General Discussions => Spirituality => Christianity => Topic started by: Amazon D on February 07, 2011, 06:11:51 AM Return to Full Version

Post by: Amazon D on February 07, 2011, 06:11:51 AM

Why Gender Tree

In our culture we tend to think in terms of a dichotomy when we think of gender, Female or Male.

I was in a really boring meeting one day and realized I am as guilty of this sort of thinking, even though I am  "gender variant". I realized we need a new model that was three dimensional, and visualized a tree with its almost infinite branchings.

The body of Christ is divided all too often, because of our natural tendency to be uncomfortable with people who are different. This writing, and the pages that follow, are an attempt to both educate and challenge Christian believers to "Test everything, [and] hold on to the good" in obedience to 1 Thess. 5: 21 (NIV). To lay aside their learned reaction to such individuals, and take an honest look at the scriptures, and their own hearts.


  I have dealt with guilt and shame and fear most of my life. My goal is to help those that are gender variant  to understand that what you are, is not inherently wrong or sinful!
By the grace of God you are what you are.
Glory in who and what you are. Accept yourself!

Eph 2:10
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Respect yourself you have a right to be here!
Make the most of your self.
Create the kind of person you will be happy to live with the rest of this life.
Be gentle with your self, learn to love your self as God already loves you.
Learn to forgive yourself, as God has already forgiven you through Christ!


"All those whose lives are spent searching for truth are well aware that the glimpses they catch of it are necessarily fleeting, glittering for an instant only to make way for new and still more dazzling insights. The scholar's work, in marked contrast to that of the artist, is inevitably provisional. He knows this and rejoices in it, for the rapid obsolescence of his books is the very proof of the progress of scholarship." ~ Henri Pirenne

It has again been a very long time since I changed the front page and the rest of the web site (over a year).  Most of the pages came out of my questions or the questions of others and the search for those answers. I hope you find this of help and have some fun (the humor section). I have closed the three questionnaires, I have more than enough and have not processed all the data. It is time consuming to enter the data into SPSS and I may be switching to R.

For those of you that are younger I have a web site for transgender kids, their parents and school counselors. ( this is very much a cooperative effort with a number of contributors.
A note on e-mail to me. the level of spam has increased exponentially in the last couple of years and while I was able to go through the spam folder and rescue those e-mails that were legitimate, I no longer have time to do that (I get in excess of 1000 spam a day). I have not yet decided what to do as an alternative but eventually the e-mail address attached to hyperlink will be discontinued and a different address used. 

  Greetings due to the HUGE amount of Spam I had to change my contact method to a CAPTCHA, "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." you have only to click the e-mail address below give the solution and you will have the correct e-mail address.
Send E-mail to

Last modified: 07/01/10 
Title: Re: / grace and lace
Post by: Amazon D on February 07, 2011, 06:22:45 AM (






Jane Ellen Fairfax, Publisher
8880 Bellaire/B-2/Suite 104
Houston TX 77036


The Grace and Lace Letter is a Christian publication for transgendered persons. Our motto is "where Charity and Love Prevail ...." In keeping with our motto, we will not publish material bashing any transgendered or Christian person or group, nor will we publish any ad hominem argument. We hope to bring the message of God's unconditional love and forgiveness, as shown to us once and for all by the saving life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, to our transgendered brothers and sisters. We welnete personal testimonies, teachings from God's Holy Scriptures, prayers and poems and hymns, cartoons and humorous stories, accounts of events affecting Christian transgendered persons, and messages of hope and inspiration. Our goal is to praise and worship God and bring His healing love to His children.

Jane Ellen and Frances Fairfax

A Prayer
Lord Jesus, We give You our hands to do Your work.
We give You our feet to go Your way.
We give You our eyes to see as You do.
We give You our tongues to speak Your words.
We give You our minds that You may think in us.
We give You our souls that You may pray in us.

Above all,
We give You our hearts that, in us,
You may love Your Father and all people.
We give you our whole being
That You may grow in us,
So that it is You, Lord Jesus,
Who live and work and pray in us.


A Message From Julie Johnson

Hello, friends,
I have now put the book "BY THE GRACE OF GOD" on line in Adobe format. You can download it, even print it. Of course I will still send a FREE bound copy to anyone requesting it, including shipping! This book contains the writings of Lee Frances Heller.

This is what Becky Allison wrote about it:

Lee Frances Heller, who died May 19, 2000 at age 81, devoted the last fifteen years of her life to sharing God's love with persons who, like herself, had been scorned and rejected by the established religious leadership. On an ancient typewriter in her Jackson, Mississippi home, she began her newsletter, The Grace and Lace Letter, with the question, "Is God Against Us?" Her passion, sincerity, and wit left the reader certain that God is indeed not against persons like Lee Frances Heller -- persons who happen to be transgendered.

Lee's essays were praised and appreciated, and other transgendered Christian writers joined her in contributing their viewpoints to the Grace and Lace Letters. Over the years Lee heard from dozens of transsexual persons and crossdressers who had nearly lost their faith, but found new hope through her publications. By the time of her death, Lee's works had a readership of hundreds of Christian transgendered persons as well as their family, friends and clergy.

By The Grace of God is a netpilation of essays from Lee Frances Heller, Terri Lynn Main, Dr. Rebecca Anne Allison, and other transgendered Christian writers. These essays were published in the Grace and Lace Letter, and its later successor, the Christian Love Letter. It is our prayer that Lee's life and witness will live on through this book, a continuing testimony to our God who loves us even when others may reject us.

--Becky Allison

Download it at: (

So pass the word on.

Julie Johnson, editor,

to recent articles on these pages ...

The Olive Garden
"Light In The Closet"
God's Infinite Love"
On Faith
Out Of The Box
"and the beat goes on"
Alive And Kicking
Deep Rooted
Tomato Juice Remedies
The Invisible Trans Catholic
A Prayer On Coming Out
Living A Life
The Challenge Of Transition To A Wife
One Way To Navigate The Fork In The Road
The Answer
Don't Fear Sin
Seabiscuit And The Broken Down T-Girl
Who Are You?
Chipped Red Nail Polish
Outer Anger....Inner Rage
God Works All Things Together For Good
Evidence Julie
Oh Yes, They Dislike Us
Deuteronomy 22 Verse 5 --A Discussion
The Evidence Of Transformed Lives
God Doesn't Make Mistakes!
By The Grace Of God
What Kind Of Woman Are You?
The Alphabet Prayer
The Overwhelming, Enduring Love Of Christ
One Thing I Know
Unconditional Love
Bitter At God
His Life Is Our Life
Jesus' Other Sheep: You!
where God Dwells
You Are Not Alone!
Broken Wings
Reconciling Sunday
Ode To A Taker
It's All About Him
Let's Stamp Out Gender Bulimia!
Contours Of Gender
The Anonymous Crossdresser
Whose Job Is It?
Lee Frances Heller
Loving Yourself
The Child And God
God Knows
There's Room At The Cross For You
I Love You If ...
Our High Priest
Take A Small Step...
The Lark Ascending - Appendix A
Jesus Loves Me
Religion and Transgenderal Behavior
Transgender Pride
Weeds In The Garden
The Lark Ascending - Part I
The Lark Ascending - Part II
The Lark Ascending - Part III
What Am I To Do?
Call The Question
God Knows We Are Crossdressers
On Grace, Love, And Transition
Angel By Your Side!
The Dream!
Cross-Dressers Find Self-Expression Can Be Risky
Is Transgenderism Wrong?
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Angels Among Us
Transsexualism: Gift, Curse Or Assignment?
Ministry Or Repentance?
From Resignation To Rebirth
Life In The Leper Colony
The Empty Chair
Ethics And Crossdressing
Our Life
On Being Yourself
Rev. Erin Swenson
Love, Not Gender
I Once Was Found
Those Christians
Grace And Lace
The Mulch Pile Ministry
A Dead Biblical Ordinance
Is God Against Us?
The Reluctant Traveller
There are many more articles in our archive pages. Don't neglect to read these!
to articles in the Grace & Lace Archives ...
to other Christian sites of interest on the internet ...
Love Letter
Becky Allison
Jade Devlin
Gender Tree
Light In The Closet