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General Discussions => Videos => Beauty => Makeup => Topic started by: dlee on May 01, 2013, 07:13:10 PM

Title: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: dlee on May 01, 2013, 07:13:10 PM
Hi ladies I wanted to start making posts in regard to beauty and health and I thought this would be my perfect opportunity to do so. I want to help girls like us find themselves and find what works for them and what they like. Beauty and health is so fun to me so lets get it started :)!

This post is for beginners wanting to start makeup, let me start off by saying LESS IS MORE. I can't tell you how important that is, so many women go over the top to the point where it looks a little drag. This is especially bad for girls like us who's goal is to pass with or without makeup.

Foundation: (
I really like this foundation because it gives you a really soft natural matte finish, it looks as if you don't have any product on which is amazing. I got mine from CVS pharmacy for 13.99 which isn't bad compared to other brands. You should apply the foundation on your entire face so your skin can look nice and even, also dab a little foundation on your neck and blend it in so your skin can look totally even!

Powder: (
I apply powder very minimal because if you put to much you'll end up looking like a ghost. Some girls apply it all over , NO NO NO NO NO. The best thing to do is to apply it to where you need extra coverage, to either hide hair shadows, acne scars or whatever the case might be.This goes for 7.99 again at CVS pharmacy.

I really love this product from Almay, its amazing!  It's such a natural look but it still stands out. You use it in the gradient order it's in. The top color is to highlight your brow and gives it some natural definition which is perfect for girls like us if you have a strong brow bone. The second color is to blend between the light and the dark color. The darkest color is used to make your eyes stand out. This goes for 7.49 at CVS pharmacy.
For beginners this mascara works just fine, it gives you volume and length for only 3.99 at yet again CVS pharmacy.

lips: Foundation and lip balm, I may sound crazy but try it, it gives you a natural nude lip. Just by using your foundation and lip moisturizer you have. You first want to make sure your lips are nice and exfoliated, NO DRY SKIN!!!!!!! Then you you want to apply your lip moisturizer then your foundation. You should apply the foundation to your lips with your finger put s much as you like to get the natural nude lip you want.

I hope you ladies like try the look out and give me feedback how it turned out or if your have any questions feel free to comment. :)
*If you feel it needs improvement be sure to message me and let me know what you think I should work on.
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: NicholeD on May 01, 2013, 08:35:46 PM
This is good stuff, but I'm a bit confused on the lips.

If you're going for a natural nude lip look.... why not just leave you nips nude?
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: dlee on May 01, 2013, 08:49:36 PM
Thank you Nichole, that's a good question. Well the color of our lips are usually pink or a little darker depending on your skin tone. If you decided to go bare with just lip balm or a gloss your lips would look a little plain. Try it out and tell me what you think, its all about preference. ;)

Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: Sammy on May 02, 2013, 02:22:57 AM
This is certainly very useful :) At least, I dont have to google up all the stuff and watch YouTube video, which try to market different products at the same time :).  Which concealer would You suggest? I have heard that MaxFactor has some of the best ones... :) I would also love to get a small tutorial about eyeliners  - my experiments so far ended with sensation that this thing really tickles my eyes :P
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: Syne on May 02, 2013, 05:44:38 AM
A good brush set is worth its weight in gold. There are different brushes for just about everything. I use two foundation brushes: one for the primer and the other for foundation. I was being photographed a lot and went with a foundation geared for that.

And yes less is more. I do the barely there look for runs to the market and such. It just evens out the skin tone. Master it and people will envy you for your "perfect skin".  ^-^
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: A on May 02, 2013, 07:20:54 AM
Quote from: Antonia J on May 02, 2013, 05:27:45 AM
What kind of brushes would I use? Do I use different brushes for the foundation and powder?
Uhm, I think many powders come with their own brush. I'm not sure it's the very best choice, but I'm guessing it's at least decent.

As for foundation, this one is liquid, so. Finger?

Anyway, I have a question... If I'm blond-ish, is mascara appropriate? Are there... blond mascaras? I've always thought that it wasn't (unless you want black eyelashes that stand out a lot and don't fit with the rest of you), but this seemed a good occasion to ask.

Also, I think it's important to mention that while this guide is useful, getting the right colours for you is important. Not just between Black and White people, but there are tons of skin tones inside, outside and in-between those groups, and you can't just get a universal foundation or something. I don't know much about make-up - hey, I only own foundation, and I wasn't even the one to buy it - but I know that the foundation my sister bought me, the same as hers, gives me sort of a weird skin tone. Nothing terrible, so I'll still use the package - it was expensive, too - but still not ideal.
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: Tristan on May 02, 2013, 08:31:58 AM
Quote from: dlee on May 01, 2013, 08:49:36 PM
Thank you Nichole, that's a good question. Well the color of our lips are usually pink or a little darker depending on your skin tone. If you decided to go bare with just lip balm or a gloss your lips would look a little plain. Try it out and tell me what you think, its all about preference. ;)
this is a very good point. i like to add a little color to sometimes so my lips dont look so plan. and i love Almay products
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: dlee on May 02, 2013, 09:17:10 AM
Hi Sammy, Thank you so much. My favorite concealer would be  MAC's conceal and correct palette it's a little pricey 40 dollars  :o but it's totally worth it. But since that's so expensive I would suggest Maybeline fit me concealer. It works great especially if your new to makeup and it goes for 5 bucks. I also suggest you try Max Factor find what works for you :). Yes eyeliner can be very tricky, I will definitely make a tutorial.
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: dlee on May 02, 2013, 09:21:02 AM
Hi  Antonia J to apply your foundation you should use a foundation brush. The powder comes with a beauty blender which you use to apply your powder. E.L.F cosmetics has a foundation brush for only 3 bucks. I will put the link below ;).{lpurlpath}&gclid=CMeuq-nO97YCFep7QgoduHoAIg (
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: dlee on May 02, 2013, 09:22:45 AM
Yes  Syne once you mastered the art of makeup it's like magic! ;)
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: dlee on May 02, 2013, 09:31:00 AM
Hi A, that's a very good question unfortunately they don't. I would suggest you go with a brown mascara and apply it lightly to your lashes not completely covering the blonde if you want a really natural look. Also good point yes we all come in different colors that's why it's so important to know your undertone; cool, warm, or neutral. If you want I can make a tutorial so you can find your undertone. :)
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: dlee on May 02, 2013, 09:31:56 AM
Exactly Tristan gives it a little pop! ;)
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: Renee on May 02, 2013, 09:35:49 AM
Quote from: A on May 02, 2013, 07:20:54 AM
Uhm, I think many powders come with their own brush. I'm not sure it's the very best choice, but I'm guessing it's at least decent.

As for foundation, this one is liquid, so. Finger?

Anyway, I have a question... If I'm blond-ish, is mascara appropriate? Are there... blond mascaras? I've always thought that it wasn't (unless you want black eyelashes that stand out a lot and don't fit with the rest of you), but this seemed a good occasion to ask.

Also, I think it's important to mention that while this guide is useful, getting the right colours for you is important. Not just between Black and White people, but there are tons of skin tones inside, outside and in-between those groups, and you can't just get a universal foundation or something. I don't know much about make-up - hey, I only own foundation, and I wasn't even the one to buy it - but I know that the foundation my sister bought me, the same as hers, gives me sort of a weird skin tone. Nothing terrible, so I'll still use the package - it was expensive, too - but still not ideal.
A brush works fine with most liquid foundations and doesn't absorb as much of it like a sponge would.

Also, they do make clear mascara, but its not lengthening though.
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: A on May 02, 2013, 08:34:35 PM
What's the use of that clear mascara, then? o.o

And well, since mascara sounds annoying to put on, remove and cry with, I think I'll just use this excuse I have not to use it. :p

I'm just not a visual learner though. I so wish someone would sit down with me, teach me and correct me as I try it. My sister says she sucks at it and refuses, and my mother is all "it's obvious, can't you see?" which makes her an awful teacher of anything whatsoever. And obviously I don't have any friends that aren't online. Sigh.
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: Jennygirl on May 02, 2013, 08:52:35 PM
A great tip I just started incorporating.. If you use liquid foundation, mixing primer with it on the brush as you apply will really help it bond smoothly and last.

I use cover fx's primer, mac liquid concealer/foundation (lighter than skin tone) for beard area and under eye circles mixed with dabs of orange lipstick, and clinique bb cream for actual skin tone foundation. I finish off with a super light powdering of makeup forever pro finish.

I put a thin layer of primer on before everything, then mix it on the tip of the brush as I'm applying the concealer & bb cream. Lasts all day. The stuff I use is pricey, but it's the only thing I've found that works for my skin.

BB cream is amazing if you are getting laser. It's kind of like a skin treatment on it's own. Most brands contain minerals and other good stuff to help maintain your skin. It doesn't clog pores, contains SPF, and has a moisturizer built in. When I'm done with laser and I don't have facial hair to cover, I'll probably just stick with BB cream alone.
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: A on May 02, 2013, 09:05:27 PM
Be careful about BB creams though. They can be great, but also not-so-great. They can be made awful just like any other product; "BB" is no guarantee against that. Also, there's no rule regarding that "BB" name. They can call a product BB cream while it's not really that.

^From a TV show for consumer protection that I like, not experience. I've never tried such things.
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: Jennygirl on May 03, 2013, 01:38:53 AM
Quote from: A on May 02, 2013, 09:05:27 PM
Be careful about BB creams though. They can be great, but also not-so-great. They can be made awful just like any other product; "BB" is no guarantee against that. Also, there's no rule regarding that "BB" name. They can call a product BB cream while it's not really that.

^From a TV show for consumer protection that I like, not experience. I've never tried such things.

It's true! With something that you are going to apply to your face every day, it is worth checking out what goes into it.

Here is a good comparison of BB creams if anyone is interested: (
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: dlee on May 03, 2013, 12:40:02 PM
Thanks checking the link out right now. ;)
Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: barbie on May 03, 2013, 02:18:41 PM
When applying cleaner, cream or foundation, do not rub your face with hands. Just striking gently your face with fingers will make it easy to absorb, looking more natural. Repeat until all is absorbed.

Title: Re: Makeup for beginners and first timers.
Post by: A on May 04, 2013, 10:07:26 AM
Honestly, my mother has been telling me that, and I don't believe a word of it. She put foundation on my face like that - annoyingly gently. As expected because the product has to be spread, and quickly before it starts to dry, it was a failure. I needed to fix it up myself.

Same for cleaning, or applying creams. Honestly, all of that, tried and failed.