Community Conversation => Transitioning => Facial feminization surgery => Topic started by: AmySmiles on June 10, 2011, 04:35:58 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: AmySmiles on June 10, 2011, 04:35:58 PM
Well, not quite yet :)  I'm flying out to San Francisco with my sister this coming Monday and my FFS with Dr. Ousterhout is on Wednesday.

I'm very excited, but also pretty scared.  Full-time will officially start soon afterward, so it's a big step in more ways than one.  All in all, it ought to be an interesting trip.  I've been to Oregon and Washington before, but never California, so I'm hoping I'll at least be able to sight-see around San Francisco and see a couple things after I've healed up a little bit.  If anyone from here lives in the area and would like to meet up for dinner or something, feel free to PM me.  I'm also up for any suggestions on what's best to see in the city. :)

I'll post pictures in the members section after I heal up some.
Title: Re: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: Amerryprankster on June 12, 2011, 04:19:02 PM
Many blessings and luck to you!

I had FFS with Ousterhout in 2007 and haven't looked back since. You're gonna look amazing and feel amazing too---which is, in the end, what really counts.
Title: Re: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: Melody Maia on June 12, 2011, 05:03:03 PM
Good luck Amy! I'm sure that I can speak for all of us here in Florida who can't wait to see you when you get back!
Title: Re: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: AmySmiles on June 12, 2011, 06:33:50 PM
Thank you!!  I'm so crazy nervous.  I can't wait to see everyone again either :D
Title: Re: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: Caith on June 13, 2011, 08:25:04 AM
Well, you're probably in the air and flying by now, so I wish you safe travels and good times.  Congratulations on having your FFS this week.  I hope you heal quickly and very well.  The difference should be nothing short of remarkable.  ;D
Title: Re: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: tekla on June 13, 2011, 08:41:52 AM
* - The Asian Art Museum is the largest outside of Asia, it's downtown, Civic Center.
* - Golden Gate Park is awesome, both the art and nature museums there rock.
* - It's a much better deal to take the GGT Ferry from the foot of Market Street (the Ferry Building) to Sausalito get off, stroll about and have some lunch or something then take the GGT Ferry back to the Ferry Building then to take one of those Red/White, or Blue/Gold tourists boat trips.
* - The Alcatraz Tour seems touristy, but it's not.  Lots of hard uphill walking though.  Worth it.
* - Hiking the trail from the GG Bridge to Land's End and the Sutro Baths is totally amazing, easy, and free.  Major bus routes are there at both ends of it.  No stores on the route though, so bring some water and other provisions.  It's about 3-4 miles.
* - Pretty much all the Italian joints in North Beach, and the Mexican places in the Mission are pretty good.  Too much competition for bad food to last long.
Title: Re: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: AmySmiles on June 19, 2011, 01:21:03 PM
Thank you Tekla, I'll be sure to check those places out if I have the energy.  I know a 3-4 mile hike would be out of the question at this point, but some of the other places are probably worth checking out :)  Definitely want to see Golden Gate park.

As for how the surgery went, it was actually not bad in retrospect.  Aside from thinking I was going to die from lack of appetite the first 2 days and only being able to drink small amounts of water and spoonfuls of small ice cubes, it got way way better after the 3rd day.  i now feel like a human being again, if a tired and swollen one.  I'm sure once this nose packing comes out tomorrow I'll be able to do all sorts of fun things like eat macaroni and cheese and mushed up yummy foods.  I certainly can't wait for that!!  Anyhoo, just thought I'd give an update to anyone who cares :)
Title: Re: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: JungianZoe on June 19, 2011, 01:29:54 PM
Yes, you'll be enjoying pureed broccoli any day now. :laugh:

But seriously, congrats, Amy!  What an awesome step to have taken.
Title: Re: Off to see the wizard...
Post by: AmySmiles on June 25, 2011, 12:32:06 PM
Back home and happy.  I posted 10-day post-op pictures in the MTF private area since I don't want to show off my bruised face to everyone on the planet just yet.  The rest of the forum will see some pictures once the swelling goes down in a month or two.  :)