General Discussions => Videos => Beauty => Hair Care => Topic started by: Chantal185 on January 23, 2011, 09:45:35 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Afraid Of Losing Hair Hairline Pre Hrt
Post by: Chantal185 on January 23, 2011, 09:45:35 PM
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone here has noticed their hairline going up in the corners on your scalp. I notice whenever I lift my hair up it seems like it is going in by an inch or more. This is really starting to freak me out. I am not sure it doesnt seem to be getting worse or anything. But I dont want my hair to fall out. I am currently 22 years old. If I start antiandrogens and e within a year should I be fine? I have noticed this thing with my hairline for the last 3 or so years. I am not sure if it is getting worse or not. Perhaps it has more to do with skull growth while going through male puberty more than anything. I mean it doesnt seem like it is going in any worse but I am afraid that it may be how hairloss starts. I need to get on E fast I know that. But there just seems to be so many hurdles to overcome right now. I plan to start letting it grow very soon. But am definately concerned about it. It seems like my hair is thick in most places. However I do not want to go bald before I am ready to start my transition. Here are some pics of my current hair.

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Title: Re: Afraid Of Losing Hair Hairline Pre Hrt
Post by: Stella Stanhope on September 04, 2013, 08:29:30 PM
Wow, how come no one replied to this thread?

Any updates on your hair Chantal185?

I hope you have had success.
Title: Re: Afraid Of Losing Hair Hairline Pre Hrt
Post by: Azusa John on October 01, 2013, 03:17:33 AM
It is more likely to be male pattern baldness at work.  The sooner you start T-blockers the sooner you can stop the the DHT from burning out your hair roots. .  Minoxidil / Rogaine will work too if you can get those.