General Discussions => Entertainment => Television => Topic started by: Kate on January 19, 2007, 09:00:53 PM Return to Full Version

Title: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Kate on January 19, 2007, 09:00:53 PM
The Discovery Health Channel will be re-running it's "Sex Change: Him to Her" and "Sex Change: Her to Him" programs saturday, 1/20/07 starting at 8:00pm EST.

Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Ricki on January 19, 2007, 09:17:25 PM
Thanks Kate!  "thiking to oneself here"....What day is this i will have to watch to see if i can watch it??
Thanks Kate.. Thinking to oneself here i will have to watch the date / time to see if i'll be able to maybe watch it?  Hmm wonder if ole mother dearw ould be in the mood??? >:D
Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: tinkerbell on January 20, 2007, 04:09:45 AM
Oh yes, I remember watching it a few months ago.  Some amazing stories.  The one that caught my attention was Elizabeth's (actually I have a youtube video of her posted here somewhere), she literally received a completely "new" face with FFS, totally unrecognizable from her pre-transition and pre-FFS photos.

tinkerbell :icon_chick: 

P.S.  This is the thread (,9036.0.html) where Elizabeth talks about her FFS experience.
Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: HelenW on January 20, 2007, 10:55:11 AM
These are the shows that sparked my epiphany.   We're having friends over this evening (if the snow doesn't get too bad) so I'll probably miss them.  No harm, they've done their job already ;D !

Maybe I'll have a chance to recommend them to my in-laws.  Hmmmm.

hugs & smiles
Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Kate on January 20, 2007, 01:14:59 PM
Quote from: HelenW on January 20, 2007, 10:55:11 AM
Maybe I'll have a chance to recommend them to my in-laws.  Hmmmm.

LOL, yep, I'm sitting here right now wondering if I can subtely drop the hint to my parents to watch it tonight, as I'm about to come out to them any day now. My mother coincidentally brought up the topic at thanksgiving, as she had seen a show about "twin girls where one had become a man." I might try the ploy of, "Hey mom, remember that show you saw? Well, there's another one on tonight... check it out if ya can."

Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Steph on January 20, 2007, 01:27:15 PM
Probably a little late but one could use shows like these as an a good time to get together with loved ones or friends or both and turn the TV program in to an event of sorts, away of educating, coming out and discussing how we feel with them and then letting them do the same.

Invite those you care about, set up food and refreshments, watch the show together then discuss it together afterwards.

Something to think about for the next time.

Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Sheila on January 20, 2007, 06:32:19 PM
I believe that the one sex change her to him has a M to F on it. I don't know why but it does. Her name was Michelle and she is a good friend of mine. She just had her surgery this last year. Very pretty girl. This took place in San Francisco.
Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Ricki on January 20, 2007, 09:11:58 PM
I missed it! Ugghhh i made cinnamon rolls and delivered a few samples to some local yokels and got absorbed in that instead of remembering it was on.. I should of stuck one of those ugly yellow stickie notes on my television! :icon_blah:
Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Suzy on January 20, 2007, 10:01:06 PM
I watched it this evening.  What a powerful two episodes!  It has stirred a thousand thoughts, which will come out as soon as I finish turning them over in my head.  But for now I thought it was very accurate, respectful, and they even got the pronouns correct unless I missed something.  For some reason I am feeling very much affirmed tonight.  The only thing I wish had been provided at the end were some contact numbers.

Love all,

Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: LynnER on January 20, 2007, 10:18:35 PM
So far the TG shows shown on discovery health have been very afirming and very proper... They get it right......  To bad they wont show those on prime time TV or PBS or something.... That would be the day  :)
Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Suzy on January 20, 2007, 10:38:44 PM
Quote from: LynnER on January 20, 2007, 10:18:35 PM
So far the TG shows shown on discovery health have been very afirming and very proper... They get it right......  To bad they wont show those on prime time TV or PBS or something.... That would be the day  :)

I think that would be great too.  Maybe we could start a writing campaign?    Does anyone know where to send that request?

Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: Kate on January 22, 2007, 09:14:06 PM
On a whim, I emailed two of my managers at work about this show on friday, suggesting that perhaps it would put what I'm doing, and where I'm heading, into the proper context if they watched.

And hey... my Office Manager DID watch it! How cool is that? She was especially impressed with Elizabeth, both with her unambiguous appearance, and especially with how... well... NORMAL she seemed. I realize Elizabeth is something of a "Best Case" result, but STILL, I think it really showed her all we really want is to just live out a normal life as the sex we were meant to be, blending back into society as seamlessly as possible.

She was impressed with the F2Ms as well, especially with Aiden (god he's cute, lol).


Title: Re: "Sex Change" on Discovery Health Channel
Post by: beatrix on February 21, 2007, 11:27:05 PM
Why would I want to tease myself with even a possibility?  Full transition is not something I want, but people living open and honest lives like that really hurts.  I feel so happy for them and so sad that it is unlikely for me.

I agree that these are very understanding programs, from what I've seen.  More of this in our culture goes a way towards more acceptance.