General Discussions => Entertainment => Books => Topic started by: Robyn on February 26, 2011, 09:26:36 PM Return to Full Version

Title: My Husband's Second Novel: Mending Rainbows
Post by: Robyn on February 26, 2011, 09:26:36 PM
Emery's second Novel, Mending Rainbows, was just published. It will be awhile before it shows up in bookstores or Amazon, but it is at the publisher's secure site ( .

This is a story of finding love, losing love, and finding it again in, of all places, Maui.

The young heroes are gay, but our favorite transsexual woman, ex-Army sniper Renee,  and now-retired police chief Charlie return from Last Year's Leaves to help these often hapless young adults.

If anyone should decide to buy it, enter code PNNMFKGE for a discount.

Meanwhile, Emery's third novel, Cabin Boy, is in editing and layout, which has kept me away from much writing in the third novel of the Renee and Charlie series, my first, The Least of My Children.

Ah, the exciting  life of an author's wife on a tropical island.
