Susan's Place Transgender Resources

General Discussions => Health => Nutrition => Topic started by: Newgirl Dani on July 14, 2016, 03:14:21 PM

Title: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: Newgirl Dani on July 14, 2016, 03:14:21 PM
Hi all, this question is outside the norm for most vitamin questions.  Due to the very strict income window I have to work in, my nutrition I am sure must be very lacking.  A monthly Social Security income of $654.00 leaves zip, once the bills are paid, so my question is this:  Due to the inability of having a work-around solution for my $ situation the 'balanced diet' answer does not do much for me.  So if anyone knows of a multi vitamin brand that they have personally researched and used, I would appreciate knowing the name.  A product derived from quality sources would be ideal.  I pulled out some bottles of the "Twinlab" that I used to take but the amounts are astronomical for a women's RDA.  Interesting to note, I did go to Twinlab to find if they make a women's vitamin now and they do, problem, the individual amounts are 3 times higher than my men's?????  I cannot go to a specialty store as my food cards are only good at Walmart and have to last 4 months.  Second and probably a question that may not have an answer, which to use, men's w/o iron or women's?  I cannot say for sure but reason tells me that because the m2f transgender's hormone landscape is not as it was, it is bound to affect vitamin amounts immensely.  Help on this would be appreciated. :)
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: Dena on July 14, 2016, 04:24:21 PM
I don't know how good it is but I take Centrum Silver. I looked at the mens and woman's formulas and figure I was old enough just to take something that match may age and hair color. I normally buy it at Sam's Club or Costco in the large bottle so it lasts me most of a year. Along with that I take a single calcium tablet just to add to the milk I consume.
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: Newgirl Dani on July 15, 2016, 10:34:04 PM
Quote from: Dena on July 14, 2016, 04:24:21 PM
I don't know how good it is but I take Centrum Silver. I looked at the mens and woman's formulas and figure I was old enough just to take something that match may age and hair color. I normally buy it at Sam's Club or Costco in the large bottle so it lasts me most of a year. Along with that I take a single calcium tablet just to add to the milk I consume.

Thanks Dena, I will check on that on my next trip to town.  :)
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: EmilyMK03 on July 15, 2016, 11:50:03 PM
I also take a tablet of Centrum daily.  It's a good multivitamin and not too expensive.  I eat a balanced, healthy diet, but it's nearly impossible to get every vitamin and element just from food alone.  And even if it was possible, keeping track would be way too tedious.  It's easier just to take a multivitamin everyday to make sure my body is getting everything it needs.
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: Newgirl Dani on July 22, 2016, 09:12:29 PM
Quote from: EmilyMK03 on July 15, 2016, 11:50:03 PM
I also take a tablet of Centrum daily.  It's a good multivitamin and not too expensive.  I eat a balanced, healthy diet, but it's nearly impossible to get every vitamin and element just from food alone.  And even if it was possible, keeping track would be way too tedious.  It's easier just to take a multivitamin everyday to make sure my body is getting everything it needs.

Much thanks Emily, so that is two counts for Centrum.  ;D  Funny thing is...since my reply to Dena, I got to digging around and found an old bottle of Centrum Silver for Men (from back in my guy daze).  Now I just gotta buy meeself some women's.  Thanks for responding.   Dani 
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: Deborah on July 22, 2016, 09:55:07 PM
I don't think there is a whole lot of difference between men's and women's vitamins except that women's vitamins usually have more iron to help rebuild lost blood.  So unless you are bleeding a lot it probably doesn't matter physiologically which one you take.
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: IdontEven on July 23, 2016, 02:20:54 AM
I sat down one night and looked at a ton of supplement nutrition info, and looked up stuff on webmd. I know your question was in regard to a super tight budget, but I'm going to just info-dump in the hope that the info is at all useful to anyone.

Multivitamin - the best one, by my standards*, that I could find was Nature's Bounty Multi Day Plus Minerals. I'd give a link to the Amazon page but I think that's prohibited. I find lots of Nature's Bounty stuff in stores, but this particular supplement I can only find online. It's by far the best supplement I could find, even within the NB line.

* - as little as possible being over 100% of recommended, and with as much variety as possible

Biotin - Haven't noticed much from this yet, though it may be contributing to my skin. The hair and nails haven't really responded the way I was hoping, I may need to increase my dose.

MSM - This made my joints awesome. When I first started taking this I actually had a lot of discomfort (I made a post about it at the time, but hadn't put it together as being related to the supplement. I tend to be really sensitive to change and the effects of drugs...) But after about a week it was all good and now my joints are better than ever. May also contribute to skin, and I think it either spurred some alignment changes of my skeleton or coincided with them.

Fish oil - Increased my good cholesterol levels to the point my doc got really happy and quit bugging me about it. I may switch to flax seed oil as I think it has the same omega-3 stuff and no risk of mercury, no fish taste, no squeezing of the fishies for their precious oil, etc.

Evening primrose - Contributes to better skin and has some other potentially nice effects.

Vitamin D + calcium - this was recommended by a psychiatrist to help stabilize and improve my moods. Also helps to retain bone density, I imagine?

Magnesium - I don't need this nearly as often now that I have a decent multivitamin, but I still find I need to take this maybe once or twice a month or my muscles start being even more useless than usual.

Cranberry juice - I forget why my friend recommended it, but this stuff is the nectar of the gods! Drink some. For seriously. Stomach problems I had since starting HRT that kept getting worse with every dose increase and when adding progesterone were magically fixed in a way that fiber supplements couldn't come close to. I guess it does other stuff too. Huge source of carbs though...I've been told there are cranberry pills? Can I just get all my nutrition from pills? It would be a lot easier than the whole eating thing tbh...
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: Newgirl Dani on July 23, 2016, 01:06:45 PM
Quote from: Deborah on July 22, 2016, 09:55:07 PM
I don't think there is a whole lot of difference between men's and women's vitamins except that women's vitamins usually have more iron to help rebuild lost blood.  So unless you are bleeding a lot it probably doesn't matter physiologically which one you take.

Thanks Deborah, I do believe we are on the same page on this yep, I agree!
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: Newgirl Dani on July 23, 2016, 01:19:09 PM
Quote from: IdontEven on July 23, 2016, 02:20:54 AM
I sat down one night and looked at a ton of supplement nutrition info, and looked up stuff on webmd. I know your question was in regard to a super tight budget, but I'm going to just info-dump in the hope that the info is at all useful to anyone.

Multivitamin - Nature's Bounty Multi Day Plus Minerals  (will look into)

* - as little as possible being over 100% of recommended, and with as much variety as possible

Biotin (was taking as a hair supp, long ago, the new vitamin will include this)

MSM (Interesting!)

Fish oil....(Already take)

Evening primrose - Contributes to better skin and has some other potentially nice effects.  (will look into)

Vitamin D + calcium
Magnesium (good for nerve function as well)

Cranberry juice....This is kinda funny as I have an open container of this 'now' in the fridge.  :)

You don't even what?  Oh Jeez, forgive me, I am the eternal smart aleck  ;D   That was time consuming for you so thank you sooooooooo much.....Dani
Title: Re: Vitamin supplements, low nutrition, mens or women's?
Post by: IdontEven on July 23, 2016, 06:51:37 PM
You're welcome! Hope it was useful :)

And I don't even ALL THE THINGS! It's just like...bleargh.
And then it's totally...uuuugh.
And then everyone's all like wha?
And I just can't even...

Know what I mean?

Far out.