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Title: Lottery Lucky Number Generator Programs
Post by: Stephanie on May 07, 2011, 10:05:19 PM
Hi  :)

I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I shall post it here.    I have written three Python programs: Thunderball.py3, EuroMillions.py3, and Lotto.py3, each or all are available for free to my British sisters and brothers.    The reason why they are only of use to British people is because they have been specifically written for British lotteries.    I may be able to write a lottery numbers generator for non-British Lottery draws if people supply me with the full details of the draw.   I am going to post here the entire Thunderball source code tomorrow, which you should save as thunderball.py3(note that .py3 extension).

In order to run this program, go to ( and download the Python 3 installer for your OS.  I use Linux but most of you will be using Windows.

I hope that you copy and paste and save the thunderball.py3 source code that I have written and that you have great fun and good luck using it.