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Title: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Alison on September 01, 2005, 07:31:22 PM

"SACRAMENTO, California (AP) -- The California Senate approved legislation Thursday that would legalize same-sex marriages, a vote that makes the chamber the first legislative body in the country to approve a gay marriage bill."
Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: stephanie_craxford on September 01, 2005, 08:18:46 PM
This is really good news... State, by State, by State, it's all so inevitable, hopefully the rest of the country will see this.  Same sex marriage was legalised last July in Canada, then some day the world.  :)

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Leigh on September 01, 2005, 09:41:45 PM
Not yet it doesn't!!!!!

"We're going to continue to work around the clock to get the votes we need for next week's vote," Kors said, noting the California Legislature faces a Sept. 9 deadline for getting bills to Gov. Schwarzenegger's desk.

"The governor has said he won't make any decision until the bill gets there. He has said that he is fine with marriage for gay and lesbian couples. In his heart he opposes discrimination," Kors said. "Whatever he does will be an enormous part of his legacy. We hope and
Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: beth on September 02, 2005, 12:58:21 AM
                                        it says the "senate" passed the bill. the assembly hasent? i wouldnt celebrate till both houses pass it, reconcile the differences and Arnold signs it. i lived in calif for 50 years and saw a lot of bills die at the last moment. if it does pass you can expect a "proposition" which is a bill writen by citizens and put to a public vote that will try to reverse it unfortunately.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Terri-Gene on September 02, 2005, 08:32:44 AM
Absolutly right Beth, look at the history of this in California, We have been as close or closer before.  It is a time of intense lobbying, on both sides, and the fact that the Govenator won't make a clear stand is disturbing.  Nothing is done until it stands on it's own as a done deal, and even then it's going to be a fight to keep it.  Nobody here is dancing in the streets yet, more like "digging in".

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Cassandra on September 02, 2005, 10:07:41 PM
If the bill gets passed by the assembly and if Schwarzenegger signs it and it becomes law the passage would be an acknowledgement of a right to marry. Once a right is established by the legislature and assuming the language of the state constitution so much as alludes to the existance of such a right then the Courts will not allow a proposition to stand which by it's nature attempts to repeal an established right. It would be like trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Sure you get lots of challenges and attempts to write laws around it but it will never get passed the court as long as there are people willing to fight it.

But, one battle at a time. Lets see if the assembly passes it. If it is still stacked with democrats it probably has a pretty good chance. I have seen the state senate pass bills before knowing the assembly would not, but that was usually to appease conservatives on some issue. We shall see.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Leigh on September 06, 2005, 10:46:12 PM
I hope he does not live up to his hit movies--The terminator!

Gay Marriage Gets Vote
California legislation approves same-sex marriage

Same-sex marriage was approved by the California senate Tuesday, as gay-rights advocates overcame two earlier defeats in the assembly.

The 41-35 vote in Sacramento sends the bill to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: gina_taylor on September 07, 2005, 05:10:26 AM
That is so cool!!!  :) Two thumbs up for the vote for gay marriage!!!  I had heard that it was leaglized in Canada, and me and my husband (or partner) were going to go there when he gets out and get legally married. He  had thought about marriage through proxy, but I wasn't too sure about that, even after researching it. Is Hawaii leagalized for gay marriages?

I agree 100% with Stephanie. State by state and then the world. It's definetly inevitable.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Dennis on September 07, 2005, 09:20:41 AM
I hate to burst your bubble, but it looks more like the world and then state by state. The US is definitely not first on this front. There are a few countries that have legalized same sex marriage. Canada and Spain for two. Can't think of the others off the top of my head.

Hope this California thing passes though.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Sarah Louise on September 07, 2005, 05:06:39 PM
I hope it passes as well.  I can understand why some "religions" object, but there shouldn't be any reason for the "State" to object.

You can never tell what Arnie will do, he might try to put an inititive on the ballot, since he doesn't really seem to want to make a direct decision on this issue.

If there really is seperation of state and religion, then any marriage should be accepted by the state.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Leigh on September 08, 2005, 09:05:39 AM

Any reply to this would get me banned.

Schwarzenegger Says He Will Veto Gay Marriage Bill

POSTED: 6:11 pm PDT September 7, 2005
UPDATED: 8:10 pm PDT September 7, 2005

SACRAMENTO, Calif, -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced Wednesday that he will veto a bill that would allow gay marriages in California.

Schwarzenegger said the legislation, given final approval Tuesday by lawmakers, would conflict with the intent of voters when they approved a ballot initiative five years ago.

Proposition 22 prevents California from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states or countries.

"We cannot have a system where the people vote and the Legislature derails that vote," the governor's press secretary, Margita Thompson, said in a statement. "Out of respect for the will of the people, the governor will veto (the bill)."

Despite his promised veto, Schwarzenegger issued a statement saying he "believes gay couples are entitled to full protection under the law and should not be discriminated against based upon their relationship."

A state appeals court is weighing an appeal of a San Francisco judge's ruling striking down state laws barring gay marriages.
Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Dennis on September 08, 2005, 09:21:36 AM

That's about as articulate as I can make my comment.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Sarah Louise on September 08, 2005, 10:02:57 AM
Of course I am disappointed that the govenor couldn't stand up for what he claims to be his beliefs, but, did anyone "really" expect him to approve this bill?

While we deserve the same rights given to others, we need to stand up for ourselves, no one else will.  Unfortunately some people are afraid of us and others just plain hate us.  We need to let them see we are not out to "ruin" society.  We just want to be given what we should already have, acceptance of who we are.

I am not always good at expressing myself, oh well.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Cassandra on September 08, 2005, 12:39:39 PM
The short answer is there is nothing to stop you from getting married however it does not have the authority of law. If your spouse is hospitalised for any reason you have no legal rights with regard to treatment or even visitation, should your spouse be unable to speak for themselves. Only a legally recognized family member can make any decisions. There is also the problems which arise when a couple has a child. In the case of a lesbian couple who had a child invitro. One spouse donated the egg which was then fertilized and placed in the womb of the other spouse. The child was carried to term and delivered in good health.

They raised the child but when the birth mother died the grandparents took custody of the child and the spouse could not get custody or even visitation rights. They thought that since the egg came from one and the other only carried the child to term that they would both have legal custody even with out the benefit of legal recognition. The court disagreed and awarded custody to the grandparents. I don't remember the specific case but I do remember reading about it. I believe the case is still in the appeals process but in the mean time the doner mother is completely cut off from the child. These are just a couple of many reasons why it is so important to have the legal recognition for same sex marriage.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: gina_taylor on September 08, 2005, 03:41:40 PM
There are ways around it, but the church especially looks at gay marriages as being sinful. I personally don't see anything wrong with same sex marrigaes. When two people honestly love each other, why should their gender get in their way? It was said in the Bible that bother will love brother so why can't man love man the same way?

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Leigh on September 08, 2005, 08:33:52 PM
One of my t shirts say in big letters.

Marriage is a human right not a heterosexual pivelige

Emotional relief, socitial equality, parental rights, financial equality.  The over 1000 federal and state benefits that I am now denied.
Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: stephanie_craxford on September 08, 2005, 08:45:27 PM
Hello Leigh

QuoteMarriage is a human right not a heterosexual pivelige

Emotional relief, socitial equality, parental rights, financial equality.  The over 1000 federal and state benefits that I am now denied.

And may I add that you probably pay more than your fair share of taxes just like those who have the right to marry.

So looking at it from a purely financial side, if you pay the same taxes then you should have the same rights as the heteros.  After all the State and Federal tax departments think you are equal enough to pay, then those same Federal and State governments should think you are equal enough to marry, otherwise it's discrimination.  And isn't evreyone suposed to be equal before the law?

Just rambling,

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Leigh on September 08, 2005, 08:49:50 PM
QuoteAnd may I add that you probably pay more than your fair share of taxes just like those who have the right to marry

That is what I told the TV interviewer last year.  "I work, shop, pay my taxes, I do everything  socially that a heterosexual couple does.  The only difference is that I love other women.  Why should I have to sit in the back of the bus when there is absolutely no other difference"
Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: gina_taylor on September 08, 2005, 09:35:30 PM
"MARRIAGE IS A HUMAN RIGHT" That's an excellent point there Leigh. I'm hoping that this bill does get approved! The more the marrier!

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Sarah Louise on September 19, 2005, 05:53:46 PM
They still say that glbt groups are going to meet with the govenor, but I don't hold out much hope he will approve the bill.

And the Christian churches are already gathering signatures on patitions to put on the November ballot to stop marriages except between a woman and a man.  Oh well.  I saw a notice posted that they are trying to gather 1,000,000 signatures.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Sarah Louise on September 29, 2005, 06:09:07 PM
Well, Arnie finally did what we all expected, he official vetoed the Marriage Bill.

Like they said, we will be back.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Sarah Louise on September 30, 2005, 12:12:39 PM
While I am very disappointed that he would not consider signing the bill, it was expected.

We need to work in the state to get the population to understand we are not a threat to the institution of marriage.  We are not trying to destroy society, we are trying to be accepted into society.

We just want the state to recognize that we can have just as a commited relationship as any man and woman can.  If you could file a "joint" tax return as Domestic Partners, then it wouldn't be as much of a problem.  If you could have the same legal rights as a "Marriage" with the "Domestic Partner" papers, then we wouldn't need to fight as much.

Maybe we need to improve the Domestic Partner rights.

Title: Re: California legalizes same sex marriage
Post by: Sarah Louise on September 30, 2005, 12:14:26 PM
I should of added to the last message, that I have several friends that I work with that have filed as Domestic Partners.
