Community Conversation => Significant Others talk => Topic started by: Jacquelyn on April 10, 2011, 10:33:04 PM Return to Full Version

Title: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Jacquelyn on April 10, 2011, 10:33:04 PM
So, it's been quite some time since I have updated on Susan's. To be honest, it's been so hard to motivate myself to put everything down in writing... I've been depressed, anxious, and things have just been in such disarray that I feel like I don't even know where to start. That said, I apologize in advance because I don't know how coherent this post is going to be.

To start, my partner, Dan, has decided he no longer wishes for me to be a part of his life. After a small fight a few weeks ago he simply turned and told me he no longer wants to be with me. I've been very depressed since being laid off from work in January, and though things were starting to look up, he told me that he could no longer handle my depression. I had promised him that I would start seeing a counselor on my own to work on my problems once I started working again, and I have. She started me on antidepressants about two weeks ago, but as anyone who has ever taken SSRI's before knows it typically takes 4-6 weeks before you start seeing any effects (something he should know as he started taking the same medication in late January).

He took no time to pack up his things, find a new place, and is already searching for a new partner. To be honest, I've never felt to hurt or alone in my entire life... I had spent quite a bit of time thinking over whether I could be with Dan if he were to transition, and honestly, after my trip to Florida with Melody, Sara, and the rest of the Florida Contingent (that I was lucky enough to meet), I was able to say 100% that yes, I would stick by his side, no matter what he choose to do. I love him more than anything, and imagining my life without him, gender aside, made me physically hurt. Now, I have no choice, he has decided to leave me...

To add insult to injury, he told me that he still loves me as he was leaving me. He told me that he still wanted to be with me, but not live together, but that he needed time and would like to see other people. He left me with nothing more than a broken heart and a life to pick up the pieces of. When he was moving he was doing it himself, so I offered to help, and he gladly accepted. However, when I moved yesterday he adamantly refused to help in anyway. He won't answer any texts, e-mails, or calls. He went into my facebook account and deleted all of his friends and family, and did the same with all of my friends and family on his. He has quickly severed any and all ties between us.

I feel like this is the opposite of all of the other stories I have heard here, and I am afraid it's because he is afraid. He is afraid that I would leave him, so he is leaving me first. I'm afraid that he feels as though he made a mistake in confiding in me, and that he is searching for someone to replace me so that he doesn't make that mistake again.

I'm just so confused... The night before he was telling me how much he loved me, that he was excited for the following day when we were supposed to check out a new apartment for us to move to that would place him and I both closer to work so that he would have time to go home and relax between work and school everyday, that after he graduated in October he would be buying me an engagement ring... And now... nothing. I'm left alone to pick up the pieces.

I've been having anxiety attacks 3-5 times a day for the past two weeks... I've been unable to eat. On top of the anti-depressants my doctor sent me out xanax to help with my anxiety. I'm afraid to get onto the scale because the last time I checked I had lost 11 pounds in 6 days... I feel like I have lost the will to do anything.

I feel so broken. I never thought that he would abandon me, but he did it so swifty, and with such ease, which only drives the knife deeper.

I feel as though I am rambling now, my apologies. I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on over here, sorry I don't have a happier story to tell.

Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Just Shelly on April 10, 2011, 10:56:49 PM

I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I have ben in your situation I called those bad days my "black hole days" their not something I wish on anyone. I don't intentionally get to that point it just happens and its tuff to get out of.

Everyone of those days were followed by good days, I'd go to bed wishing to die and wake up wanting to live. I still am on anti d's probably never will get off but such is life.

I know your thinking this isn't fair, you accepted so much of Dan how dare he leaves. This is very natural don't dwell on that part it will only eat at you more. Please try to stay busy, if that means posting on here so be it, get sleep and eat. I lost 20# in about 1 month I couldn't eat for the life of me. I did realize at those times when I did eat my mind was clearer and felt better.

I still have my days, and today is actually one of them. I almost didn't eat the whole day but I knew that will only make things worst.

Please ramble more if needed (although it didn't seem like rambling to me)

You are not broken and not abandoned there are plenty of people to talk with here.

Thank you for letting me try and lift you, I'm sure many more will do better then I.

Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: ToriJo on April 10, 2011, 10:58:42 PM
I know it's hard, but try to focus on yourself and what will help you get through things right now.  Try not to go down the path of trying to figure out what he's up to, if he's feeling like you or not, etc.  If you can do something that is a diversion and requires concentration, now is probably a good time for this.

You sound like a very kind and considerate person who has a lot to offer the world.  Don't let anyone else take that from you.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: xAndrewx on April 10, 2011, 11:08:19 PM

Please try to continue to eat and move through the days as best you can. I wish you were still in Florida because no doubt the girls would take you out on a girl night.  :icon_hug: It sounds as though he is having issues he really needs to work through and that you cannot help him so maybe it's best to just focus on you as best you can. I'm sending the best positive thoughts I can your way.

Quote from: Slanan on April 10, 2011, 10:58:42 PM
You sound like a very kind and considerate person who has a lot to offer the world.  Don't let anyone else take that from you.

She is very right.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Sean on April 10, 2011, 11:25:19 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you are hurting so badly. I don't know that I've posted much in the same threads as you, but I have followed your story, and you are a beautiful person with so much to offer anyone.

It sounds like Dan is not at a point in his life when he can be what you need. If he can't accept himself, the fact that you might be able to is that much scarier to him. It ruins an excuse he has for not moving forward.

No matter what his excuses, though, sounds like he isn't capable of treating you right, and you deserve better. I know it hurts now. That sucks. I hope that someday you meet the person who can appreciate how beautiful you are - both inside and out. Because you ARE awesome and you do deserve that, and I'm sure you will have all the love you deserve and so much more.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Janet_Girl on April 10, 2011, 11:42:06 PM
Hi Jackie,

It sounds like he is still searching for something.  Well let him search.  You have us to fall back on.  And even though you are not Trans, you are still our sister.

It is time for you to take time for you.  You are a very pretty woman and guys will fall all over themselves. 

Hugs Sis.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Melody Maia on April 11, 2011, 01:38:24 AM
Jackie, you know I am here for you whenever you need it. The ladies have already said wise words, but I will add that yes, he is afraid. Very afraid. I would guess that he deleted all those friends from Facebook on his and your accounts because he is deathly afraid of what you might say to them. You know the biggest secret of his life and he doesn't know how to handle that fact. I spent many years building restraints for myself so that I couldn't even consider transitioning and by being so accepting, you removed all of them for him. It must have felt like hanging off of a cliff with nothing keeping him tethered to the ground. I feel sorry for him because he just lost the best thing that ever happened to him in you and your love. If he should transition one day down the line, he will look back on these days with great regret as an amazing opportunity he missed to be happy earlier in his life.

All that being said, forget about him. I know that may seem harsh and maybe impossible because you love him, but we don't always fall in love with people who are good for us. Take care of yourself first. Be kind to yourself. Go out and have fun. And should you ever make your way down here again, me and the rest of the Florida contingent would be more than happy to arrange a GNO. God bless and take care. I'm sure we will talk soon.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Jenna_Nicole105 on April 11, 2011, 12:14:32 PM
Sorry to hear about this Jackie, wish I knew the right words to say in such a situation, but alas I do not.

Just know that we are all here for you and want nothing but the best for you.

I think you may be onto something in terms of why Dan left, maybe he does regret confiding in you and is scared that you won't stay with him.... if that's truly the case.. things may still work out, once he gets over the fear and realizes that you are still willing to stay no matter what.

Honestly though if things don't work out with Dan, you've got a good head on your shoulders and will land back on your feet with someone else.

Hang in there! Nothing but the best sent your way.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: spacial on April 11, 2011, 01:28:43 PM

I am so sorry to hear of how events have turned out for you. If there was anything I could do to ease your pain, I would.

When time begins to heal, and it will, you know it will, remeber what Janet said and which anyone will agree with, you are very pretty and have a good heart.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: cynthialee on April 11, 2011, 01:43:33 PM
I am so sorry that it has come to this.
You have been an inspiration and a shining light.
We don't get many cisgender allies around here. As you go through life, remember us and speak well of us. We need people like you out there shining the light of reason in a dark world.

Thank you for all the posts you made here.

Hugz and luv,
Cynthia Lee
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: rejennyrated on April 11, 2011, 01:53:23 PM
Hi Jackie

I am so sorry that I have missed all this. I have had my head so far up my own butt for the last few weeks with everything that is happening in jenny world that I haven't really been keeping up.

All I can say is that Dan is a complete idiot who deserves the trouble that he is undoubtedly going to get into one day. People like you are few and far between and he threw away a relationship with one. One day when his troubles boil over again, AS THEY WILL, he will rue the day that he did this.

Meanwhile we must concentrate on you. You are young and clever and considerate. You will find someone, and if you choose carefully the truth is you can do a lot better than Dan. Heck, if all else fails, I know for a fact there are any number of men and women on here who would fall over themselves to date you. So don't worry I am sure your current single status will only be a temporary blip on your road to long-term happiness just as my current loss of my fine home is only a temporary  hiccup on my road to world domination.  :laugh:

So chin up - and get ready to tango, because your next hot date could be just around the next corner.

Take care Jackie - lets try and do a skype session or a phone call sometime soon.

Jenny x.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Serra on April 11, 2011, 02:49:40 PM
I've never really talked with you, but I've read your threads and you have my sympathies.  :(  /hug
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Melody Maia on April 11, 2011, 04:26:22 PM
I would also like to add a "what Jenny said" to this thread. Dan is a d***he. You know how to fill in those blanks.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Jacquelyn on April 11, 2011, 04:40:37 PM
Thank you all for your kind words and support. Like I said, I've been pretty down, but it's nice to know that I am still welcome here. I am trying to reconcile a few things right now, along with getting into the swing of things being alone, but I promise I will be back here more often.

Quote from: cynthialee on April 11, 2011, 01:43:33 PM
I am so sorry that it has come to this.
You have been an inspiration and a shining light.
We don't get many cisgender allies around here. As you go through life, remember us and speak well of us. We need people like you out there shining the light of reason in a dark world.

Thank you for all the posts you made here.

Hugz and luv,
Cynthia Lee

I could never forget a single person I have met on this site. One of the things that I want to try working towards is going back to school to finish my psychology degree. I think I want to work on a B.S. is Psych with a focus on gender and family counseling (I guess that's one thing I have to thank him for). I'm also planning to go to a support group run by the therapist that Dan and I had been seeing. Alexis Lake, who happens to be a transwomen, is starting a new group the first Friday of every month for spouses, family, and friends, and she has asked me to take part in it.

Again, thank you all. Words cannot express how much better all of your posts have made me feel. I do hope that he kicks himself when he has the realization that I would have, and have, done everything in my power to make him happy. However, that's his own fault.

Hugs and love to you all,
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Tamaki on April 11, 2011, 05:13:21 PM
I'm so sorry that you've had to go through all that. You are a wonderful person and deserve better than the way you were treated.

I really hope you can find time to hang around here, I've always loved your posts.

Please do go back to school, that sounds like a awesome goal and I can't think of a better person to a gender and family counselor.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Stephanie on April 11, 2011, 05:24:47 PM
You don't treat someone you love they way Dan has treated you Jacquelyn.    Dan has consistently behaved in a rude, insensitive and thoughtless way.   I don't care if he has gender issues he is using you and abusing your friendship and trust.   It is time to end this toxic relationship.  They wouldn't stand for this at Womansavers.  They would call Dan a sociopath and tell you to 'kick him to the kerb'.  They would urge you to put Dan in the Womansavers database. Perhaps you should post your details over there Jacquellyn and see what they say.

Hugs and Kisses


Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Stephanie on April 11, 2011, 08:24:03 PM
Dan should man or woman up and stop using GID as an all purpose 'Get out of jail FREE Card'.  He is an emotional abuser!

Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Mrs Erocse on April 11, 2011, 10:23:12 PM
Dear Jacquelyn,

I am so sorry that you are going through all of this trouble. As everyone has said Dan is crazy.

You should know you are lovely inside and out. Any person you choose to be with will be lucky to have you with them. Do not riddle yourself with self doubt and negative thinking. Stay positive. Focus on your future.......

Did I hear you say, England is a lovely place this time of year? Dream large and let them come true.

Many hugs to you.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Britney♥Bieber on April 11, 2011, 11:20:34 PM
Baby you know I got you <3
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Cindy on April 12, 2011, 03:49:48 AM
Oh My Dear Jackie,

You know I'm here for you at any time. I won't discuss stuff on the thread as we have talked often. But do remember you have a lot of people here who do not regard you as a friend, but as a sister and a very precious part of our lives.

Love You and thinking of you

Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Sarah B on April 12, 2011, 05:08:38 AM
Hi Jackie

It's nice to see you again.  Others have expressed what I would have wished.  So I will say go back and finish of your degree, it will be hard, but I know you will help others in need as time goes by and the greatest gift a human being can do for another is to help them when they are down. 

Never give up on your personal dreams and wishes that you have expressed so often in your other posts.

Love and hugs
Sarah B

Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: justmeinoz on April 12, 2011, 08:16:12 AM
I have followed your posts and I would just like to say that you are a lovely lady who deserves better, and will surely find it.  Hugs darl.
Title: Re: A backwards story if there ever was one...
Post by: Lee on April 28, 2011, 10:10:47 AM
Jacky, I'm really sorry to hear this.  All I can say is that you're a sweet, beautiful person, and I can't imagine why anyone would choose to not have you in their life.  As much as it may hurt now, I'm sure that there there is a wonderful person waiting for you.  We're all sending you well wishes and long distance hugs, so keep your chin up. 