General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: sascraps on April 04, 2011, 02:39:50 PM Return to Full Version

Title: First day of dieting, take 1,475,294
Post by: sascraps on April 04, 2011, 02:39:50 PM
So I've tried to diet many times in my life, even been put on strict diets and never lose an ounce. I can feel better, healthier and gain more stamina, but I never lose the fat. So now that I've come to realize my true nature (as a guy), I really need to get out of this fat girl prison that my inner guy is trapped in. I ordered some supplements from Puritan's Pride a few days ago, so I'm still waiting on those. There's no free health care where I live so I can't see a doctor or get my blood tested to find out what's up with my thyroid, but I have all the symptoms and just know I need to be on thyroid pills. But the best I can do is get the thyroid & endocrine support supplements and hope that it does something to help get the weight off. I'm generally just going on a lean meat, fruit & veggie diet. No junk, nothing pre-made either. I might go make myself a turkey & mushroom burger on my George Foreman grill later. The problem with dieting though is that I have always had the appetite of a high school football player. I mostly crave meat. I have a guy's appetite to begin with. Yeah, the kind of guy that can eat the 72 oz steak. Yeah, that's what I have to deal with. I can't imagine the appetite increase if I ever got on T. I could probably clear out a slaughterhouse then.  :laugh: Truly sorry if I've upset any vegetarians.