General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: Inphyy on December 31, 2010, 07:39:52 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Stoic Land of Ice
Post by: Inphyy on December 31, 2010, 07:39:52 AM
Clad naked sitting adrift on this arctic ice-shell...
The icy wind rustles on by,
Scattering my long, wavy scarlet hair across my paralyzed body...
Which in turn causes every nerve and every pore of my body to stand up on end,
And I gaze emptily without any streaming stars in my eyes,
My once ambient forestry colored eyes,
Are now two murky swamp stained soul-less beads of stone-ice.

And as I leer over slowly without any emotion or strength,
I see my pale face reflected off the surface of the ice that is as smooth as an mirror...
Wondering when my soul will freeze over like the icic ground I dwell on,
But as I keep staring meticulously at my face,
I notice one salty tear drift from my eyes,
But the bone-chilling weather instantly without question freezes it over.

So I dwell and I rest here...
Internally in my sub-conscious thinking about all the pain and misery he had done to me...
And all the hurt and all the pain...
Resurfacing caused a electrical spark to infuse into my brain like TNT exploding...
For which in one momentarily second,
My body was rewarmed by this blazing internal flame that dwelled deep within.

Though the warmth felt comforting like an angel ensnaring you into their velvet wings,
This comforting fantasy did not last long...
As an stoic blizzard begins to usher on in.

You would think a lot would be happening or would be processing into my mind,
Like escaping or getting out of this arctic trap...
But I knew trying to run would be no good...
He was my world,
My destiny...
The other piece of my majestic heart,
And now without him...
It doesn't matter what happens to me...
The end is likely now...
And as I said those very words,
My heart turned into icic stone...
And my life as I seen knew it to be,
Was finally over.