Community Conversation => Support groups => Topic started by: Fyrstar on January 10, 2007, 05:52:30 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Hampton Roads Area
Post by: Fyrstar on January 10, 2007, 05:52:30 PM
You know what?  If there are no support groups in this area, we can start our own.

We'll call it HRT (which is a pretty funny thing to call it;  you'll get the joke if you live in the area.... well, the heck with it, I'll tell you all the joke.  HRT=Hampton Roads Transit bus lines (hehehe) not to mention the obvious anagrams.

Email me at  We can set up a meeting place (not my house, it's dirty like you wont believe((probably a Denny's or somewhere else))) and a time.

My name is Phyl..... I look forward to hearing from you all!