General Discussions => Entertainment => Books => Topic started by: PurpleMaze on January 21, 2007, 10:44:28 PM Return to Full Version

Title: "Luna" by Julie Anne Peters
Post by: PurpleMaze on January 21, 2007, 10:44:28 PM
This book is an absolutely must-read for anyone who is TS, or even just questioning or curious about transsexuality.  It is a touching and emotional story that breaks free of conventional boundaries, about a teenaged MtF going through transitioning, told from the viewpoint of her sister.  I was nearly brought to tears the first time I read it, and I guess it also helped me in the discovery of my true self, though I was already expressing her on the Gaia forums, I wasn't completely aware of what she was until I read this book.  This book, along with other books by the same author, such as "Keeping You a Secret" and "Define 'Normal,'" have quickly climbed up my personal favorite books list to reside in the top slots, along with books from my earlier years, like "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card "Killobyte" by Piers Anthony, and the Chronicles of Narnia series by C. S. Lewis.  But what I thought was truly awesome about Julie Anne Peters was, when I flipped "Luna" over for the first time, and read the back cover, I found out that she lives right here in Colorado, in the city of Lakewood, which isn't that far from where I live.
Title: Re: "Luna" by Julie Anne Peters
Post by: Constance on March 04, 2008, 02:46:53 PM
I just finished this book over the weekend; I checked it out from the library.

I think I'll be buying a copy.

This is not only a "must-read for anyone who is TS," it is a must-read for parents. When we have kids, we don't get to control their biology. This is a lesson that fathers like Jack need to learn BEFORE they have kids.

Another lesson is that life is often inconvenient. Parents like Patrice need to know this BEFORE they have kids.

If these lessons can't or aren't learned before the children are conceived or born, they should be learned as soon as possible afterwards. Children are not robots to be programmed. They are people and need to be treated with respect.

I owe my daughter a great deal for turning me on to this book.
Title: Re: "Luna" by Julie Anne Peters
Post by: Stealthgrrl on July 24, 2008, 10:57:01 PM
I loved "Luna" and I loved "Keeping You A Secret" even more, in fact KYAS is my favorite book ever, period! I also loved "Between Mom & Jo" by the same author, which is about the break-up of a Lesbian couple as seen through the eyes of their son. I liked "Far From Xanadu" too, but I didn't identify with the butchier main character as much.

I wrote to Ms Peters after i finished each of these books, and she was kind enough to respond every time.

Title: Re: "Luna" by Julie Anne Peters
Post by: rockthe40oz on August 08, 2008, 07:38:23 AM
Luna was amazing. She was such an amazing character, I just love her. Peters other books are cool too, Keeping You a Secret and Define Normal are the ones I've read. Great author.
Title: Re: "Luna" by Julie Anne Peters
Post by: Constance on August 08, 2008, 09:25:52 AM
Far From Xanadu was great, too.