Why? Because my mate's
Korean grandparents had invaded our room EVEN THOUGH WE LOCKED IT and
they have said they would never come into our room, and TURNED OFF THE

This isn't the first time. At all. However, the last time, they
unplugged our entire room to turn off our computer. We told them not
to touch certain plugs if they feel the compulsive need to unplug
things. It was effective. They left it alone. Why they went into our
locked room? I don't know. But now they are doing things again, but I
digress, as nothing is as important as the safety of what I consider
my children and family.

I've tolerated the invasions to our room and getting our stuff
rearranged, just as long as Belial (cornsnake) and Uriel (gargoyle gecko) don't get harmed. I'm not
going to wait for a 3rd time to see if they stop. I need to do something, but I feel lost.

We do pay rent. They HAVE said they wouldn't come in, They have NO reason to come in. I'm panicking and glad they are safe for now, but I don't know, I just don't know.

I'm pretty sure that this law would apply, but I don't want them to die for them to get in trouble. It's like basically if a father/mother had to wait for someone to kill their human children before they could do something about it.
CA Penal Code for Animals: (
Title: Re: My Snake and Gecko's lives are in danger
Post by: viscera on January 18, 2011, 08:07:50 PM
Oh my goodness, this would FREAK me out too.  When I lived in a cold climate and the power went out I'd worry myself sick about my gecko freezing to death.  Have you tried talking to them, telling them how vital heat is to your reptiles and how important they are to you?  Sometimes just being sincere and frank can flip a switch in someone's head.  If they don't listen, would it be a violation of your rent agreement to change the locks?