General Discussions => General discussions => Pets and creatures => Topic started by: Cody Jensen on January 29, 2011, 07:32:17 PM Return to Full Version

Title: To get a German Shepherd or to not. That is the question.
Post by: Cody Jensen on January 29, 2011, 07:32:17 PM
I know I have started a similar post about this earlier but I;m still questioning.
So I've loved GSDs ever since I was little. My neighbours from a long time ago used to have one and it was so beautiful and was my best friend at the time, but then they moved. Since then I knew that one day I would own a GSD. I do have some not so nice experiences though. One of these dogs was playing too rough with me and knocked me over twice when I was 5. That hasn't stopped me from wanting one however. It's only made me question if I'd be a good owner for this dog. They are powerful and I am worried I won't be able to handle such a big dog. I also have a Pomeranian. This is partly a companion for her too. They will be separated when I leaved the house and supervised while they play. I am worried that the German Shepherd may become too aggressive and I may not be able to make him happy. I know not all Shepherds are like this but I've seen nightmares from other people who own these dogs. It was either the Shepherd or the Golden Retriever, as Goldens are a bit calmer and a bit easier to handle/train. So, I just listed all the reasons why I don't want a GSD. But there's also many reasons why I should get one and why they will best fit my lifestyle. Anyways, I am asking for some advice from you guys. To get a German Shepherd or to not. That is the question.

PS- sorry if it's so long!
Title: Re: To get a German Shepherd or to not. That is the question.
Post by: Shang on January 29, 2011, 08:00:35 PM
I second going with the German Shepherd, if you have the finances to do so.  They are remarkably easy to train, or very eager to learn, and they can be so gentle with kids.  My cousin had a gorgeous GS that had been very gentle with his three young kids (who are about 4 years old).  The dog wouldn't hurt a fly, but he was sadly put down because he had arthritis to the point where he couldn't move (arthritis seems to be a common ailment of them).

However, if you're scared you will not be able to train the dog properly or that it will be too rough with you or the Pomeranian, then go with another breed that you would feel safer with.  The dog will pick up on your worries, and that doesn't usually make a very happy dog.
Title: Re: To get a German Shepherd or to not. That is the question.
Post by: Alex37 on March 21, 2011, 11:43:21 PM
if you can handle training it, go for it! otherwise do NOT get one! there is nothing worse than an aggressive dog that is big enough to kill you :(

just my 2 cents :)
Title: Re: To get a German Shepherd or to not. That is the question.
Post by: MillieB on March 22, 2011, 12:05:06 AM
I agree with those that advise caution. German Shepherds do have a habit of thinking that they own you if they are not trained correctly.

On the other hand


Look at that face!!!!!!!!!!!! >:-)
Title: Re: To get a German Shepherd or to not. That is the question.
Post by: Janet_Girl on March 22, 2011, 08:50:39 AM
Ja. Definitiv bekommen Shepard.