Community Conversation => Transitioning => Voice Therapy and Surgery => Topic started by: Ryno on January 28, 2011, 02:15:06 PM Return to Full Version

Title: How Well Does My Voice Pass?
Post by: Ryno on January 28, 2011, 02:15:06 PM
I've posted a video on Youtube giving an example of my voice (recorded, mind you). I haven't started taking testosterone so my voice is pretty high for a guy. Not to mention my laptop's mic isn't the best quality so it makes me sound higher than I really do. At least as far as I can tell.

Regardless, i'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this link or not but it's regarding my question... so if not, please let me know and I'll remove it. But it's a link to my youtube video. Lemme know your thoughts, close your eyes or something, and just let me know whether I sound convincingly male or obviously female. Honesty is appreciated, as well as tips on how to deepen my voice without damaging it.

I probably won't be going on testosterone for a couple of years now. And since I will shortly be working in a new city under a male name I'd like to be able to convince my coworkers I am who i say I am...

Here's the link: Voice test (

Thanks! :)
Title: Re: How Well Does My Voice Pass?
Post by: Stephanie.Izann on January 28, 2011, 02:24:08 PM
First I commend you for having such bravery as to post (anything). I am scared >-bleeped-<less about doing that myself (I'm MTF), but you have inspired me to try!

I think that if I close my eyes, you sound like a young guy or teen, possibly before the male voice kicks in.  I think that your speech patterns are not too far off from being like a guys too  :) .   Remember guys like to talk in a semi-monotone way. Less flowery and straight to the point.  It doesn't mean you should exaggerate it either since I think that would add to being clocked.
I'm sure you have listened to your brother.  Keep doing that as that will also help you develop the speech patterns.  That way, if you do decide to go on "T", you'll have a time adjusting your voice around it.
For now, I think you are on your way to sounding like a guy.

I'm experiencing the same thing but the other way around. Estrogen doesn't really help us MTF's the way "T" does for FTM's.

I hope this helps.

Best to you and have fun on your journey to being YOU.

Title: Re: How Well Does My Voice Pass?
Post by: Tamaki on January 28, 2011, 03:03:30 PM
The very beginning where you say "is this thing recording" was definitely female.

The rest of it sounds male to me but young. If it were me, I don't think I'd mess with it. It didn't sound like you were trying to speak with a male voice, it sounded quite natural, if that makes sense.

Title: Re: How Well Does My Voice Pass?
Post by: HitOrMiss. on January 29, 2011, 10:53:03 PM
Honestly, I've just finished triple checking that you're FTM.
I know nothing of the way you dress or walk or act in normal situations, but using the video as my only evidence I'd say you were a genetic male. However, again using the video as my only evidence, I'd say you were in the 12-16 year old age group. I don't know if you are or not... but thats my honest guess based on your appearance and voice in the video. I'd imagine that you're probably significantly older then my guess since you mentioned that "customers mistake me for a guy".

Anyways, you wanted an honest answer, so there it is.

Oh, one last thing, I know this is somewhat off topic but in the video your chest is not visible. I'm not sure if you have anything going on down there that would change my assessment if I had been able to see the area. So, again, my guess is based solely on this one video and what was presented in it.
Title: Re: How Well Does My Voice Pass?
Post by: Ryno on January 30, 2011, 08:02:59 PM
@ HitorMiss: Wow, thanks. :) I'm actually 20, but I'm aware it's virtually impossible to pass as a 20-year-old male until I start taking hormones.

My chest is freakishly small. I'm barely an A. So I don't bother binding; I just wear a tank top under a tshirt and usually wear a sweater or jacket of sorts. I have binded in the past and I ended up looking and feeling even more awkward. This way, I at least look like I have pecs under my clothes :)

My friend's gramma (a hip 60-year-old cougar) thought I was a hot young man... not something I'm totally proud to admit, but I fooled her. And I don't get IDed at the bars that often either. The servers usually, if they're around my age, think I'm a guy. Even when I'm out with people who look even younge than me :/

Anywaayy... thanks :) That totally made my day!
Title: Re: How Well Does My Voice Pass?
Post by: MarinaM on February 03, 2011, 05:07:21 PM
You have my birth name. First in full and my middle initial. (don't tell anybody!! ;) )

Your voice would not give you away. You look and sound like a teenage guy.