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Title: Forum Bugs
Post by: Britney_413 on March 29, 2011, 03:37:37 AM
I'm noticing a few bugs particularly in my blog.

Within the blog, I don't have the typical thread/post tools you ordinarily would if you moderate your own forum. I can delete a thread but cannot lock it. I can't make a topic sticky either. Either of those functions have required me to notify an administrator to fix it in the past. What's interesting is I've been able to lock/unlock my own threads elsewhere on the board but can't do it in my blog.

The second issue which isn't per se that big of a deal is with the reputation system. I was originally awared 30 points for having a "friend" rank. People with a "family" rank were given 40 points. Yet when I hit the family level, I never bumped up any points to where it normally would have been. This seems to be affecting other users as well most notably the forum newbies who always seem to have around 0 points for reputation despite adding a lot of posts.

Are there any possible fixes to these things? I'm somewhat familiar with the PHPBB, UBB, and VB software but have never dealt with Simple Machines before. In PHP, etc. to fix the blog problem, the software allows a user to be a moderator only in that forum. Not sure if SMF is set up similarly or not to work that way. It is also possible there is a button perhaps I'm not seeing. I've also gotten a number of javascript errors overall while using this forum. Thanks for any help in advance.