Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Hate => Topic started by: sascraps on May 15, 2011, 04:40:16 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: sascraps on May 15, 2011, 04:40:16 PM
Just something I have seen and have been dealing with a lot lately. People that hate feel fully justified in their hate and claim it's the fault of those they hate for being different from the norm. With all the problems I've always had with being hated by others, those that hate me always say that it's my fault for being different from the norm.

So I just got a comment from another bigot who could actually form complete sentences, which is what caused me to continue to read this hate message and not disregard it immediately as I do with all the incoherent hate messages I get. And basically this person said that it's my fault for being hated, because I chose to not be a feminine woman, and so I deserve to be hated because I "f-ed up" by choosing what goes against the majority.

So this person, like every other hate-filled @sshole and bully I've ever met, feels fully justified in their hatred of others. And so what people basically are saying when they tell me this is that it's perfectly OK to hate everyone in the GLBT spectrum and anyone else that isn't 100% in line with society's standards for normalcy.

I don't see that as right at all, but the majority of the world seems to agree that if you are different in any way, you deserve to be hated and attacked both verbally and physically, and that you have no right to complain about injustice either because you chose to be different.

Is everyone seriously that f-ed up, or am I wrong here and that's just the way it is? I DESERVE to be hated for who I am, huh? It's WRONG to be different, and they are RIGHT to hate and attack, huh? I'm sorry but I just can't understand that state of mind. Even if everyone else is right, I will never accept that! I will always say I am right in being me and they are wrong for being bigots!!! I'm not going to lay down and kill myself because the other 6.8 billion people in the world can't stand that I'm not feminine!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Megan Joanne on May 15, 2011, 05:23:10 PM
Yep, sadly that's the way the world works, most of the people in this world are F'ed up bigots. I still don't understand why the hate for anything that is different from the majority, some of it stems from religion, some from old traditions, some by being brought up that way by parents that were bigots, and some just do it because they're mean bastards to begin with and relish in seeing someone get hurt by the things they say or do, or some other bullcrap reason just to have an excuse to treat someone different from them like garbage, but then I'm not one of them, so I really don't know. It really sucks, always makes me wonder if I'd care if say tomorrow I find out that the human race was about to become extinct, even if I were included, no big loss, the world kinda needs a start over anyway.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: sascraps on May 15, 2011, 06:27:27 PM
If you truly believe that, then you believe that there should be no such thing as hate crimes.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Sabriel Facrin on May 15, 2011, 07:14:01 PM
Kinda strange, I talked with someone about it this morning and now I see the topic when I come by tonight. XD Beware, this post isn't really optimistic at all.

Mm...The issue is that the minds of creatures (in general, not just humans) seem to be really picky.  They want everything running smoothly, because not running smoothly means foreign variables.  Foreign variables means that things can happen that are 'impossible'.  Impossible things give feelings of weakness and helplessness.  Weakness means death in the wild.  Threats of death mean fear and hate.  So essentially, transgender discrimination is probably a VERY poorly laid survival reaction.  I remember also reading that when a parent creature realizes a child of its family is considered abnormal to its standard, it'll usually try to abandon or even attack it, even, so I'm just glad that we have a strong enough acknowledgment of minds so that my mom doesn't try to hunt me down just because I'm transgender. >.<
So really, transgenders in general probably are a form of intimidation to straight cisgenders.  I don't think many people have to think far to remember succubi/incubi, and I think that such people who don't handle transgenders well go towards a closely related line of thought. (Really religious people probably literally think of the species)

So, because of that, I just try to be understanding and friendly with cisgenders who react badly.  It's not their fault their ignorance juts them into a state of total paranoia, they're just getting the short ends of the stick from their minds, just like our minds seem to be giving us the short end of the stick by having us disassociate with our body. ._.;
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Sabriel Facrin on May 15, 2011, 08:58:47 PM
Not only that, but people are seldom motivated to research what they hate and fear, and transgenderism can get vague at some of its points... D:
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Lisbeth on May 15, 2011, 09:15:42 PM
I think the sad part is there are right-wing religious groups who claim the right to use hate-speech is a part of religious freedom.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: tekla on May 15, 2011, 10:38:27 PM
for being different from the norm

Why do you think people pay outrageous rents to live in LA, SF, NYC?  It's because the norm is so far from normal that none of this stuff is a problem, and hence, it's worth every penny.

there should be no such thing as hate crimes.

True.  Crime should be judged and punished by the actions, not the intent.  Who care's why you were beat up?  Assault is assault.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: VeryGnawty on May 15, 2011, 11:06:48 PM
Quote from: sascraps on May 15, 2011, 04:40:16 PM
Is everyone seriously that f-ed up, or am I wrong here and that's just the way it is?

Actually, they are much more f-ed up than that.  Moral justifications are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to human ignorance and illogical thinking.  It gets much worse than that.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: bojangles on May 20, 2011, 12:55:15 PM
I believe in a Creator. When I look around at creation, I see diversity. Not just a little bit. Not all leaves are even the same shade of green. This is all I ever need to know to know those people are sadly mistaken and possibly blind.

Not to worry, they will all be gone this weekend.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: tekla on May 20, 2011, 01:02:47 PM
It gets much worse than that.

Totally.  When people tell me that 'it can't be any worse than this' I tell them that's the poverty of their imagination talking, it sure can get worse.

Besides ignorance is bliss, and who doesn't want to be happy?
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: tekla on May 20, 2011, 10:40:38 PM
This is all I ever need to know to know those people are sadly mistaken and possibly blind made by the same 'creator' that others worship.  Not giving me much hope there.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Anatta on May 21, 2011, 06:55:39 PM
Kia Ora,

::) "A bigot's mind is like the pupil of the eye-the more light one shines upon it-the more it will contract!"

I can't remember where I first read this, but it just about sums up how a bigot's mind works...

Metta Zenda :)

Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Del on May 25, 2011, 12:39:06 AM
I'm not sure if it fits here but that is what the scriptures refer to as the spirit of Antichrist.
I'm right and you are wrong.
I am good and you are bad.
I'm smart and you are stupid.
It is a spirit that gets ahold of people and causes them to think they are a god of sorts and can say or do whatever they wish.
I have seen it in churches and in day to day life.
I hope this doesn't switch to a Christian bashing thread as this is just something I have witnessed but seldom see discussed.
Sadly, those whom this spirit gets ahold of seldom find their way back into either true Christianity or being a worthwhile member of society.
The so-called Christian ones bash me just as they and the non religious ones bash you.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Cindy on May 25, 2011, 04:09:38 AM
Then hate is so much easier than love. You don't have to work at it.

Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Sephirah on May 25, 2011, 05:08:18 AM
Yes, because you'd be no different to them. Hate is hate, regardless of the reason.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Julie Marie on May 25, 2011, 05:42:31 AM
Hatred and bigotry are borne out of ignorance.  Ignorance is a choice.

Most people choose to remain ignorant because learning is too much work.  But they can't accept that they are lazy and therefore ignorant because they are lazy, so they have to blame someone else.  You come into their life defying the simple rules they have been taught.  It's a hell of a lot easier to say there are only penises and vaginas and therefore there are only males and females. 

This brain gender thing?  Are you kidding me?  I'd actually have to think!

And when they are looking for a reason for their bigotry (ignorance) all they have to do is turn to another bigot, pick up some "rule" book or watch the right TV channel and their bigotry will be easy to justify.  After all, majority rules.  Right? 

But wait! 

In a true democracy the majority rules, but that is not intended to be a means to deny the minorities their rights.  But that's too much work!  Let's just vote on it and get the weirdos out of here.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: justmeinoz on May 25, 2011, 05:59:25 AM
If you think that you possess the undisputed truth, then anyone who disagrees with you is obviously wilfully stupid, and not worthy of consideration.

On a TV doco on the SS here, one former member was quoted as saying something along the lines of,  "We believed it was our right to conquer Europe."  Hard to argue with that  mentality except over a rifle barrel.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: tekla on May 26, 2011, 08:05:40 AM
Ignorance is a choice.

It's also bliss.

And your right, it takes time, practice and effort - so right away it's got three strikes on it.

But particular the time deal.  Now it's pretty much impossible to know everything, there is just too much to know, so you have to make priorities, and work on what is of interest or value to you, and let the stuff that not slide away. 
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Julie Marie on May 27, 2011, 09:47:36 AM
Quote from: tekla on May 26, 2011, 08:05:40 AM
Now it's pretty much impossible to know everything, there is just too much to know, so you have to make priorities, and work on what is of interest or value to you, and let the stuff that not slide away.

For the bigots, the things of interest and value to them is making YOU change.  Those who prioritize making the world fit their ideals (and in doing so believe they will be happier for it) are delusional.  It's like believing you can hold back a tsunami if you try hard enough.  Problem is they never seem to quite get that.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: tekla on May 29, 2011, 12:48:45 AM
They are pretty much going to be waiting for hell to freeze over if they are hoping I'm going to change (back) just because they are now suddenly finding out I changed a few decades ago.  And that's the reason they are more annoying than worrying.  They are not living in the reality of the present day.  Hell, I'm not even convinced they are in this decade, or even this century.  Reactionaries rarely win, they start behind and end there.

There is something else about all this that bothers me a whole lot.  And it's this:
Ignorance is a choice.  Most people choose to remain ignorant because learning is too much work.

So if I found a person who really was interested, wanted to learn more and was willing to put in the time would they come out of that process knowing a lot more?  I kinda doubt it.  Far too much of all of this is so brand new its not been tested, or proven, and at any rate just about everyone seems to have a theory contesting it and another way to redefine words that have a) had several conflicting meanings, and b) no one else agrees to the meaning anyway.  And, when you get down to it if you can't even agree on the name, then everything out from there is going to be kind of hard to find out much more.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Miniar on May 29, 2011, 07:03:36 AM
Quote from: Julie Marie on May 25, 2011, 05:42:31 AM
Hatred and bigotry are borne out of ignorance.  Ignorance is a choice.

Most people choose to remain ignorant because learning is too much work.  But they can't accept that they are lazy and therefore ignorant because they are lazy, so they have to blame someone else.

Well said.
Title: Re: Bigots think they're justified in their hate
Post by: Julie Marie on May 29, 2011, 07:57:22 AM
In another thread I talked about growing up Catholic and in the process "learning" that Paganism is equivalent to devil worship.

Years later I learned the truth about the Pagan belief and it was almost the complete opposite of what I had grown up to believe.  Had I not been open to accepting the truth, it would have been a lot of work to deprogram myself and allow the new, and correct, definition of Paganism to become part of my accepted knowledge.

So when I say, for many, letting go of their hatred is a lot of work, I'm talking about the process of 1) ignoring the BS, 2) deprogramming yourself from the conditioning that led to hating and 3) educating yourself with the truth.  That can require a lot of time and effort.  And if you haven't had a life changing experience, such as suddenly being the target of bigotry (like what happens to many of us when we transition), there really isn't a lot of motivation to put in that work. 

Why?  It doesn't concern me.