Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: BloodLeopard on December 16, 2010, 05:47:24 PM Return to Full Version

Title: It all links back really.
Post by: BloodLeopard on December 16, 2010, 05:47:24 PM
My mate and I are being thrown out of her grandparents' place for really stupid reasons.

But the thing that hits me the most? They hate me because I'm not Korean. And it's not just them, but her uncle, aunt, and even mother all hate me and have said so to each other. Thankfully the younger cousins talk to us and are cool, but they told me about it, and that it's probably more on they fact they keep trying to take any stupid reason to kick us out.

We lived there for a year now. We moved in with our snake and lizard, and now they are telling us to get rid of them, or they will kick us out.

They've always hated that we are together, and choose to ignore and keep bugging her to get a boyfriend and get married... when I'm right there.

So now we're going to be homeless if we don't find things soon, and I'm just livid with stress and anger.