General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: Kay on April 11, 2011, 09:28:56 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Weight loss: Sticking with the diet, and going nowhere fast.
Post by: Kay on April 11, 2011, 09:28:56 PM
Well, I've been on a diet for 3 weeks now, and I'm just not getting anywhere.
I've been sticking to it too.  :(
So........I'm looking for suggestions.
I've been averaging a little over 1200 calories/day. 
I record everything, and don't cheat.
I cut the sweets aside from an occassional small one,
and added more fruits and veggies.
I lost a few pounds the first week, but nothing in week 2 or 3.
I'd hoped to at least lose a couple of pounds a week...
but I'm halfway through week 4, and it's just not happening.
I didn't exercise at all the first week, but have slowly been increasing it.
(Mostly stretching, taking a 3 mile walk, or following along with a few cheesy
cardio workout DVD's I bought at the local thrift store)
(Tae Bo is sooooo sooooo cheesy :P but at least it's something to follow for 45 minutes.)
I can't really decrease my caloric intake any further.  From what I've read,
1050-1200 is the lowest anyone should go without medical supervision.
I'm 215 pounds right now, so it's not like I'm anywhere close to my ideal weight. 
(my doc says that I should be around 170-180.  I'd settle for sub-200 right now.) 
And even though I've been slowly ramping up the exercise, seeing the
scale stay the same for 2-1/2 weeks is just depressing. :/
Any suggestions?