Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: Chaunte on August 29, 2005, 10:19:20 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Baby steps...
Post by: Chaunte on August 29, 2005, 10:19:20 PM
I had my hair done tonight...

The big deal about this is that I went as Chaunte, not in male mode.   :icon_female:

Yes, there was another patron in the shop (age 21) and, yes, her jaw hit the ground when she saw me.  At 5' 10" (1.75 metres) plus 3" (7.5 cm) heels, I am not a small person.  It didn't matter that I raised some eyebrows.  It was time for me to go as ME! :D

Sue, my stylist, smiled, welcomed me in and treated me like another girl.  8)  It was wonderful.  No, she didn't know I was coming as Chaunte, but she knows all about me.  In fact, you coud say that she "created" me, and by doing so started the acceptance process.  :icon_female:

I live in stealth mode at present. :icon_suspicious:  Until I figure out where my journey is going to take me, I need to live in stealth mode so I don't prematurely bring situations to a head.  Fortunately, Sue works in a nearby city so the chance of being ID'ed before I am ready is small.

Sue made a comment before I left saying that I seem happier when I am in "girl mode."  I have to admit that I feel happier in 'girl mode.'  I feel ... normal.

The longest jouney begins with but a single step...

Title: Re: Baby steps...
Post by: stephanie on August 30, 2005, 12:04:43 AM
What a wonderful experience!  It's good to know that she didn't treat you any different and everything.  I can't wait to finally start having my hair styled in more feminine ways (have to wait for it to grow out first).  The major problem I have is that my hair stylist is also my sister.  The one I haven't told yet, who is a staunch, close-minded Mormon (oops I guess you all know where I live now).  I hope that she'll still want to do my hair (she always bugs me about getting my eyebrows waxed).
Title: Re: Baby steps...
Post by: Dennis on August 30, 2005, 12:07:13 AM
My hairstylist was awesome when I told her about my transition. She even started charging me 10 bucks less for a cut (guys rate).

I'm glad yours is supportive too. Hard changing when you've got someone you trust.

Title: Re: Baby steps...
Post by: stephanie_craxford on August 30, 2005, 06:29:05 AM
Generally speaking, hair stylists, and estheticiens are far more accepting of Trans people, than most.  After all it's their business, and you are a "paying" client, who may turn into a repeat customer if they treat you right.  They also seem to be a little more open minded about such things as well.

That's a big step to take Chaunte, even if it is a baby one.  You seem very much in control of things and that's the best way to be.  Also I agree that's it's a wonderful experience getting you hair done, until you have to open your purse of course  :)

And hey stephanie don't let the fact that your hair stylist being your sister be a major problem, simply go to someone else, unless all the hair stylists in your area are
Quotestaunch, close-minded Mormons

(By the way I was baptised a Mormon, but I turned out ok) ;D

Chat later

Steph :)
Title: Re: Baby steps...
Post by: Shelley on August 30, 2005, 06:36:45 AM
Well done Chaunte,

You left out the important part. Did she do a good job :)?

Title: Re: Baby steps...
Post by: Cassandra on August 30, 2005, 09:38:55 PM
That's great Chaunte! I remember when I had my nails done for the first time. That was a great experience. I was trying to do my nails at home and botching the job quite well. I decided to heck with it, made an appointment at the salon down the street and had them done. I figured that way I'd learn how to do them right. It was also my very first time out in public, but that's another story.

You should definetly go for your nails next it's a real treat.

Way to go!

Title: Re: Baby steps...
Post by: Chaunte on August 30, 2005, 10:31:29 PM
Thank you, everyone!

Looking back on yesterday, it WAS a big, baby step.  (Now THERE'S and oxymoron!)  It feels good gaining control of my life like this.

I have been going to the same stylist for ... a decade now?  Sue always does a wonderful job!  She has been with me every step of the way as I have been growing my hair out long ( about 2" (5 cm) below my shoulders now that it has been trimmed & layered) and slowly shaping my brows.  And she knows my thoughts as to where I will probalbly head with this transformation.

Guys confide in their favorite barkeep.

Women confide in their hair stylist!

The nails will have to wait until I am no longer living in deep stealth mode.  I had them done once and I can't wait until I can do it again!

Title: Re: Baby steps...
Post by: Chaunte on August 30, 2005, 11:04:34 PM
I tend to get gabby, so please forgive me....

Last night helped me really internalize something I already knew in my head.  Being a gender is more than the clothes and hair and makeup, its who we are inside.  The exterior can only support the interior.

I am just as much a woman on the insides whether I am wearing a skirt or (ugh!) a suit and tie.  The ME doesn't change.

It was my heart going out last night.  The external trappings were the supporting cast; singing harmonies around the song of joy my soul sang last night.  It was a song of joy because I was whole.

I knew this in my head!  But I didn't understand this in my soul ... until now. 

Until I head this song of joy.

It's starting to sound like a full transition may be in my future, doesn't it?
