Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Hate => Topic started by: Natasha on June 01, 2011, 01:10:02 PM Return to Full Version

Title: “Protected categories”
Post by: Natasha on June 01, 2011, 01:10:02 PM
"Protected categories" (

"Here we go again. Another law that will impact all of us for a tiny minority of aberrant individuals who don't feel "comfortable" with the sex "identity" giiven to them by God......So many people I know say they have no problem with sexually disordered individuals (or whatever you want to call them), that this group has no affect on their lives, live and let live, etc., etc. If they could look over the collective laws and regulations that have been implemented since the sodomite movement has come to the fore, even in schools, they would suddenly realize that it is too late for the government to fight the evil (if it even wanted to). Only God cane stop it now. That's presuming, of course, that the Catholic Church bishops continue to offer weak or no resistance. "
Title: Re: “Protected categories”
Post by: Sabriel Facrin on June 01, 2011, 09:20:13 PM
In general they don't like transgenders :\  Well, I tried to make a post worded to try to get them to at least not pressure on us, but it's kind of tough trying to pose as a member of a religion you don't really know much of .^^;
Title: Re: “Protected categories”
Post by: Sephirah on June 01, 2011, 09:57:20 PM
The comments about that article... lol, I don't even know what to say about that.

QuoteWhy not just pass a law stating that perversion is normal and normal is perversion? That should cover it.

I tend to take things with a pinch of salt when folks witter on about what is and isn't "normal" while at the same time believing in someone who walked on water, created an entire catering business out of thin air, and came back from the dead. It doesn't exactly lend a whole lot of authority to their assertions.
Title: Re: “Protected categories”
Post by: Cindy on June 02, 2011, 04:11:19 AM
Amazing comments.
I'm really glad I live in Australia. We've had these basic rules for years. Ok there is discrimination but this sort of toxic mind bending self righteous rubbish;  I'm the chosen one, and everyone else is a sinner is too childish to be taken seriously. Sadly it has to be. I see little difference between these people and those that ran around wearing pillow covers over their tiny brains.  I'm sure god was on their side as well.



Title: Re: “Protected categories”
Post by: MillieB on June 02, 2011, 06:07:40 AM
I was brought up in a Catholic environment so am very aware of their 'views' and it's pure bigotry.

I don't understand the point of posting every negative thing that comes out of their bigoted little mouths, just seems like some Orwellian '2 minute hate' exercise to me  :(