Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: Anatta on May 30, 2011, 04:45:56 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Do you still hold the same prejudices you held before, during, and after your tr
Post by: Anatta on May 30, 2011, 04:45:56 PM
Kia Ora,

  ::) Julie's topic on "beliefs" in the spiritual section, got me thinking about ones personal prejudices, for example related to ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, physical shapes fat, thin, etc, etc...

Much of what we are prejudice against tends to stem not only from ones "personal" experiences, but the root it would seem, comes from what we have/had been taught...For example if one lives in an environment where race was an issue, then the chances are you would have been indoctrinated from a very young age about the negative traits of certain races or ethnicities...

For the most part I believe these negative traits are just being "downloaded" from the instigators own negative attitude and behaviour and projected onto others...   

No doubt there are some members here who have grown up in an environment free of negative stereotyping, like all my children have...

Now that many of you are in the position of being discriminated against[some for the very first time] has it changed ones attitude when it come to ones personal prejudices?

A time for self exploration perhaps, a time to empty out the old closet and throw away the mental garbage that's been cluttering up the space...

I'm off to work now...

Happy Mindfulness

Metta Zenda :)   
Title: Re: Do you still hold the same prejudices you held before, during, and after your tr
Post by: Janet_Girl on May 30, 2011, 04:57:35 PM
Shamefully, I must admit that I do, which might partly be why it took me so long to begin transition.  I am overcoming them, but I do still notice them now and then.

What they are will remain within me.  There is no basis in fact, but they get reinforced by societal view points.  Being Transsexual it is easier to overcome them.
Title: Re: Do you still hold the same prejudices you held before, during, and after your tr
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on May 30, 2011, 04:59:15 PM
I've always been in a position to be discriminated against, now I'm just in a bigger one. No, my personal prejudices haven't changed.
Title: Re: Do you still hold the same prejudices you held before, during, and after your tr
Post by: Anatta on May 31, 2011, 10:36:44 PM
Kia Ora,
Thanks for your honesty Trista & Janet...

On a similar topic, an dear friend on another forum, posted this youtube link to an old song from the musical "South Pacific"...The song was banned at the time the musical came out in the US [for obvious reasons]...Times change but people...........................

Mandy Patinkin - South Pacific - Carefully Taught (

Metta Zenda :)
Title: Re: Do you still hold the same prejudices you held before, during, and after your tr
Post by: Miniar on June 01, 2011, 07:47:09 AM
Ofcourse mine have.
I mean, I change every day, atleast a little bit. I'm never 100% the same from day to day.
My understanding and awareness of the world and the society that surrounds me has changed.
As such, my attitudes and ideals have changed ever so slightly.

I can't say I've ever been terribly "ist", but there's little things I didn't understand two years ago that I'm more careful about today.
Things I do and say.

But this is a change I can't attribute to transition, but to reading, learning, growing, as a human being, in general.