General Discussions => Beauty => Fashion => Topic started by: 4years on May 24, 2005, 09:14:34 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Long and lacy.
Post by: 4years on May 24, 2005, 09:14:34 PM
I like long (floor length) skirts and dresses, without a doubt I like lace and normally prefer my clothing billowy.
In generally the fairytale princess look always caught my eye.

I like puff, bishop and corn sleeves. I don't mind bell sleeves in a gothic style.
p.s. at this page ( you can find sleeve descriptions, fwiw. The image names have the proper names, by the by. (at least I think they do!)

I prefer dresses to skirts and skirts to pants. ... I've wanted to wear skirts and dresses all my life and am thrilled I'll eventually get the chance.

I'm really not sure how my clothing choices define me, save perhaps for a repressed childhood and a lot of time spent in other lands than this.
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Nyssa on May 25, 2005, 02:00:43 AM
I enjoys where dresses and skirts more than pants unless it is an uniform ( ST (movies ) or BSG ) I have this Cosplay dreams that I am working on. I also liek to go back to the gothic victorian or slip into the late medival

Mundanely I try to dress simply and comfortabley.

Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Svetlana on May 25, 2005, 07:13:36 PM
i've never gotten this thing where some people insist that skirts/dresses are less (physically) comfortable than trousers etc.  skirts/dresses are so much more (physically) comfortable!  i just don't get that.

also apart from that, i enjoy the way they look.  but aside from that, i do have some trouser-style bottoms that i wear sometimes.  just depends on my mood to what i feel like wearing, really.  i don't have many clothes yet... that will change very soon i think, now that i'm done with the "i'm a poor student and i'm always broke" lifestyle, thank goodness!
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Dennis on May 26, 2005, 06:52:49 PM
Heh, 'fraid I must disagree with you on the skirts/dresses being more comfortable, Svetlana :) I can see objectively that they are probably more freeing, but they also make me feel vulnerable (not to mention the horrible dysphoria issues they give rise to). Give me a pair of dockers and a button-down shirt and I'm happy. Gonna have to start wearing suits to work soon though and I'm not so sure I'll be fond of ties once the novelty has faded. I can't even keep my shoelaces tied properly.

Clothing that reflects your image of yourself is most comfortable imo.

Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: 4years on May 26, 2005, 07:23:02 PM
Quote from: Dennis on May 26, 2005, 06:52:49 PMClothing that reflects your image of yourself is most comfortable imo.

Hum, that is a very good thought and I bet there is at least some truth in it.

*ponders* Self image... self image.. I'm sure I have one around here somewhere... (I'll have to come back to this thought.)
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Dorian on May 26, 2005, 08:17:28 PM
Quote from: Dennis on May 26, 2005, 06:52:49 PM
Clothing that reflects your image of yourself is most comfortable imo.


Hmm for me is skirst, why simply I like how my legs look ^^ so anything above the kness or close to them.
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Svetlana on May 27, 2005, 01:11:25 PM
i think there are two ways of meaning of "comfortable" there... and i only meant the technical, physical-feeling one, the one where you don't itch or get caught up, and it physically feels nice, etc, etc.  i didn't mean the "comfort" as in self-image issues... that's another meaning.  and of course, with the latter meaning, i'd fully understand you feeling uncomfortable in a dress or skirt!
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Louise on May 27, 2005, 04:51:37 PM
Dennis, ties are for men what pantyhose are for many women--a fashion torture that is deemed necessary for business attire.  Actually, when I am in male attire (which is most of the time), I enjoy wearing a tie because it is the one bit of color that men are permitted in our otherwise drab attire.

Since I only dress en femme about once a week, I like to dress up in casual attire, generally a skirt and blouse, sometimes a dress, even the occasional women's slacks.  Probably the most comfortable garment I have ever worn (male or female) is a long-skirted jumper.
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Trisha on June 09, 2005, 10:37:51 AM
I love floor length skirts and dresses they have always caught my eye - and they stilll do!
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: DianeCD on June 11, 2005, 10:36:47 PM
Well, I agree with Svetlana.  For me, dresses are infinitely more comfortable to wear than pants.  I have a pelvic nerve injury that pants just seem to aggravate more.  But if I'm wearing dresses or skirts, the pain is one heck of a lot more tolerable.  From just a plain old practical point of view, life would be much more tolerable (and enjoyable too), if I could wear dresses and skirts all the time.  But I don't have that option at this point, so I wear them whenever I can.  Just gotta be careful or my job would be in jeopardy. Oh, but to have society become tolerant enough to where I can wear dresses all the time!!

I'm your basic conservative type.  I wear my dresses knee length or just slightly below the knee.  For skirts, I prefer knee length.  And I ***always*** wear nice lacy satiny slips under my dresses and skirts.  Wouldn't be ladylike other wise, not to mention they feel so nice too.

I always dress to blend in and not attract attention, and dress my age, too.  I dress in that which makes me feel more feminine in a nice way.  Guess I'm just an old-fashioned kind of girl........
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Shelley on July 02, 2005, 07:11:25 PM
If I may join in I agree with Dianne how nice would it be to have dresses accepted for men to where as I have trouble passing it is the only way I would get to venture out in one safely.
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: Terri-Gene on July 02, 2005, 10:12:40 PM
 "how nice would it be to have dresses accepted for men"

Might I make a very simple suggestion?  Do something about it.  All the men out their wishing they could wear dresses while still retaining thier identity as men, and they do nothing but "wish".

Movements don't just pop up out of the ground, someone, someplace has to do what they can to make things happen.  Sure you might get laughed at, and listen to the jokes, but if you are secure in your manhood, then I see no problem with just wearing dresses wherever there is not an official dresscode specifying what type of attire is proper for both men and women.

You can't sit around and wait for public acceptance before there is anything for them to accept, you must one by one, just do as you feel you must and take it as it comes, just like the rest of us.

People will wonder about you yes, some will think you are perverted, some will think you are a child molester, oh well, join the rest of us in that.  You just have to prove them wrong.

Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: AllisonY2K on July 05, 2005, 03:25:36 PM
I'm undecided. Both items have their good and bad points. I prefer jeans because they are comfortable and can be worn just about anywhere, with just about anything. Plus I can go several days without shaving while wearing jeans or pants. Skirts on the other hand are another story. Have to spend that extra 10 minutes in the shower to shave so my legs don't look gross when I go out. Have to decide what to wear with the skirt and what look I want to go for that day. Plus in a skirt, sitting and getting in/out of the car is a conscious process. I usually wear a skirt to work once or twice a week (a little above knee length) and where I am really comfy wearing jeans to work, being conscious of wearing a skirt and making sure I don't accidentally flash anyone is constantly on my mind. I finally got getting in/out of the car in a shorter skirt figured out so I don't flash anyone by accident too. Don't get me wrong, I love wearing a skirt because I go for the gothic school-girl look when I do, I'm just more conscious of my movements and actions when I do.
Title: Re: Long and lacy.
Post by: silverguy on November 09, 2005, 03:51:39 PM
hi all, since i do not have 'looking legs' i love ankle length skirts....i sadly though , need a 41" length....there is a web site that makes very reasonably priced 'wrap-skirts" and uni-sex is ><...i have no affiliation with them...if anyone has a link to L O N G length skirts, please let me know...there is also a section of links for "men in skirts" and Mel Gibson is featured...Kilts-Kilts, these are skirts and men need to step up and make a fashion enlightenment to the world...roger/renae