General Discussions => General discussions => Polls => Topic started by: Ryno on February 03, 2011, 10:00:37 PM Return to Full Version

Title: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Ryno on February 03, 2011, 10:00:37 PM
I'm just curious, because the female to males I know in my city are all heterosexuals who once identified as lesbian women. But since joining this forum and since attending a group for trans people downtown, I've realized there are a fair number of FtMs with a whole radiance of sexual identities. Some who date only other FtMs, some who date only other men in general, some who date MtFs, some who are attracted to anyone based on personality.

What do you identify as?

And I don't mean to disclude MtF from the poll. It's not that I don't care, but if I include both MtF and FtM in one poll I won't know how many of whom are selecting which options :S I can make another poll if anyone would like me to. :)

Again, this is just purely out of interest and obviously you don't have to answer lol.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Elijah3291 on February 03, 2011, 10:07:37 PM
I am FTM and I am gay, I am attracted to cisgendered men, and I am attracted to transgendered men.

and I am occasionally attracted to women, but not as much
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Ryno on February 03, 2011, 10:14:23 PM
I edited the poll to offer your preference, I thought about adding that option before you posted and changed my mind hahaha.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: rexgsd on February 03, 2011, 10:15:13 PM
well i'd say bio-men and trans-men, but i didnt vote in the poll (dont know if i should be men and transmen or other X3) only because theres a slight exception which is i couldnt really be with a transman that wasn't getting srs because part of why i am attracted to men is because of their body and body parts, and my complete repulsion of female parts (even if on a man, aka non-op transman). i just couldn't deal with that.  but yeah, hope that makes sense.

[p.s. no offense to any guys that are non-op =P]
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Elijah3291 on February 03, 2011, 10:30:06 PM
is it possible for me to change my vote?

also, I was worried that I would be turned off by ftm junk, not the case, I actually really like it :) probably more then bio guys junk, hopefully that doesn't make me a >-bleeped-<, or maybe i just really love my boyfriend, who knows.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Michael Joseph on February 03, 2011, 10:32:58 PM
men and women, but mostly women
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Ryno on February 03, 2011, 10:36:02 PM
Quote from: Elijah on February 03, 2011, 10:30:06 PM
is it possible for me to change my vote?

also, I was worried that I would be turned off by ftm junk, not the case, I actually really like it :) probably more then bio guys junk, hopefully that doesn't make me a >-bleeped-<, or maybe i just really love my boyfriend, who knows.

I thought I made it possible to change your vote. I ... I really don't want to redo the poll. I'm sorry man, I guess I messed that up for ya. Hahahah. Oh well, I'll try to keep your change in mind.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: jacob.ayden.averi on February 04, 2011, 01:21:44 AM
...erm, I like femme people. Haha. Trans boys, trans women, gay boys, lesbians, straight girls. Basically everyone but straight boys...probably because they're usually not very feminine. Straight girls are definitely my preference, then it's a tie between...well, everything else I suppose.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: kyril on February 04, 2011, 04:17:27 AM
I like men. I've found some trans guys very attractive and wouldn't turn a guy away if I found out he was trans, but I'd never specifically seek out a trans guy, and I'd likely not be attracted to anyone who read female to me.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Britney♥Bieber on February 04, 2011, 04:30:30 AM
I've know for years I LOOOOOOVE boys. :D But now I'm feeling a little bi curious I'm not sure. I kinda wanna experiment with a girl. haha. But I think I like transmen MORE than cis men. Like I would diieee for a ftm boyfriend lol, idk why.

Quote from: Elijah on February 03, 2011, 10:30:06 PM
hopefully that doesn't make me a chase

haha right? =/ lol
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: gilligan on February 04, 2011, 07:37:52 PM
I've never found myself sexually attracted to anyone. I'm not really a people person.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: some ftm guy on February 04, 2011, 09:34:04 PM
I've been figuring myself out lately. if i took this poll a few months ago, even december i would have answered women only. early january i finally accepted that I'm also attracted to men, not just women, that took a while too, don't know why it took me so long to finally figure out and accept. but then about 3 weeks later I notice whenever women would come up in random searches on some date site It'd be like AAAAHH NO men only! lol almost like a violation. i for some reason get this overwhelming meh feeling when seeing any woman now. i really adamantly don't want to date them, just guys. so i guess that makes me gay ??? weird because i used to be into only women, reeeeally liked in a matter of months (november til now) it's like a been there done that like I'm bored of women... ???weird i didn't think someone could become bored with a sexuality over time. maybe i was BI the whole time and too good at pushing thoughts and such away so i couldn't figure that out..who knows I'm sick of talking about myself  :laugh:
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Miniar on February 05, 2011, 10:00:59 AM
I am pansexual, but I chose "Other".
I'm not attracted to "men", "women", nor "trans men/women".
What I find sexually and emotionally attractive is "Intelligence", "Creativity", "Honor", and such..
Not "anyone with human DNA" has those.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Nathan. on February 05, 2011, 10:48:00 AM
I'm pansexual but not gender blind, my preference is for males either cis or trans but sometimes i'm also attracted to cis/trans females and genderqueer etc people.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Espenoah on February 05, 2011, 12:07:19 PM
I love men. Any type of man. I'm probably a bit crazy for them sometimes.
Then I'm occasionally attracted to androgynous people, but not often. I think it's just that I find androgyny beautiful more than I find them attractive. Does that make sense?
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Yakshini on February 05, 2011, 03:15:05 PM
As long as they have a beautiful personality and a beautiful mind, their gender identity nor their physical sex matter to me.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Ribbons on February 05, 2011, 09:07:18 PM
Asexual with somewhat of a romantic attraction to woman. I would call myself Panromantic, however I've never felt romantic attraction to a boy yet.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Shang on February 06, 2011, 05:59:46 PM
My sexuality changes depending on my mood or what's going on in my life.  It makes things confusing because one day I can be into guys and the next day I can be into girls.  Or into neither sex.  Or into both sexes. 

Normally, gay guys are about all I'm attracted to (cisgender or not).
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Kentrie on February 06, 2011, 06:38:02 PM
Women. There's just something about them :)
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Ryno on February 07, 2011, 10:13:19 PM
Quote from: Kentrie on February 06, 2011, 06:38:02 PM
Women. There's just something about them :)

There is, isn't there?

It's weird, since coming out as trans I've found myself like, 10000x more attracted to women than I was as a lesbian. And i'm not even taking T.
It's crazy  :icon_pelvic_thrust:
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: xander on February 10, 2011, 12:39:56 PM
I'm open to dating anyone.
I tend to find myself attracted to women moreso than males. But meh, my feelings are constantly evolving as my gender is developing.

Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: SurlyCat on February 17, 2011, 09:04:29 AM
Pansexual, but I have a preference to guys.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: quinn on March 02, 2011, 04:35:41 PM
Women, and trans-men who don't get bottom surgery (which is probably the majority, since the surgery options aren't that great). I guess the term for that would be "selectively bi-sexual", haha.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: ajayjo on March 02, 2011, 06:48:44 PM
im straight....i love WOMEN!!! there really something about them! wink wink! :laugh:
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Redshirt on March 10, 2011, 11:29:17 PM
I'm attracted to people based on their personality and general looks, but not their sex or gender. So I'm pansexual but for the most part I've liked women more, but lately have found myself with a preference for guys and genderqueer types. It changes.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Da Monkey on March 10, 2011, 11:57:08 PM
Well buddy, as you know I am only interested in my girlfriend.

Sometimes I wonder if anything were to happen to her and I, after a while of devastation and time to heal who I would be interested in.

I can't say for sure if a guy came along that I clicked with I would turn him down. It just doesn't happen very often that I meet a guy like that.

When living as a woman I feel like I felt most comfortable dating woman because I could force myself in the masculine role and make myself the "man" of the relationship. I almost had a relationship with a guy when I was in college but actually had friends turn against me because of it, calling me "breeder" and all that heterophobia stuff. I had to keep it a secret and it got to overwhelming and I still didn't feel comfortable being a "girlfriend" to a guy.

After transitioning I've come to realise I am just a person in the end despite what body parts I have. It makes me feel like it doesn't matter anymore what someone has but it matters who they are as a person.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Lee on March 11, 2011, 01:18:00 AM
Just as long as there are no tentacles or teeth down there, I don't really have a preference.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: ShippoFox on March 14, 2011, 12:54:21 AM
This is a tough one. I'm not sure how to answer. It's really not easy to explain at all...

I am pretty much asexual. I do sorta have some sexual fantasies, but they all involve me having the female parts down there that I just don't have (and may never have, possibly). Plus, I just don't see the amazingless of sex anyway. As a guy, intercourse itself just doesn't interest me.

I can be romantically attracted to anyone though. Not ANYONE, but I mean, I could potentially be attracted to any m(tf)/f(tm). Biromantic (or panromantic?) asexual. Maybe a slight preference for feminity. To me it's a lot more than just appearances though. Interests and personality are very important. One might look cute, but that's not enough if I don't like his/her personality or he/she can't stand the stuff I like.

Sadly, I don't feel socially competent enough to find someone that would love me. I am horribly shy beyond belief & I'm just terrible at being social! I'm nice and stuff, but that's not enough. And meh... I don't really even have any real life friends. x_x

Anyway, I guess I'll just pick "other"... since it's somewhere between "all of the above" and "Not sexually attracted to anyone".
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Linus on March 14, 2011, 01:06:57 AM
I always stay open to what might possibly come my way. Right now I have a cisgendered g/f. We are polyamorous so if we found the right individual(s) or couple(s) we'd be interested.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: sascraps on March 23, 2011, 01:30:59 PM
I've always been exclusively attracted to men. Not interested in girl parts at all. Although, a lot of the transguys are way cute. I guess I can admit that now as an FtM, or FtM-wannabe at least.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Zemexx on April 07, 2011, 05:33:57 PM
Quote from: kyril on February 04, 2011, 04:17:27 AM
I like men. I've found some trans guys very attractive and wouldn't turn a guy away if I found out he was trans, but I'd never specifically seek out a trans guy, and I'd likely not be attracted to anyone who read female to me.

I agree with this 100%.  I would never actively look for a trans guy (though I wouldn't reject them if I found out they were), and would never be attracted to someone who identified themselves as female.
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Ryno on April 07, 2011, 08:42:29 PM
Quote from: JayUnit on March 10, 2011, 11:57:08 PM
When living as a woman I feel like I felt most comfortable dating woman because I could force myself in the masculine role and make myself the "man" of the relationship.

I found I was so against dating men as a lesbian more because I felt I'd be pressured to play a "feminine role". That idea scared me more than being with a man sexually or romantically. Come to think of it, that doesn't scare me a whole lot at all. I'm simply not as interested.

I've caught myself noticing a good lookin guy and watching him the same way I pervishly watch a good looking lady, but the thought of anything sexual or romantic with another man, trans or cis, just doesn't feel right for me.

I still have to say my simplest answer is that I'm a heterosexual transman, but I would never turn someone down if it felt right. It might just take me longer to come to terms with my feelings.

That said my heterosexuality extends to transwomen, pre-op or post-op. I'm not sexually attracted to male reproductive anatomy, but the idea of a woman with male genitals somehow doesn't turn me off.

:/ We're all weird in some way...
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: straightedgechris on April 08, 2011, 09:16:11 AM
I'm pansexual; I'm attracted to other FTMs, athletic women, and some cis-men. in that order :)
Title: Re: (FtM) What's your sexuality?
Post by: Brayden on April 08, 2011, 10:40:08 AM
:] women