General Discussions => Health => Fitness => Topic started by: Epigania on January 31, 2011, 11:32:49 PM Return to Full Version

Title: To the pain ...
Post by: Epigania on January 31, 2011, 11:32:49 PM
Sorry .. title is a reference to The Princess Bride.

Anyway ... I started at the gym tonight.   There was a great deal at a local store where they were selling 2 year memberships for a 50% discount to this national gym chain so I took it.

I am very out of shape and I know it.  I work as a project manager working on computers all day so I get little to no physical activity.   I've never stepped into a gym and used machines beyond the tread mills so I decided to pay for 3 sessions with a trainer.  Today was my first session with that trainer.

All I can say is ...  Wow I suck.   I think an infant has more upper body strength than I do.  I think part of it is the inactivity, but also due to the HRT/Muscle Loss.   I was trying to do these weight machines that weren't complicated, but I couldn't even do 3 sets of 12 repetitions at 15 lbs!

On top of that, I ended up feeling ill after the first set of upper body exercises and ended up going to the potty to puke. :( 

I was so embarrassed by my lack of physical prowess.   

So now, I'm sitting here barely able to lift my arms (they are mush) hoping that things will get better in 2 days when I go back. :)  (That would be where the title is coming from ... :P )

OH, and let me give you all a tip if you ever happen to hire a trainer ...   If they ask "How does that feel?"  You should never say anything like "It feels ok."   That's Trainer Speak for:  "Let's turn this bad boy to hard mode!"