Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: angiejuly on April 07, 2011, 03:54:07 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Soooooo upset about family
Post by: angiejuly on April 07, 2011, 03:54:07 AM
  Dad flew in top visit my wife kids and my brother.  I feel his disaproval of my love for natural elements, self, mind, universe, and energy.  I am talking discrimination against love, individualism, ( the whole umbrella). I have been asked questions and when I answer them I am laughed at , ridiculed and made sure that all around laughs at me too. I`m one of those green kooks that  cares about things outside myself. You get the idea.

  We are at Island Naturals. ( where I like to get vegan lunchbuffet) He buys. ( thanks) No wait it cost me. The lady ( my friend) said do  you need a recept. He said yes. then she gave it to him and he said he really didn`t want it. She asked why he had her print it up and he said ,"to piss off you green people". I am taking it as a direct insult to me. Trying not too but cannot stop it.

  Then the "I`m too Sexy" video came on VH1 and we where watching and laughing how funny it is. My dad says," those guys look gay change it". I tola him he said that like there was something wrong with it. He said there is, they are perverted freaks. I didn`t ask him what he thinks of a man becoming a woman. Because I know the answer and would get very upset.

  He was drinking diet coke. I told my wife not to have any. ( My mom died of a brain tumor). The same one every lab animal they gave aspartame to died of. ) He said thats not it and I`m crazy ( as if people have always died of cancer throughout history) He told me my mom died because of all the stress I gave her.  she died 15 years after I left home and I never asked them for one thing.

My wife told me nobody wants to be around me. I know too much and it drives people crazy.  She is going crazy because I dont want to totally toxify my kids. I`m not overboard with it. We eat mostly local organic veggies and they eat organic meat. I like vegan. 

  I find it overwelming that people are so mundane and controlled by there idiot boxes .

The thing is. Not one person making me feel like crap has anywhere near my IQ. It is extreemly frustraiting to be surrounded by people that cannot grasp any concepts outside of how they have been trained to think. But MY education is minimal. I cannot learn in a school setting . But I can learn from myself. The mixture Of IQ that brings comon sence, and my ability to read my subconscious thoughts allows me to see the balance ( well lack of) that is all around us. People ( generalizing) seem to think education is inteligance and the lack of it is stupid. I cant read letter. I can read emotions, intentions, balance, comon sence, very easily. I think all ts`s can do this on verious levels easyer for us than others.

  I am frustraighted by the waistefull world we live in. The torcher our environtment and factory animals must go through give me constant anxiety. I know how the natives felt. The anxiety will not go away until I see people doing what I said in my slogan or quote. I can go on forever about how that comes about. But, I am only going to say its all about balance. There is no other way.

  I know why we go stelth and I want it now. I want to change my name and # so I cannot be found. They all bring me anxiety and now depression. tonight I am hurt for being an individual. I feel I have nowhere to go. (Metaphorically speaking) I am having trouble seeing why I should live anymore. I`m not going to do anything I`m just saying it hurts that bad. My gid is only a part of it.

  Love yu......
Title: Re: Soooooo upset about family
Post by: tekla on April 07, 2011, 07:57:48 AM
as if people have always died of cancer throughout history

Matter of fact, they have.  The naming of it goes back to the father of medicine, Hippocrates, (a Greek, who though the tumors looked like crabs), and the ancient Egyptians also named it, treated it and understood the difference between malignant and benign.  The oldest written record of cancer is for breast cancer, and that dates to about 1,500 B.C. E. 

In a lot of Western literature/history it was refereed to as 'The Wasting Disease'.  Since it's frequently a late-onset disease, it seems to grow in modern times, but only to the extent that lifespans have been effectively doubled in the last century or so.
Title: Re: Soooooo upset about family
Post by: angiejuly on April 07, 2011, 09:29:42 AM
Quote from: tekla on April 07, 2011, 07:57:48 AM
as if people have always died of cancer throughout history

Matter of fact, they have.  The naming of it goes back to the father of medicine, Hippocrates, (a Greek, who though the tumors looked like crabs), and the ancient Egyptians also named it, treated it and understood the difference between malignant and benign.  The oldest written record of cancer is for breast cancer, and that dates to about 1,500 B.C. E. 

In a lot of Western literature/history it was refereed to as 'The Wasting Disease'.  Since it's frequently a late-onset disease, it seems to grow in modern times, but only to the extent that lifespans have been effectively doubled in the last century or so.
Smart Ass!
Yes always but not nearly as much. My mother in law grew up in Gautamala and she said she herd of one person dieing of cancer back in the 60's. Now everyone does. If you look into FDA corruption you will find our food supply is given to us by eugenisists ( X nazi's). However killing us through the food supply is not fast enough so now we have Codex Alimintarius. Very few people today will not die from cancer. Very very rare 100 years ago. Don`t be so literal and get your facts. Our world is toxic and people have a group psycosis that tells them it is the way it has to be. There is almost nothing in a grocery store that is not toxic. Just google words on food labels. It takes you into government  and FDA corruption everytime. Sometimes even connects you to Nazi's. It is where it ends up everytime. And the Nazi's never went away sorry. They are well protected by Americans.
  I`m a little offended that you would think I`m that dumb.  It`s a thread about basically going stealth. I`m feeling hurt, it is kinda huge to blow off a family. Instead I get this male dominant testosterone post of "I`m right your wrong". Men do that to me all the time and I avoid them for this reason. But You are not a man and I would not call you that. But Your post is lingering affects of that.
Further, more I`m sure cancer came about the same time life did if we are doing history here.
Title: Re: Soooooo upset about family
Post by: xxUltraModLadyxx on April 07, 2011, 05:41:06 PM
Quote from: angiejuly on April 07, 2011, 03:54:07 AM
  Dad flew in top visit my wife kids and my brother.  I feel his disaproval of my love for natural elements, self, mind, universe, and energy.  I am talking discrimination against love, individualism, ( the whole umbrella). I have been asked questions and when I answer them I am laughed at , ridiculed and made sure that all around laughs at me too. I`m one of those green kooks that  cares about things outside myself. You get the idea.

  We are at Island Naturals. ( where I like to get vegan lunchbuffet) He buys. ( thanks) No wait it cost me. The lady ( my friend) said do  you need a recept. He said yes. then she gave it to him and he said he really didn`t want it. She asked why he had her print it up and he said ,"to piss off you green people". I am taking it as a direct insult to me. Trying not too but cannot stop it.

  Then the "I`m too Sexy" video came on VH1 and we where watching and laughing how funny it is. My dad says," those guys look gay change it". I tola him he said that like there was something wrong with it. He said there is, they are perverted freaks. I didn`t ask him what he thinks of a man becoming a woman. Because I know the answer and would get very upset.

  He was drinking diet coke. I told my wife not to have any. ( My mom died of a brain tumor). The same one every lab animal they gave aspartame to died of. ) He said thats not it and I`m crazy ( as if people have always died of cancer throughout history) He told me my mom died because of all the stress I gave her.  she died 15 years after I left home and I never asked them for one thing.

My wife told me nobody wants to be around me. I know too much and it drives people crazy.  She is going crazy because I dont want to totally toxify my kids. I`m not overboard with it. We eat mostly local organic veggies and they eat organic meat. I like vegan. 

  I find it overwelming that people are so mundane and controlled by there idiot boxes .

The thing is. Not one person making me feel like crap has anywhere near my IQ. It is extreemly frustraiting to be surrounded by people that cannot grasp any concepts outside of how they have been trained to think. But MY education is minimal. I cannot learn in a school setting . But I can learn from myself. The mixture Of IQ that brings comon sence, and my ability to read my subconscious thoughts allows me to see the balance ( well lack of) that is all around us. People ( generalizing) seem to think education is inteligance and the lack of it is stupid. I cant read letter. I can read emotions, intentions, balance, comon sence, very easily. I think all ts`s can do this on verious levels easyer for us than others.

  I am frustraighted by the waistefull world we live in. The torcher our environtment and factory animals must go through give me constant anxiety. I know how the natives felt. The anxiety will not go away until I see people doing what I said in my slogan or quote. I can go on forever about how that comes about. But, I am only going to say its all about balance. There is no other way.

  I know why we go stelth and I want it now. I want to change my name and # so I cannot be found. They all bring me anxiety and now depression. tonight I am hurt for being an individual. I feel I have nowhere to go. (Metaphorically speaking) I am having trouble seeing why I should live anymore. I`m not going to do anything I`m just saying it hurts that bad. My gid is only a part of it.

  Love yu......

he says gay people are perverted freaks? more like men in general. i'm not saying all of them are, but if he's going to resort to stereotypes, he should at least get it right.
Title: Re: Soooooo upset about family
Post by: angiejuly on April 07, 2011, 09:53:08 PM
LOL! You are so right... :laugh: