General Discussions => Beauty => Makeup => Topic started by: AmaLynn on May 29, 2011, 03:42:10 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Fast makeup for School
Post by: AmaLynn on May 29, 2011, 03:42:10 AM
Alright. For those of us still in high school, to put makeup on we, in theory, have to get up at ungodly hours of the morning to get ready. I personally find this completely unnecessary, and it causes even more sleep deprivation than we already have. So, I'm asking you guys, can you find a way to have school-appropriate makeup on in time to be out the door in say 10-15 minutes tops? Though not exactly on topic, fast hair tips are handy, too.
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: AbraCadabra on May 29, 2011, 11:54:38 AM
slap on some foundation (which you don't need when going to school -- such young skin!) Some mascara and a touch of lipstick. All in less then 5 min flat.
What was that problem again?

Going to school in theatrical stage make up hon, or WHAT?
Am not with you, sooory :-)
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: cryan91 on May 30, 2011, 11:17:12 AM
I use bare minerals. Fast mineral powder. But I agree with the above. All you need is some foundation really. That's all I really ever put hide razor burns and such. Once I get hair removal I'm pretty sure I wont wear makeup at all.
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: AmaLynn on May 30, 2011, 12:34:45 PM

Wow, that's it? I figured I'd ask since I wanna be able to do it, but don't want to have to get up at 0-dark-30 like the rest of my friends just to get ready for school. I happen to like sleeping, thank you. lol But if that's it, then I have nothing to worry about :)


I'm not familiar with bare minerals, though that's not really surprising, I'm still new at this. I was actually at the Dollar Tree yesterday with my aunt and cousins and found a whole aisle of nothing but makeup and the related. All kinds of stuff, all of it for $1.06.
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: JungianZoe on May 30, 2011, 12:47:04 PM
My best advice is practice, practice, practice!  It really does get faster the more you do it, and if you put on the right stuff, you can have a stunning (yet subtle) look done in about 15 minutes.

I'm with Charlotte though... as soon as my hair removal is closer to done (I'm about halfway) I'll start phasing out the foundation and powder as much as possible.  My own routine is liquid foundation, a tiny bit of cream blush (can't stress that word enough: tiny), pressed powder, eyeshadow to darken/shape my eyebrows, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick (the liquid variety).  Takes about 15 minutes where it used to take nearly an hour when I first started.  I'm wearing all of this in my avatar pic.

HRT hasn't made a dent in the copious amounts of oil my skin produces, and even though I use oil-control foundation and powder, I still need to wipe off my face and reapply after four or five hours (and that's on a cold, dry day even).  You'd think, with how oily my face is, I'd be a poster child for acne, but I've always had an extremely clear complexion even through years where I never washed my face outside of my morning shower.  A lot of people will tell you moisturizers are also an essential part of your daily makeup/skin-care routine, but moisturizer only makes my situation worse and so I save my money. :laugh:  The only time I tend to break out is when I use moisturizer or sunscreen.
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: Ann Onymous on May 30, 2011, 12:58:35 PM
Cannot really speak to high school in the present era since that was MANY, MANY years ago for me...but I do remember how cliquish it could be with some resultant pressures to fit in.  A lot of the preppies I knew always kept everything understated, with a minimalist effect.  That being said, I also had some friends that were a little more drill team'ish and often came into class, whereupon they spent another half-hour finishing their look (after which, they looked set to go clubbing as soon as class was out, and some did since drinking age back then was only 18).

Within the professional career, I have never done a whole lot beyond a little bit of a base powder to even out the skin, adding a little bit of blush and a very neutral lipstick.  Literally five minutes if I take time to play with the cats in the middle of getting ready.  I don't do eyeliner and rarely do any other eye makeup.  Hair is sometimes even easier...pulled back in a pony tail and if I am not going to the office, it becomes even easier...ponytail and ball cap.  I am NEVER going to be confused with a fashion maven.  Lipstick lesbian was NEVER in my future  :D 

Hey, it works for me...but I don't know if it would have worked for me in high school... 
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: AmaLynn on May 30, 2011, 02:21:49 PM
Really the general idea (for me, at least) is to look a little more feminine, feel a little more feminine, but not stand out amongst a crowd of people, so nothing too extravagant, or "normal" in our school (they probably spend a small fortune on makeup every month with the amounts some girls put on :o). I don't have enough hair to do a ponytail, so I was thinking about just kind of having it go straight down, then split my bangs on either side of my face so they are out of the way, then just kind of clip them in place with a barrette or something
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: EmilyElizabeth on June 15, 2011, 12:32:33 AM
If you absolutely NEED foundation, then that should be your main concern.  Mascara and lip gloss take approximately two seconds each, so that's not too much of a problem.

For myself, unless I'm really trying to impress someone, I don't do much more than mascara, eye liner on the bottom and some clear lip gloss.  It seems to work well enough for me!
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: Lilmslily on June 30, 2011, 05:28:57 PM
I am in college and stay up way late "working on papers" and i know what you mean when you say its impossible to wake up so early to do your makeup and hair and everything everyday. Here is my makeup routine and it pretty much works for classes all the time, some days i have to touch it up during lunch or completely redo it after classes but it works for the day :)

Foundation fully covering my face (approx, 2 min with fingers)
(optional) bronzer on cheeks and forehead  for contouring (approx 1 min with brush)
Powder all over face with brush (1min)
mascara - sometimes i add eyeliner  (30 seconds)
lip gloss/nude lipstick (30 seconds)

in total that's like 5 minutes. some days it takes at most 10 if I put on eyeshadow and eyeliner. but really I found that the less makeup I use the more passable i am. the foundation is a must though to cover facial hair. and if i had to onyl pick two things i would say foundation and mascara i never leave the house without mascara even if i have no foundation.
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: Princess of Hearts on June 30, 2011, 06:05:18 PM,92738.0.html (,92738.0.html)

Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: Princess of Hearts on June 30, 2011, 06:08:41 PM
I went to a nice middle class school, in a nice leafy suburb.   However had I turned up wearing the tiniest amount of make-up I would have been ridiculed all day long and not in a nice way.   In short I would have been the talk of the entire school, teacher's lounge included.   Things must be different in America.

Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: Princess of Hearts on June 30, 2011, 06:59:06 PM
At my old school the girls were not allowed to wear trousers before or after certain dates.    I well remember girls who wore trousers out with this allowed period were quizzed by female teachers as to why they were wearing trousers.   If they persisted they were given a letter home asking the parents not to send their daughter to school in trousers, and if this was ignored then the school demanded a conference with the parents.

There was a boy at school who had early on made a remark that others thought was gay.  Henceforth he was known to the entire school as 'poofy Peevey' and boys would refuse to sit next to him in class.   I remember one incident when a boy refused to sit next to Peevey, when the male teacher asked why.   The boy replied with surprise 'but sir he is gay, he might try to touch me sir!'   All this reads as if it happened 50+ years ago but it is only 8 years ago all this occurred.  Scotland is a tough, speak-your-mind country.

Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: tekla on June 30, 2011, 07:12:32 PM
those of us still in high school... have to get up at ungodly hours of the morning...
This made my day.  (Don't worry, I won't tell her.  The surprise is the best part.)

Scotland is a tough, speak-your-mind country.
Aye, that it is, but no one can understand what ye be speaking.

Things must be different in America.
Somewhere, but not everywhere, and some places are even much, much worse.  America is huge in size and population and has no homogeneity at all.  So it's all sorts of different things all over.
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: Princess of Hearts on June 30, 2011, 07:31:10 PM
Groundskeeper Willie is quite accurate actually.


Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: tekla on June 30, 2011, 08:01:11 PM
I swear that one of Scotland chief exports is rock technicians (roadies), its rare for any band from GB to not have at least one, and god forbid you get a whole crew of them.  And that seems perfect, they are doing a tough, speak-your-mind job in a tough, speak-your-mind business.  I've always found them easy to like.  They work hard and they are stand up guys.

Groundskeeper Willie: Now, the kilt was only for day-to-day wear. In battle, we donned a full-length ball gown covered in sequins. The idea was to blind your opponent with luxury.
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: Sarah_aus on July 24, 2011, 03:57:06 AM
Have a look for some quick tutorials on youtube, but for everyday you should be able to get ready pretty quickly.
as for you hair, what do you have to work with?


Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: AmaLynn on August 01, 2011, 04:40:30 PM
bottom of my ears length. If you'd like, there is a picture of me on the "Could I Pass Someday?" Thread. You'd have to dig some though. It's rather buried.
Title: Re: Fast makeup for School
Post by: malibukay on September 04, 2011, 09:55:10 AM
when im in a rush, i love using my clinique pressed powder, its not heavy and give me the right amount of coverage without making me feel like im caked on. prior to it i use an eye luminizer, works wonders! =) hope that helps!