Community Conversation => Transitioning => Legal Matters => Topic started by: Alice.Wonderland on February 01, 2011, 04:40:08 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: Alice.Wonderland on February 01, 2011, 04:40:08 PM
I'm new to these boards and this is my first post  ;D
Quick background, I'm MTF and 21 yrs old.  Started anti-androgen over 6 months ago.  Not on E yet.  I'm a non-op.

I am looking to transfer to a new college and medical school as a female.  I can get university college paid for, but I have no way to pay for medical school.  I've looked into payment options and I know the army will pay your way through medical school if you serve when you get out.  However, I want to be a girl and I don't know the armies policy on transgendered people in the army.  Also, with the don't ask don't tell policy being lifted so gays can serve openly, does that apply to trans too?

What are your thoughts on this?

I've e-mailed the army recruiters on the matter and they are extremely ambiguous on the answer.
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: CaitJ on February 01, 2011, 04:44:10 PM
Trans people cannot serve in the US, as they are considered (for lack of a better term) mentally ill/unstable.
The DADT repeal did nothing for us.
So whenever you see someone claim that DADT being repealed was a victory for 'GLBT' rights, smack them in the mouth and take the T back  :D
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: ClaireA on February 01, 2011, 09:02:28 PM
The army recruiters are probably being ambigous because the whole DADT-repeal caused a lot of confusion, and unlike if you were actually in the military, recruitment is still subject to lawsuits. Case and point: There is no possible way to be living as trans and be in the military.

Quote from: Caitj on February 01, 2011, 04:44:10 PM
Trans people cannot serve in the US, as they are considered (for lack of a better term) mentally ill/unstable.
The DADT repeal did nothing for us.
So whenever you see someone claim that DADT being repealed was a victory for 'GLBT' rights, smack them in the mouth and take the T back  :D
So true.
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: Diane Elizabeth on February 06, 2011, 04:11:45 PM
DADT does not apply to TG.  Anyone that says it does is handing out a line of BS.  There is nothing in the military laws that govern CD/TG people other than it gives someone a reason to send you to the shrinks before giving you what some refer as a section 8 discharge.  Which amounts to a Bad Conduct Discharge.
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: Alice.Wonderland on February 06, 2011, 04:55:33 PM
How would it work if there was a draft for the army?
Since I am biologically male, I had to sign up for the selective services when I turned 18.
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: PrincessDayna on July 18, 2013, 05:33:13 PM
I know this is seni old, but the coast gaurd recently recruited within the last four monthes a trans person. I think they had srs prior service, however.
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: Devlyn on July 18, 2013, 05:43:48 PM
Do you have a link? That's interesting, but I can't find anything on it. Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: PrincessDayna on July 18, 2013, 06:11:57 PM
Its slightly under wraps for protection of the coasty, but is known in certain DOD cirlces.  The coast gaurd is primarily DHS now, so eocc laws apply (

Not sure if he or she could deploy if activated by navy. More to come.
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: PrincessDayna on July 18, 2013, 06:33:53 PM
Ok this is it, since coast gaurd is federal agency as dhs primarily, equal opportunity employment commission rulings apply to them as a federal agency. My friend who told me this i know from being in the army. Shes DoD and i wont say more but her words are legit. I just asked her for some solid intel, and was told this:
"I dunno if there is going to be much info though, they're keeping the person's identity a secret for privacy reasons ".

Valid enough. As for other military branches, they most likely hold stringent to dadt rulings and policy for discrimination. SRS is most likely a requirement however as well as stealth for USCG service as relations with other branches are active.  In the Army we did joint training with USCG stations in our area, so its most likely staying under wraps. Friends can only deliver so much intel. I know it to be 100% fact, but take what I say as here-say. Dont try applying for USCG unless post op.
Title: Re: Transgender in the Army?
Post by: Jess42 on July 19, 2013, 07:48:31 AM
You can serve if you are trans but you can't let anyone know anything about it. You have to remain stealth. Depending upon your level of GID I wouldn't suggest it though. It got really hard for me toward the latter months and if I couldn't have done more than four years.

As for a draft if one is ever called. You're trans and the military will not allow transgeders to serve.

Yeah DADT was kind of a blow to the "T" part of the equation. Seems like everyone else was happy about it and with things like this, it's no wonder we are considered "mentally unstable". *note: sarcasm* We're not mentally unstable, we're just angry and hurt and feel like we don't matter as much as others. Or that's my feeling anyway. Thank you society. *note: sarcasm again*